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Author Topic: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)  (Read 266016 times)

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5175 on: June 09, 2019, 03:19:25 AM »

***Dagon’taan Spaceport (Outer/Pirate Ship)***

Ura looked from right to left, stared at his fist. ‘I’m running out of places to hide the bodies.’ he thought. His aura like a white shield around his fist scattered. Then Ura looked up at the ceiling blankly, he crouched, veins and definitive muscle braiding his legs.

He had to be a little over a kilometer from the surface when he launched. Ura left a crater in the floor, his body breaking through the roofing until just his head emerged from the flooring. Two aliens happened to be walking by, they looked at him and then each other.

“Um, this isn’t the captain’s quarters.” he continued, “ Say. You guys wouldn’t happen to know where it is?”

The Chimera Soldier lifted himself out of the cavity that cozily ensconced him. The two pirates focused on him readying their weapons.


In a chamber so dark you could barely see the hand in front of you a being filled with immeasurable power appeared from a wall of gelatinous substance.

“Sir. We have an enemy fighter aboard the ship. We don’t know how, but he’s managed to eliminate half the crew in a matter of minutes.”

“How did this devolved pissant get on my ship. I will take care of him myself.” the entity replied.

“We’ve grossly underestimated this species and-and..” the telepathic voice said but broke off short.

Ura had infiltrated their communications site and decimated everyone inside.

“Pittroupe. Pittroupe?”


Additionally, as the pulse cannons, beams, and torpedos collided with the enormous ship Ura made his way deeper into the network of hallways.

Somewhere else inside the Pirate ship: two aliens frantically fingered the telecom for Pittroupe but to no avail.

“Where the Hell is he? We haven’t heard anything from him or Brilar!” one said.

“Don’t get your manikaka in a bunch Byorb. They’re the strongest on our home planet, second only to the king of the pirates!”

The disturbance from the weapon fire made Byorb swear under breath as he thumbed the com.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5176 on: June 12, 2019, 04:34:08 AM »
*** Dagon’taan Spaceport (Outer/Pirate Ship) ***

The ships with the odd symbol continued their assault on the Pirate ship - and, as it happened, the DMC Battlegroup shifted fire on the Pirate ship, their Kadgeron-enhanced, varied weapons being easily capable of punching right through its shields and impacting on the hull. Indeed, every ship in the immediate vicinity started firing on the Pirate ship, though it was not clear why they all targeted the same ship.

*** Torgus Prime Orbit ***

The nuclear torpedo wouldn't do squat against the massive OAS Assault Carrier. In fact, it didn't even slow it down; it just kept charging.

On board the RRW Vulpes Umbra, the First Officer turned to Anna. "We can't hack their system, but we can fire a Tachyon Inversion Beam at the ship - all Romulan Republic Vessels come equipped with a Tachyon Inversion Beam; it will drain the power of a target vessel's shields, and render them useless, while at the same time streaming that power back into our systems."

"With all ships deploying the TIB at once, we could possibly take a huge chunk out of that ship's shields, and if our Klingon allies over there follow suit, we could knock out the shields altogether," agreed the Chief Science Officer.

"Covenant vessels don't have very strong hull armor; their shields are their primary defense. If we take out the shields, that ship will be easy prey," added the Chief Engineer.

*** MJ12 Ship, Nephira Orbit ***

"I'll try and light your path to the signal source... stand by..." Steiner said over the channel. The lights flickered for a moment, then reactivated. "Follow the illuminated hallway; I've lit up the fastest path to the signal, avoiding damaged areas. Be on your guard, though; I'm getting ghost readings in that area, but sensors aren't picking up what it is."

*** Coruscant Orbit ***

There was a pause before Daniels came back: "Confirmed; Bay Control will tractor you in once you get close enough. Don't forget to check in with customs once you hit planetside. Captain Daniels out."

*** Coruscant ***

A lightsaber could be heard flaring with an audible snap-hiss! followed by a few moments of shouts and screaming, before the lightsaber de-activated and silence settled in over the area. K'Tath marched onto the bridge not long after, and started bringing the craft to life. "Where did you say you wanted to go? Tatooine?" he asked Cobalt.

