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Author Topic: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development  (Read 39902 times)

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Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« on: January 17, 2017, 01:36:24 PM »
So my 5 year anniversary on the forums is coming up soon and I figured it is time to give Ventus' backstory a place somewhere. Something definitive.
It's not done, nor am I sure will it ever be done (at least while I'm alive :P) as her story is intertwined with me. She is 'my true furry persona'.

Some things might still be unclear or undeveloped. This is where you can come in.
Feel free to ask any questions with regards to Ventus Fall. I'll be happy to answer them, as it might help develop the backstory further, depending on the questions :)
If you have any suggestions, ideas, advice or tips with regards to the backstory/character development, feel free to also comment about that. I might not work anything into the actual backstory, but hearing from others can definitely help to define the character more (which I need help with).

I have a general idea of what I want to say about her backstory and any other information. It will take time but I'll be making posts as I go.

Origin/ 'Creation'

Ventus Fall does not have any biological parents, but she is related to ITO*.
So then how did she become to be if she had no parents?
When ITO was in a fight with another dragon from his clan, he got severely injured and used a technique he hadn't used before, involving his blood and his species' powers, creating an oddly mixed substance. (Such specifics relate to ITO and not directly to Ventus, I might create a separate thread for ITO at some point explaining this further.) He was able to return most of the blood with this new-found technique and repair most of the damage done to him, however some blood remained, infused and still affected by the creation power of ITO.
Due to the blood's natural instinct/automatic survival response to survive, over time (long after ITO had left the area) a smally fluffy egg formed from the blood. The egg grew larger over time until it was about 30 centimeters high and 20 centimeters wide -when the egg would be positioned in an upright position- and weighed between 3 and 5 kilograms approximately.
The area where the egg was being formed was in a rather cold climate (where ITO and his species generally thrive), a mixture of tundra and forest. It would sometimes suffer from heavy snow storms and often it would have to tackle severe freezing temperatures. Thanks to ITO's power being infused in the blood, which was now egg-shaped and gaining more fur and weight, it was possible to withstand such harsh weather conditions.
Whenever the egg would be threatened by creatures wanting to have the egg as food, the power would activate, making the egg become hidden from view by blending in with the surroundings or attack the creature if they got too nose-y.

(* = ITO is another dragon fursona character of mine. His species has the power to create anything with any density from their markings on their body. They do not become exhausted when using this power, but their insanity does drain, potentially leading to various complications.)

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Re: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2017, 03:53:33 PM »
The story sounds amazing so far! ^_^

Just some quick questions :p

Who gave the name Ventus to that creature?

Also in your world the only type of furries are dragons or are there other species? You also mentioned a clan.. it would be nice if we could have more insight what's going on :p

Also lastly about ITO.. are those initials of something? I mean does ITO mean something?

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Re: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2017, 11:12:03 PM »
Thank you, Vortex :)
And so many nice questions to answer too!

Who gave the name Ventus to that creature?
Good question, I'll have to address it in the backstory somehow! I think it will go rather similarly to how I came up with the name XD
Hopefully I'll get to it soon (I haven't finished writing this post while I write this, but it might come in this post, might not) so you understand what I mean.

Also in your world the only type of furries are dragons or are there other species? You also mentioned a clan.. it would be nice if we could have more insight what's going on :p
Considering Ventus Fall shares this universe I have with my other characters and fursonas of mine, I can honestly tell you there are other furry-type creatures.
So far I've only come up with one dragon species in particular: Yhalaziëck.
ITO is a young adolescent when he gets heavily injured. The clan information and stuff I definitely want to talk about at some point, but I think that would be more suited for ITO's backstory if anything x)  It most likely will not be mentioned in Ventus' backstory here.

Also lastly about ITO.. are those initials of something? I mean does ITO mean something?
Let's just say his species don't care about names. They never saw a need for them. If they want something from another, they'll ask that one directly, or refer in relation to another (e.g. "your sibling", "your rival", "your parent(s)"). Considering they divide themselves in smaller clans, there are usually not that many Yhalaziëck in one group and they have quite a close connection to each other.
ITO is a name and not an abbreviation, as when entering the lives of others who weren't of his species, he noticed they used names to refer to each other, so he took one upon himself.

On to some more backstory!

