"What does Ventus do in her free time? How's the world around him where she lives? Who takes care of her? Who are her friends? What does she wanna do in the future? Like does she have a goal?"
These questions will be brought up (or should be brought up) in the following few posts. If not, let me know

Origin / Growing Up
(Part 2)
It had been some time since the unfolded ball-shaped creature hatched from the fluffy egg. For some odd reason she felt like she wanted to keep the egg. Being too small and unhandy with her limbs, she simply decided to stay around the egg for a while.
Nothing too much of importance happened in the first few early years of her life. She had no other goal than to live. To eat when she was hungry, to sleep when she was tired, to hide when a scary predator would try to eat her instead.
It was a good life. Well, besides the constantly hiding.
But as she was growing up, Ventus started to realise there was more to life than just food and sleep.
She could have fun.
More often than not she would play with the rabbit and hare inhabitants of the area. These creatures loved playing around with her, but at the end of the day they had to survive. Eating, sleeping, hiding from predators. Such a creature like Ventus was could put them in danger, so they sometimes would try to flee from her when they felt the need to. Ventus didn't mind, however.
Her arms, legs and tail all had grown when she was growing into a youngling or 'child'. The fur coat also was a bit less thick. She could now move around with much more ease and was more agile. Still having to hide from larger predators, she soon found out she did not have to hide anymore from smaller predators as she was growing in size, and was learning to work with her skills.
Ventus -by accident- found out her touch could kill. When being hunted down by fox and cornered, the fox bit into her left hand, damaging the left ring claw/finger. The anxiety and stress from earlier caused the toxins to secrete through her skin (and tongue).
The fox died nearly instantaneously due to an overdose of the paralysing toxin.
She was extremely upset. While she wanted the fox to stop chasing her, she did not mean to kill the fox. Feeling extremely guilty, she felt this urge to cover the body in branches, leaves, moss and snow.
In the neck a 'chamber' lies with various 'sub-chambers'. The chamber contains a variety of poison or toxins.
- Sleeping
- Paralysing
- Numbing
The poison is secreted (by choice) via the tongue or pores of the skin. Being so young still, Ventus still had to learn how to control this ability.
The toxins are constantly being produced when the chambers become less filled (e.g. when Ventus would use one of the toxins to defend herself). However, it does take some time to slowly regenerate this amount of poison (a day or maybe a few days). The amount of time that it takes depends on various situations, such as if Ventus has been eating well enough or the temperature of the environment she is in, etc.
After a few years and some experiences later, she started to learn it was a natural ability she had. Ventus would always practise with this ability whenever she would be threatened by another creature, finding out she could control the amount of poison being secreted and even that she had different types of toxins.
She soon could stop animals from attacking her simply by finding a way to touch or lick them, which wasn't hard with her tongue having appendices that could stretch out. The animals would often be numbed at first. If they choose to continue she would paralyse one of their legs. If they were extremely persistent Ventus would have to either paralyse them fully, or put them to sleep. In the latter case she would make sure they would be hidden from view so other creatures wouldn't have an easy meal.
Besides this skill she also has acid in her blood stream. The concentration of acid depends on the diet, but Ventus does not find this out until later what contributes to these acid flux-concentrations.
The acid can be injected into the other creature via the teeth (the four front sharp/'canine' teeth; two of the top jaw, two of the bottom jaw) or via her claws.
Sometimes the toxins do not have an effect on the attacking creature, or they would be able to skillfully avoid Ventus' attempts to poison them, or in some cases the toxins are all used up.
She found out the acid ability to be quite a helpful method in these sort of situations.
Quite hating the effect the acid had on the creatures, she did not want to use it. So it really was being used as a final method of defence.
She now was a fully-fledged youngling and soon the forest she was secluded to would not be enough. She had often seen the barren tundra lands beyond the forest's border. A few trees here and there before they completely vanished and nothing left but a barren wasteland. Frozen vegetation, ice, snow.
She wondered what lay beyond.
A hand landed on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around. A creature larger than herself stood in front of her, simply looking at her. It didn't seem as if it was going to attack her. She did not lower her guard, however.
The creature was very light blue (nearly white) with black, standing on two legs like she was. It had no ears like Ventus had, but it did seem to have two horns on its head. The eyes were a bit odd-looking. They seemed so different from all other animals she had come across. They were pupil-less. The green colour filled the entirety of the eyes and they were slightly glowing. The creature also had a mane, which was of a different colour than that of the rest of its body. A dark green mane, nearly black, was covering its head, going over the back of its neck and seemingly resting on its shoulders and back. Some scales were covering its lower legs, top of its tail, and its upper arms.
"So..." It spoke* without its mouth moving, the words Ventus heard in her mind. "Quite the oddity..."
She twitched her ears, not understanding how she could hear this creature speak to her.
"I thought I sensed one of mine here, but you don't look at all like us."
What was it talking about? She had no idea.
It continued: "I see you are quite surprised. You have never seen anything like me before, have you?"
Ventus did not reply, she had no idea how to. How was this creature able convey a language to her? She never once learned to speak. Yet for some odd reason she could understand this creature's language fine without no problem.
"I bet you have many questions." It paused and seemed to realise the situation more thoroughly. "You do not know how to speak. Look at me. When I ask something and you agree, nod your head like this." The creature nodded its head to show her what it meant.
Ventus replied by nodding.
"Good. Now... When you disagree, shake your head. Like this." The creature shook its head slowly from side to side.
Ventus followed suit.
"Good. Now... Do you know where you came from?"
The green and red creature nodded.
"Oh?" The creature was surprised.
Ventus walked away, the creature followed her. After a ten minute walk, Ventus put her hands in an opening of a tree. She took out the egg shell she hatched from.
"I see," the creature seemed oddly confused. "Where are your parents?"
Parents? What are parents?
She shook her head in response.
"Every living being has parents. Where are yours? Show me."
She shook her head again.
The creature contemplated for a while. It seemed as if it was bothered by these answers.
"Do you have parents?"
Ventus shook her head.
"I see... May I... " It came slowly nearer, showing it meant no harm. "May I take a closer look at you?"
Ventus was wary but nodded her head.
The creature came close and looked intently at her facial features and the rest of her body, but moreso focusing on the face. It showed it wanted to touch her face, and after seeing the long-eared creature nodded, it placed its hands on her head. It jolted a bit, but kept its hands on the top of her head.
"You are one of us... How... odd..."
Ventus was confused by this. One of them?
"I feel the same power source through your body and mind as my species has. Or I should say: as our species has. I am still unsure why you look and act different. It also does not help you cannot converse that much more." It took a moment to think, then continued: "I am about to head out on the plains, the tundra. I have a mission I need to fulfil. Care to join me? You seemed quite interested in going out there yourself. Maybe we can go together? It's up to you."
Ventus looked behind them, deeper into the forest. She would miss it here. It was her home, and while the bunnies and hares weren't necessarily family, she would miss their company. Still... what was out there was also exciting.
The creature saw Ventus hesitating. "It won't be forever. You may choose to return if you wish. I might have to go through here on the way back."
She looked back at the odd-looking creature. Having made her decision, she nodded.
"Good," it said in Ventus' mind. It turned around to head back to the forest's border to start the journey onto the tundra. "Follow me. I will teach you our language and much more. In return I hope you can tell me all you know and have experienced."
(* = The language the Yhalaziëck speaks in is not English, nor any other human tongue. The entirely of this conversation that takes place between Ventus and this other individual is entirely in the language of the Yhalaziëck.)