Well in that case i might have a challenge or request for you.
I'd like for a starter to see what you can do so here's my request

I'd like you to do my black and white Wolf girls.
They are twins both with green eyes, but want i really want is a picture that goes back to their roots as a sniper team, they can both have a sniper rifle or one can have the weapon and the other spotter binoculars something akin to

but with a sci-fi flare.
As for the setting... a desert or arctic tundra would be fine or even a forest.... or heck a frozen winter forest, surprize me maybe.... just want to see what you can do. The two being twin sisters are very much a very effective team... sometimes they play as the guitar and bass guitar in my OC band.... Not really sure what else i can say as i kinda have their picture above somebody else did, doesn't have to match the style but you can see thier fur color and tribal markings.
Also I dunno if you saw but you can link your FA in your profile and people will have to click the little icon.... like where mine has FA DA and such.