Origin / Growing Up
(Part 1)

The egg, still being in the extremely cold climate, was beginning to wiggle a bit and show cracks. Albeit the cracks were somewhat hidden from view due to the fur covering it. After some time a piece of the egg broke off and fell to the ground. It had hatched.
The rest of the egg was starting to fall to pieces as well, and out rolled a ball covered in fur. Except... it wasn't a ball at all.
The 'ball' started to unfold into a thing which had arms, legs, a tail, and a set of ears. If one wouldn't know better the creature could have been mistaken for an oddly shaped, oddly coloured rabbit.

Now will follow descriptions for each stage of her life (from baby to child, to teen to adolescent and finally to adult). There is no 'elder stage' in the works and there might never be.

Physical description / Hatchling (or 'baby')

Overall colour scheme:
(Body:) green; (Markings:) red, grey; (Tail tip:) dark green; (Inner ear:) dull light greenish yellow.

Some specific characteristics with regards to Ventus Fall as a hatchling/chick/infant/baby will now follow.
Rather small, size of an average full-grown bunny rabbit (approx. 40cm). Thick fur coat, which is beneficial to the extreme cold climate.
Ventus has a couple of special features which help her survive and remain hidden from potential predators:
The long and thick fur and its colour being mostly green with some red markings or highlights, Ventus can hide rather well in between any moss for cover. Looking for food she has a tongue with two long appendices. These two appendices are able to -much like a chameleon- jerk out to catch or grab food.

Physical description / 'Youngling'

Overall colour scheme:
(Body:) green, dark red (covering front part of the neck, the chest and belly); (Markings:) red, grey; (Tail tip:) dark green;  (Inner ear:) dull light greenish yellow.

The thick furcoat becomes a bit less long and seemingly less dense/thick over the years. The red becomes brighter and more noticeable and becomes more clear and defining. Another shade of red, a darker shade, forms thinly on the front of the neck and spreads out of the chest and belly.
A couple of small stubs form on the head at this stage. By the end of this stage these stubs will have formed into dull spikes. These spikes, however, aren't made of bone or some other dense material, but from fur. The fur grows more in those places and when growing it hardens and forms together to shape the spikes.
The two long appendices of the tongue are slowly and gradually becoming less long, shrinking in length.

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Re: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2017, 08:25:58 AM »
Sounds interesting so far :)

I would love to hear more about her backstory in terms of actual story.. like I feel questions like "What does Ventus do in her free time? How's the world around him where she lives? Who takes care of her? Who are her friends? What does she wanna do in the future? Like does she have a goal?"

For me these things really interest me and I really would like to know ^__^

Keep up the good work :)

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Re: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2017, 11:51:32 AM »
"What does Ventus do in her free time? How's the world around him where she lives? Who takes care of her? Who are her friends? What does she wanna do in the future? Like does she have a goal?"

These questions will be brought up (or should be brought up) in the following few posts. If not, let me know :)

Origin / Growing Up
(Part 2)

It had been some time since the unfolded ball-shaped creature hatched from the fluffy egg. For some odd reason she felt like she wanted to keep the egg. Being too small and unhandy with her limbs, she simply decided to stay around the egg for a while.
Nothing too much of importance happened in the first few early years of her life. She had no other goal than to live. To eat when she was hungry, to sleep when she was tired, to hide when a scary predator would try to eat her instead.
It was a good life. Well, besides the constantly hiding.
But as she was growing up, Ventus started to realise there was more to life than just food and sleep.
She could have fun.
More often than not she would play with the rabbit and hare inhabitants of the area. These creatures loved playing around with her, but at the end of the day they had to survive. Eating, sleeping, hiding from predators. Such a creature like Ventus was could put them in danger, so they sometimes would try to flee from her when they felt the need to. Ventus didn't mind, however.

Her arms, legs and tail all had grown when she was growing into a youngling or 'child'. The fur coat also was a bit less thick. She could now move around with much more ease and was more agile. Still having to hide from larger predators, she soon found out she did not have to hide anymore from smaller predators as she was growing in size, and was learning to work with her skills.

Ventus -by accident- found out her touch could kill. When being hunted down by fox and cornered, the fox bit into her left hand, damaging the left ring claw/finger. The anxiety and stress from earlier caused the toxins to secrete through her skin (and tongue).
The fox died nearly instantaneously due to an overdose of the paralysing toxin.
She was extremely upset. While she wanted the fox to stop chasing her, she did not mean to kill the fox. Feeling extremely guilty, she felt this urge to cover the body in branches, leaves, moss and snow.