*** Korriban ~ Valley of the Dark Lords ~ Aboard shuttle ***

"Well, Elliot... I'm impressed you survived Korriban. Regardless of how--" Lana began, but was cut off when Luro commented something in his native tongue. Lana turned her gaze to her superior officer. "That may be so, commander, but he's just a boy, and if what I sense is accurate, he's been through enough already; we shouldn't force the issue."

"And I'm not," Luro said in plain basic. "Regardless, young sir, unless you'd rather be elsewhere, we will let you stay on Odessen. PK will look after you, and if you need something, just say so. Okay?"

*** Fleet Spire ruins, Corneria ***

The blast disrupted the hunter's cloaking device, and it roared in anger, extending it's wrist blades and immediately making for Fel.

As it happened, Fel wouldn't have to fight the creature; a reverberating shot rang out, and on another level, an emerald-colored dragon with a High-Caliber Sniper Rifle in his arms stood up. The shot had struck the Yaut'ja hunter dead in the center of his head and killed it instantly, dropping it to the deck like a rock. The Dragon nodded to Fel, as though a symbol of respect, checked something on a holographic panel that appeared from his gauntlet, then tapped in a command and was whisped away in a green light consistent with a transporter.

"Slippy to Fel, I just detected an unidentified transporter signal over there - did someone just beam out?" Came Slippy's Voice moments later.

*** Corellia ***

"It's a vastly-scaled up version of a Covenant RCS-Class Armored Cruiser - three times the size of the original model with numerous modifications and upgrades, some of which are heavily-regulated tech. Borg Transwarp Coils and such. Corellia Government Contact is letting us keep the ship if we're successful, and will have everything registered upon conclusion of this op. But we gotta hurry; there may be some more unscrupulous groups looking to get their hands on this ship," Viktor explained. Upon reaching the edge of the city, and the beginning of the surrounding wilderness, Viktor hunched over in a combat stance, taking out his RX Hybrid H7M3 and loading a fresh magazine. Looking back at Ori, he asked, "You sure you wouldn't rather have a rifle or something? I've got a few stored in my gauntlets' transporter buffers."

*** Mongdrigo, Command Center ***

Malgus nodded. "Then we mobilize. I want to see Brottleheim ended, once and for all."

"Well, that's good. Finally took my advice, huh? And speaking of old Ani, how's he doing? Still coming to grips with being a grandpa?" Ahsoka joked.

*** Tigress’ Workshop, Dragon’taan ***

"You're not wrong," Vokun said, walking out of the workshop hoping Tybalt was in tow. "You'll likely need to spend some time in recovery, as well, getting used to your new body."

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

Anna frowned, confused. "What do you mean, this isn't Kira? Who the hell is it, then?" she asked, keeping a tight grip on the girl.

In the Manor, Kyle groggily answered the call from Tigress. "Tigress... you realize what time it is?" he asked.

*** Edge of Dragon'taan Space ***

But Vitani and her fire team didn't wait for the smoke to clear before they charged in, Disruptor Auto Rifles drilling anyone pointing a gun at them. Once the bridge was secure, Vitani deployed a counter-virus, which would bring the droids under her control, hopefully.

*** Sangheilos orbit ***

"Kaidon 'Vadam is busy at present, but has ordered a port for you open. Head down planetside to offload your cargo," replied a female Sangheili voice.
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"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5177 on: June 12, 2019, 05:12:44 AM »
*Mongdrigo, Command Center*
Garrus nodded, standing slowly. “McCullin, come on. We’ll prepare, and I’ll stake my cane on it; but I bet we’ve got enough soldiers to fake it.” The two left the center, headed for the military sector. They pulled everyone out into parade formations, and had the soldiers boarding transports.

The plan was simple; the southeast desert would make an excellent proving ground. Although the soldiers would have training kits equipped and only fire blanks, a few turns of a hex wrench and the switch of a magazine would have the entire Mongdrigan standing army locked and ready for combat.
Mechs of all shapes and sizes marched alongside the infantry, boarding the much larger vehicle transports. Ammunition for the mechs were fed through twin-feed autoloaders. One belt fed blanks, the other fed high-explosive dual-purpose shells of various calibers, depending on the gun. Energy weapons were set to only discharge plasma agitators and railgun plates. It’d be a lot of thunder but no lightning. But, as with the belt fed mechs, a single button would switch them from harmless noisemakers to big-wheeling death-dealing machines.

