About time we get a new Sonic thread going out here

I want to know your relation to the Sonic series. Yes, if you couldn't tell (and if you couldn't, how!?) I am one o' them Sonic nerds. Actually, I'm part of the 'BumbleKrew' - small things, I help out with the community here and there for the BumbleKast podcast (does anybody remember the BumbleKing Forums? The Flynn-man used to run a Q&A, occasionally with other writers from the STH Archie comics - some time in 2016, they switched over to a podcast format, with my main man, Kyle JCrb Crouse

So you can imagine that I'm quite far into the Sonic fan community! That, and, I've got some friends who make absolutely awesome things, that it's hard not to be trapped here forever; already above mentioned Ian and Kyle... Then there's AvaArctic who writes the incredible 'Tangle & Whisper: New Roads' fancomic, Dai and partner who host Weston Super Sonic and Sonic Fanfest, Johnny writes an incredible fic called 'Ruby Haze', and ZOMG there are so many more awesome projects in the works that I can't even tell you, and even more things that if I keep listing stuffs, I'll b typing here forever!
My FAVOURITE Sonic character is... Julie-Su, second only to Knuckles! Yes, I'm still surprised that Julie-Su isn't a 'canon' Sonic character anymore... What a bummer... (Leave any jokes about 'that' Ex-Sonic writer at the door; trust, I've heard it all

no, I am not a fan of his. No, I do not want to hear his name be spoken in my house.)
Knuckles, Knuckles, Knuckles... He's getting his own arc in the IDW comics right now; written by Stanley and Flynn! Oooh, and didja check out the 900th Advenure Special?! Yes, I was the Echidnerd in the back of issue 64 gushing about echidnas -- Nigel Kitching got to write Knuckles' pages! Yes, Nigel Kitching, of Sonic the Comic fame! As a British Sonic fan, that brings tears of joy to my eyes - Sonic the Comic is 'our' comic.. And you know that I grew up with those brilliant comics!
Ooh, yes, and we went to Sonic Symphony last month - what a fantastic show! Jun Senoue is a sweetheart, really made my entire year

How did I get into Sonic... I'm one of those 'second generation' fans - I'm only 24, so I certainly wasnt one of the fans who picked up Sonic 1 on release, like many of my friends had; I was handed Sonic & Knuckles as soon as I could hold a controller, and the rest, as they say, was history! My love only grew over time. I discovered the echidnas, and that just helped me to curate an incredible fanspace of other fans just as obsessed with them.
That, and, I was a huge SatAM fan back in the day.. I still am, don't get me wrong - my exposure to the Archie Sonic Comics were limited, being in the U.K; I got all of the news from the internet, and sometimes people would post their scans onto forums and fansites. It took me a while to be able to actually read the Archie comics. I also loved Sonic Underground.. I know, ancient sins! When Sonic X came out, I quickly joined the fanbase - it used to be popular in Anime circles, back when we all used to be bundled in together, no matter which one you liked

Tell me; are you a fan, how did you get into the series if you are; do you have a favourite character? Favourite game?