In the neck a 'chamber' lies with various 'sub-chambers'. The chamber contains a variety of poison or toxins.
  • Sleeping
  • Paralysing
  • Numbing
The poison is secreted (by choice) via the tongue or pores of the skin. Being so young still, Ventus still had to learn how to control this ability.
The toxins are constantly being produced when the chambers become less filled (e.g. when Ventus would use one of the toxins to defend herself). However, it does take some time to slowly regenerate this amount of poison (a day or maybe a few days). The amount of time that it takes depends on various situations, such as if Ventus has been eating well enough or the temperature of the environment she is in, etc.

After a few years and some experiences later, she started to learn it was a natural ability she had. Ventus would always practise with this ability whenever she would be threatened by another creature, finding out she could control the amount of poison being secreted and even that she had different types of toxins.
She soon could stop animals from attacking her simply by finding a way to touch or lick them, which wasn't hard with her tongue having appendices that could stretch out. The animals would often be numbed at first. If they choose to continue she would paralyse one of their legs. If they were extremely persistent Ventus would have to either paralyse them fully, or put them to sleep. In the latter case she would make sure they would be hidden from view so other creatures wouldn't have an easy meal.

Besides this skill she also has acid in her blood stream. The concentration of acid depends on the diet, but Ventus does not find this out until later what contributes to these acid flux-concentrations.
The acid can be injected into the other creature via the teeth (the four front sharp/'canine' teeth; two of the top jaw, two of the bottom jaw) or via her claws.

Sometimes the toxins do not have an effect on the attacking creature, or they would be able to skillfully avoid Ventus' attempts to poison them, or in some cases the toxins are all used up.
She found out the acid ability to be quite a helpful method in these sort of situations.
Quite hating the effect the acid had on the creatures, she did not want to use it. So it really was being used as a final method of defence.

She now was a fully-fledged youngling and soon the forest she was secluded to would not be enough. She had often seen the barren tundra lands beyond the forest's border. A few trees here and there before they completely vanished and nothing left but a barren wasteland. Frozen vegetation, ice, snow.
She wondered what lay beyond.

A hand landed on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around. A creature larger than herself stood in front of her, simply looking at her. It didn't seem as if it was going to attack her. She did not lower her guard, however.
The creature was very light blue (nearly white) with black, standing on two legs like she was. It had no ears like Ventus had, but it did seem to have two horns on its head. The eyes were a bit odd-looking. They seemed so different from all other animals she had come across. They were pupil-less. The green colour filled the entirety of the eyes and they were slightly glowing. The creature also had a mane, which was of a different colour than that of the rest of its body. A dark green mane, nearly black, was covering its head, going over the back of its neck and seemingly resting on its shoulders and back. Some scales were covering its lower legs, top of its tail, and its upper arms.
"So..." It spoke* without its mouth moving, the words Ventus heard in her mind. "Quite the oddity..."
She twitched her ears, not understanding how she could hear this creature speak to her.
"I thought I sensed one of mine here, but you don't look at all like us."
What was it talking about? She had no idea.
It continued: "I see you are quite surprised. You have never seen anything like me before, have you?"
Ventus did not reply, she had no idea how to. How was this creature able convey a language to her? She never once learned to speak. Yet for some odd reason she could understand this creature's language fine without no problem.
"I bet you have many questions." It paused and seemed to realise the situation more thoroughly. "You do not know how to speak. Look at me. When I ask something and you agree, nod your head like this." The creature nodded its head to show her what it meant.
Ventus replied by nodding.
"Good. Now... When you disagree, shake your head. Like this." The creature shook its head slowly from side to side.
Ventus followed suit.
"Good. Now... Do you know where you came from?"
The green and red creature nodded.
"Oh?" The creature was surprised.
Ventus walked away, the creature followed her. After a ten minute walk, Ventus put her hands in an opening of a tree. She took out the egg shell she hatched from.
"I see," the creature seemed oddly confused. "Where are your parents?"
Parents? What are parents?
She shook her head in response.
"Every living being has parents. Where are yours? Show me."
She shook her head again.
The creature contemplated for a while. It seemed as if it was bothered by these answers.
"Do you have parents?"
Ventus shook her head.
"I see... May I... " It came slowly nearer, showing it meant no harm. "May I take a closer look at you?"
Ventus was wary but nodded her head.
The creature came close and looked intently at her facial features and the rest of her body, but moreso focusing on the face. It showed it wanted to touch her face, and after seeing the long-eared creature nodded, it placed its hands on her head. It jolted a bit, but kept its hands on the top of her head.
"You are one of us... How... odd..."
Ventus was confused by this. One of them?
"I feel the same power source through your body and mind as my species has. Or I should say: as our species has. I am still unsure why you look and act different. It also does not help you cannot converse that much more." It took a moment to think, then continued: "I am about to head out on the plains, the tundra. I have a mission I need to fulfil. Care to join me? You seemed quite interested in going out there yourself. Maybe we can go together? It's up to you."
Ventus looked behind them, deeper into the forest. She would miss it here. It was her home, and while the bunnies and hares weren't necessarily family, she would miss their company. Still... what was out there was also exciting.
The creature saw Ventus hesitating. "It won't be forever. You may choose to return if you wish. I might have to go through here on the way back."
She looked back at the odd-looking creature. Having made her decision, she nodded.
"Good," it said in Ventus' mind. It turned around to head back to the forest's border to start the journey onto the tundra. "Follow me. I will teach you our language and much more. In return I hope you can tell me all you know and have experienced."