Only a few hours separated Malgus from his fight with Brottleheim. If unprepared, the reformed Sith Lord would hopelessly fall to the unyielding wrath of the walking apocalypse.

The panel McCullin had motioned to had stopped blinking. The message had stopped transmitting for the moment, it seemed.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5178 on: June 12, 2019, 02:43:54 PM »

 *** Torgus Prime Orbit ***

"That all depends on if this PetaQ is aware of that!" Kay'pal replied. "We await your signal!"

*** Fleet Spire ruins, Corneria ***

"I"M NOT INDIANA JOHNS DANGIT!" Nari growled as she and the commandos began to run out of the now collapsing ruins.

*** MJ12 Ship, Nephira Orbit ***
Grey followed along with the two prices keeping them 'guarded'

*** Coruscant ***

Cobalt sighed  "Why does everything have to be so messy?  Yes I think the Jawa's on tatoonie will have the components I need, don't worry i'll pay." Cobalt replied.

** Mongdrigo, Command Center ***
"I think he's more focused on getting use to his rejuvinated body right now." Rex replied

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

"Umm h-her names Laleh."Amie sighed her head and ears drooping.

Laleh still struggled to get out of Anna's grasp

"Forgive me but you didn't sign on as the High general to relax all the time." Tigress joked. "But jokes aside, I'm trying to get into contact with your brother is he busy with his kid?"

** Edge of Dragon'taan Space ***
At this point there was no more reistance left any that was would be delt with by the reprogammed droids.

A B2 unit that wasn't completely disabled started to get up near Vitani aimed it's gun at her for one second then turned it off "Orders Ma'am?" it asked.

*** Sangheilos orbit ***
"Let him know I wish to speak with him when an opening becomes available, Shipmaster out!"

*** Corellia ***

"Well, damn Viktor you've been holding out on me, if we have had something like this back on.. 'she stopped and looked around....
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5179 on: June 12, 2019, 02:47:29 PM »
***MJ12 Ship, Nephira Orbit ***
     “Heard, we’ll keep an eye out. If anything happens we’ll let you know.” Damien responded. The two followed down the hallways lit with the flickering lights. Keeping their wits about them, they stayed one in front of the other. Damien stayed in the forefront as he was physically stronger than his brother and Katin was great at his situational awareness.
    “Say, where were those ghost signals located Steiner?” Katin asked over comms.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5180 on: June 12, 2019, 05:37:08 PM »
~ Dragon'taan, Kyle's Estate ~

"All right, thank you." The sooner he'd be able to tell the fox, the better. And that was the fox' name? Mathai... Mathey...


Oh great, the weird voice inside the head was awake as well now!

Cut that out and get to the foyer.

Oh, that was a good point. On the weird voices' behalf, he headed up the ramp. Once he was up there, though, he stopped for a moment to look around. He hadn't explored the place yet, something he was almost dying to do, so he wasn't really sure where the foyer was. It had to be around somewhere though. Thinking that, his curiosity won from his doubt, and started to walk around. He still made sure not to stray too far off. The feral could only imagine how easy it would be to get lost inside this house... Great area for hide-and-seek though.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5181 on: June 12, 2019, 07:58:49 PM »
*** Fleet Spire ruins, Corneria ***

Indeed, Fel was about to shot into an unveiled enemy once he appeared. And as Turian expected, it was the first time he has encountered the Hunter, nor his cloaking technology. Is that kind of new Klingon troops, or what? Personal cloaking devices weren't something new for Fel, not at all. Just considering the place where it happens, it was logical to assume. However, the shot of an unknown gunslinger has taken XIII by surprise, and therefore Fel muttered swearings silently, but then realized, that the Dragon has come just about time. Thus Fel also nodded in response. Was it a DMC operative or Sohdakin' partner - now it didn't matter. The outpost was about to collapse entirely, and a massive rock fell from ceiling right on the Hunter has cut any possible chances to see who was behind the suit.

One of the prisoners made their way out of the Spire and waited on the surface. But it was a duck who was capable of flying and thus a giant hole on the floor wasn't an issue for him. But a dog with an injured frog - yes, they couldn't make it out of the ruins on their own. So once the trio reached the hole (which was quite large), Fel switched his nano suit mode into 'strength' mode and by grabbing a couple of anthros, performed a long jump, right to the entrance of the Spire and exited out upon the surface. And he has been glad to see the daylight once again. Course, he had heard Slippy' question during the Hunter rage, but because of the sudden activity of the dragon, couldn't pronounce a single word. His mind wasn't in proper condition.

"Yes. It was a dragon, I think, and he killed a thing that wanted to kill me or someone from the team. Fox, if you hear me, I'm out of the Spire with the datacron. Alongside three unknown for me subjects and prisoners. You would better look it on your own or invite Wulf himself.". Dranghyr reported, watching as the outpost slowly destroying itself once Nari, Fixel, and others were outside of the Spire. The worst has been over, and the only thing now is to wait for CDF transport and Fox himself. Or Wulf. Then he gives away the damned datacron in the hands of CDF and goes somewhere else.

*** Corellia ***

"Nah... As I said before, my suit is the weapon itself. I'll show you what does it means once we start". Ori answered and looked into Viktor' eyes. Course, since Arashi was in her warframe, the only thing Viktor could see, is a shapeless form which was the suit' helmet. It also masked her tone with which one she has spoken, but Viktor may sense, that the girl wasn't joking. She was on the planet' surface, and hence, she doesn't need any of firearms. At least for now as the entire planet was on her side.

*** Korriban ~ Valley of the Dark Lords ~ Aboard shuttle ***

When Luro mentioned PK, the cyborg reminded about his presence. Course, he also was listening anything the trio has been talking but didn't consider to interrupt as he had nothing to say. He was just a killing machine which wasn't supposed to think about orders or evaluate them. He hasn't such a module. He has been designed to execute what he has been told. And for the time of being in the operating state, his orders were always of anything but centered around hunting and killing. Sometimes finding something useful. But protecting someone... that's gonna be a brand new experience for him. Especially because Elliot was a kid. Just a kid who is soon going to be Peacekeeper' priority target and 9T9 going to be his bodyguard, and... maybe something better. Or a toy.

"Question: shall I make corrections now and set Elliot as my primary objective to protect him daily?". Said the cyborg with his electronic voice watching on the trio. Course, PK was a machine rather than a living creature. But since the machine has brains and human' heart, PK has just experienced something that he never had before - feelings. For cyborgs, it's malfunctioning, but... not for PK.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 01:10:02 PM by XIII »
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5182 on: June 13, 2019, 05:35:13 AM »

*** Coruscant Orbit ***

There was a pause before Daniels came back: "Confirmed; Bay Control will tractor you in once you get close enough. Don't forget to check in with customs once you hit planetside. Captain Daniels out."

The Ragnosian ship slowly pulled itself to the Docking Bay. They eventually got into the range of docking bay tractor beam. Komisar Damrosch prepared himself as he motioned for the Marines in the ship to prepare the ship's hangars
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5183 on: June 13, 2019, 10:11:20 PM »
*** Korriban ~ Valley of the Dark Lords ~ Aboard shuttle ***

"A-Alright, I-I will stay... with you. I-I have nowhere else to go, anyway." Tristan could tell them, an edge of sadness on that last part, before he adds, "And you are giving me your..." Tristan pauses, glances at the machine, and looks back, "...droid? I-I don't know the first thing about keeping a droid."
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5184 on: June 15, 2019, 01:00:04 AM »
***Dagon’taan Spaceport (Outer/Pirate Ship)***

“He’s getting closer Byorb!” said Alien 1.

They stared into the holographic security system. There walls were made of piping which covered the whole ship like a network of veins. Ura was making his own path through the walls with ease. From this angle the hallway Byrob and Alien 1 were watching seemed to slope downward.