(* = The language the Yhalaziëck speaks in is not English, nor any other human tongue. The entirely of this conversation that takes place between Ventus and this other individual is entirely in the language of the Yhalaziëck.)

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Re: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2017, 02:35:26 PM »
Wow! ^__^ I just finished reading it and I gotta say you got quite the imagination :)

It's very interesting.. honestly I've read many fursona stories before but this goes to my top 3 by what I read so far ^_^

So just asking.. how old approx is Ventus when that takes place? Like does this work with human ages or do furries in your world age differently?

And by the way how come Ventus doesn't have a fire breath? Isn't she supposed to be a dragon? I mean she could have all those poisons and neurotoxins and acids you gave her but why not fire? :p

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Re: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2017, 04:52:02 PM »
I'm really enjoying this also!
Vortex is asking a lot of the questions that I was going to ask.
I was also always under the impression that your character Ito wasn't as old as Ventus :O

I'm looking forward to see whether Ventus decides to go back home or to join Ito and what would happen!
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Re: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2017, 12:01:30 PM »
This is awesome! I can't wait to hear more about the character life and more so about the species and place where they are!
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Re: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2017, 12:25:18 PM »
Wow! ^__^ I just finished reading it and I gotta say you got quite the imagination :)
It's very interesting.. honestly I've read many fursona stories before but this goes to my top 3 by what I read so far ^_^
Thanks a lot, Vortex :3

So just asking.. how old approx is Ventus when that takes place? Like does this work with human ages or do furries in your world age differently?
She ages differently compared to humans. So if I would give an age, that wouldn't necessarily mean she is that age. If that makes sense?
I can tell you in the beginning she grows up a little bit faster than humans do, but not too much of a difference. Whereas the older she gets, the slower she seems to age, nearing almost a complete halt (at least with her physical body). The amount of markings, however, does give away she is getting older.

And by the way how come Ventus doesn't have a fire breath? Isn't she supposed to be a dragon? I mean she could have all those poisons and neurotoxins and acids you gave her but why not fire? :p
WELL! WHAT A STEREOTYPE! Dragons breathing fire. PFFF!
:P  I shall school you!  o3o
Western dragons breath fire, but have you ever wondered what Eastern dragons do? They don't breath fire (there are a few exceptions, as with everything). It turns out they breath smoke or breath/bring water (rain). When I designed Ventus all these years ago, I had one thing in mind: To make a mixture between Western and Eastern dragon traits.
But I also wanted to make her unique in a way, so I hope that answers your question ^-^

I'm really enjoying this also!
Vortex is asking a lot of the questions that I was going to ask.
I was also always under the impression that your character Ito wasn't as old as Ventus :O

I'm looking forward to see whether Ventus decides to go back home or to join Ito and what would happen!
Thank you ^^ And shame XD I was hoping you would have more questions!
And they're not the same age. Once Ventus grows up she might look the same age, but definitely isn't. The physical ageing process slows down after a certain point. This is the same for both ITO and Ventus.

This is awesome! I can't wait to hear more about the character life and more so about the species and place where they are!