The Chimera Soldier’s outline appeared from the cloud of rubble. Byorb searched the control console.

“Flesh Brain. If you stop now we’ll let you leave.” Byorb stated over the intercom.

Ura paused, looked around and then stared at the camera.

“To tell you the truth I’m lost.” he replied.

“Really? So if we tell you where the exit is you’ll leave?”


“Take the first left.”

Ura grinned evilly. So if they want me to go this way, they must be over in this direction. He went right and continued down the hallway until it dead ended at a huge pair of metal doors.

“No, NO! Your Left!” Byorb squealed.

Ura channeled the aura in his body to his left arm, made a fist and crushed the door (see reference -art by me-). The timing was important of course, since the aura needed to be released at just the right moment to depress the doors.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2019, 01:40:00 AM by Cloud Titan »
Today, an acquaintance. Tomorrow your friend. A short formality stands between us-Cloud, at your service.   

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5185 on: June 16, 2019, 09:23:30 AM »
*Torgus Prime*
As soon as he saw his torpedo fail, his eyes went wide open and his beak dropped. "How could it..." he started, still not believing his strongest weapon was useless.

Anna growled and she looked clearly annoyed. "Really?! You could've said that sooner! Synchronise those inversion beams, and drain that ship, pronto!"

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5186 on: June 17, 2019, 10:32:22 PM »
*** Torgus Prime Orbit ***

The Romulan fleet under Anna's command all fired Tachyon Inversion Beams at the massive warship, and it began draining the ship's shields at an incredible rate. Several Klingon ships followed suit, and the OAS Assault Carrier's shields were drained at an extraordinary rate, and within ten seconds, the shields were gone. The IKV Terror Wing was the first to take advantage, firing a spread of Transphasic Torpedoes followed by a hail of Disruptors.

*** Dagon’taan Spaceport (Outer/Pirate Ship) ***

While Ura went about slaughtering everything that moved inside the pirate vessel, the vessel itself was being shot to hell by several DMC and other attacking ships. Shields would be useless against the DMC Kadgeron weaponry, and the XII vessels didn't let up on their attack.

Yet another Warship with the same red XII logo appeared, and began launching boarding craft.

*** Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban ***

"It would be a good idea," Luro told PK. With everyone aboard, the shuttle closed its doors, pressurized the cabin, and began liftoff. Lana remained next to Tristan as Luro spoke to her, "Is there anything new on those... 'Majestic 12' rebels we keep getting reports about?"

"Negative, Commander," Lana replied. "I'm still waiting to hear back from my contact. She went radio-silent a week ago."

Luro hummed in thought. "Hope she wasn't discovered. If the escaped prisoner we found last month is to be believed..."

*** Coruscant Orbit ***

The orbital station snared the ship in a tractor beam, and guided it to a vacant docking bay. A computerized voice on the Ragnosian ship would greet them, "Welcome to Coruscant."

*** Coruscant ***

"Right..." K'Tath sighed, as the ship began to lift off. It rose above the bay, and assuming Cobalt was seated, rocketed into the sky. K'Tath engaged the cloaking device as he ascended, and began plotting a course for Tatooine as he navigated the orbiting ships. "As it happens, our next stop was Tatooine - rumor has it, an Eternal Fleet vessel was there, and might still be. If we can access its computers, we might get a lead on the Eternal Katana Fleet."

*** Corellia ***

It would seem like hours that the trio was traversing the Corellian countryside, before coming to their objective - a massive, heavily-modified, vastly-upgraded, six-kilometer-long RCS-Class Armored Cruiser . The ship was sitting as close to the ground as it could, to avoid being spotted by the Corellian Defense Forces. Viktor immediately went into his gauntlet systems and materialized a small device - which he promptly planted in the ground - and a pair of macrobinoculars. He peered through them as the device powered up, and saw immediate opportunity.

"Hmm... enemy presence on the ground is surprisingly light. I'm beginning to think they felt they wouldn't be discovered here," he said quietly. He tapped Ori and indicated the device in the ground. "This will disable their droid forces until we shut it off, so all we'll need to do is eliminate the pirates. We'll need to reach the bridge, then upload a program into the systems there that will turn over control of the droid crew to us. Weapons ready, safeties off." He put away the binoculars and readied his rifle, and it was then that the device emitted a low humming sound.