Thank you, Shoon :3

Also a spoiler note to anyone reading:
Spoiler for Hidden:
The Yhalaziëck mentioned in this encounter with Ventus with these posts is not ITO ;)

Origin / Growing Up
(Part 3)

Ventus and the Yhalaziëck had travelled for quite some time, possibly for a couple of years. They both had no idea -nor cared- how long they had travelled for. The Yhalaziëck had no name, nor did Ventus*. They simply referred to one another as 'you'.
"Tell me," as they both sat down to delve into the food they both had caught earlier that day the Yhalaziëck addressed Ventus. "Have I treated you well?"
Ventus pondered for a moment, unsure what to say or think. Then she simply summarised it by saying: "As far as I am aware of, yes. However, I cannot compare it to anything else. Personally, I do think so, if that answers your question."
The Yhalaziëck smiled and continue to eat some fish it had caught.
It was proud to see and hear the green-and-red dragon being able to speak, although they did not have the same ability it seemed as the Yhalaziëck's own species. It did seem like she had the ability, but it was not on par with the Yhalaziëck. She had to talk like other creatures; Opening and closing the mouth to form words, sentences. The Yhalaziëck had no vocal chords, they had a mouth to eat and drink with, but talking... speech... was all via the mind. It was also much easier to convey thoughts, feelings and experiences in such a manner. It noticed whenever it would talk with the young dragon creature, that it would sometimes have difficulty forming words.
"Might I ask if this is the time if you can recall anything about your past? We haven't gotten much further for a while, and I am still rather curious." The creature swallowed the fish's head and grinned with its teeth. It really liked its fish.
"All I have said to you is what I remember, I wish I could remember more, but alas," the young fluffy creature said in response. "I can't recall how I came to be. I'm sure most -if not all- creatures have that. And how can I recall when my mind had not shaped before a certain time?"
"There is such a thing as a soul, it does not need a body to survive and remember."
Ventus was getting slightly annoyed. "I know you have all this knowledge, but I have yet to see your people you speak so fondly of. I have yet to see this soul, and anything else you have told me about. I appreciate you helping me and guiding me. I appreciate you learned me to speak, so I can convey more directly what I think and feel to you. But..." She looked off into the wasteland.
Sometimes the tundra would melt a bit and show some moss. The water would defrost as well, making it much easier to catch food. They always tried to stay close to the unfrozen water, if that was not possible, they would hunt for food by other means.
"Look," the Yhalaziëck seemed to sigh, "I understand the frustration, but I have yet to tell you why we cannot yet see my kind."
Ventus listened.
"I have been outcast. I let my powers get the better of me. It is why you have never seen me use it. In order to be let back in I have been given this task to survive in the wild until someone comes and gets me. I don't know when it will be or who will do this, but I have slowly come to the realisation it may never happen. Before it's too late, I will guide you to them."
She was stunned after hearing this. Ventus had no idea. She always assumed this creature went voluntarily out into the wasteland.
"It is not a harsh life necessarily. I can use my powers whenever I want to if I want to make my life easier, although that would go against my clan's punishment, it would go against their wish. It will be going against my pride too. I cannot be let back in if I cannot redeem myself. I need no redemption from them. I need redemption from myself. So you see, I would love to show you my kind. I would want to see if anyone can figure out where you came from, why you seem alike in so many ways, but not in others." It paused before continuing, taking another bite from the fish. "We met soon after I got banished. I had to go to the tundra, the wasteland. You happened to be on my way. I think it is not a coincidence. I felt the presence of my kind closeby, only to find you. You can imagine probably how stunned I was."
Ventus nodded. "I see..."
"Trust me, the time will come I can show you more. One way or another, I will find a way to show you somehow."
The green-and-red dragon also started to eat a fish.
"Which reminds me..." the creature started, "powers... You should have them."
"I'm not sure if I do. Like you said, I'm similar in some ways, but not in others," Ventus said with her mouth full of food.
The Yhalaziëck cared not. "True, but if my theory is correct you have it running in your own blood. It cannot be possible you do not have this power."
"What power exactly?" She said in response. Ventus had no idea what power the creature was referring to in the time they have been together. As it said itself, it never once used its powers since the moment it got banished.
"The power to create."

(* = While the character is and has been described with the name 'Ventus' she has not gotten a name yet at this stage.)

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> > Ventus Fall's backstory and information. < <

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Re: Ventus Fall - Backstory - Character Development
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2017, 08:30:08 AM »
^__^ so good I get chills honestly ^.^

Hmm I had a more of a personal question.. did you get inspired these characters by your personal life? I am wondering where you got inspiration for the banished Yhalaziëck..

Also Ventus have learned very quickly to speak it seems :p

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