*** Fleet Spire ruins, Corneria ***

"Wulf is already on his way," Fox responded. "He's bringing transports for prisoners and refugees. Come back to the MCC, we'll talk there till he arrives."

"Just a heads-up, Fel," Slippy chimed in, "We may want to take that Datacron to Dragon'taan - they have better facilities to decrypt the information there. I suggested this to the General, and he said he'll get back to us when he can."

*** Tigress’ Workshop, Dragon'taan ***

"No, not unstable - but I imagine it'll take a while for you to get used to your new body," Vokun said as he boarded a transport bound for his lab. "Happens with anyone getting a new body. I, myself, had to get used to new strength years ago after I cured myself of Force Walking Sickness. Nasty business."

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

Mathayus wealked out before Michen, and spotted him. "Ah. Mother told me you wanted to see me. Is everything alright?" he spoke to Michen.

"Not... really, why?" Kyle asked, scratching behind his ear.

"Leylah?" Anna repeated, looking between the squirming child and Amie. "How long has she been here?"

***MJ12 Ship, Nephira Orbit ***

"In the vicinity of the signal," Steiner answered. "I can't localize it. You might be able to see it. Alternatively, I can pull a localized Tachyon burst and see if that helps, if this is what I think it is."

*** Mongdrigo, Command Center ***

But Malgus was prepared. A Sith, any Sith - especially an ex-Sith like Malgus, who had seen countless battles and survived them - was always prepared for a fight. He would let his opponent come to him. And when the time came, strike him down. But not for the sake of Sith Nature - not this time. This time, it was to protect a world from a terrible creature. Something even old Jedi Master Bellator would admire.

"Oh, so Skyguy finally got around to doing that, did he?" Ahsoka chuckled. "Regardless, what brings you here? I'd have figured you'd be with Anakin right now."

*** Edge of Dragon'taan Space ***

"Secure the ship - every compartment," Vitani commanded. She looked to one of her fire team. "Get a line to that Kylie fellow - let him know the mission is a success." The crewman nodded, and set to work.

*** 'Vadam Keep, Sangheilios ***

Thel was roused from his sleep next to his wife when the comms went off. His wife didn't show signs of having been awakened, so Thel rolled out of bed and answered it. "'Vadam here," he murmured.

"Apologies for waking you, Kaidon, but a Shipmaster Kyva wishes to speak to you," responded a female Sangheili voice. Thel sighed.

"Very well. Direct him to the keep; I'll meet him in the courtyard," he said. He then rose, dressed, and headed for the Courtyard.

Kyva would receive a message directing him to the same location.
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5187 on: June 17, 2019, 11:45:58 PM »
*** Torgus Prime Orbit ***
The rest of the klingons joine in as well , some fireing hybrid plasma disruptor weapons

--Terror wing--
"Wow those ships are using Hybrid Plasma disruptor weapons, Can we get some of that?" Flier asked as she sat at her station monitoring the action.

** Coruscant ***
"I've been meaning to ask you about that... this Eternal fleet." Cobalt began head hung low as she spoke.

*** Corellia ***
"My mouth doesn't need to be warmed up to be used." Spyra said as she snorted smoke out of her nostrils...

*** Fleet Spire ruins, Corneria ***
"This better not take long i've spent too much time here already." Nari grumbled as she followed along with Fel.

*** Tigress’ Workshop, Dragon'taan ***
"I think he wanted to speak with me, could you get him on the line for me, please?"

** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

"Ummm...Only a month or more." Amie blushed..."She's been staying in the guest house and i've been 'smuggling' food to her." Amie replied telling the truth.
*** Edge of Dragon'taan Space ***
"Yes Ma'am." the B2 said walking off to fulfill it's orders

*** NCC Space Galatae ***
Kylie awoke from bed when something on the end table rang waking him up, he picked up and replied "Yeah NCC Galatae here."the Blue fox said groggily.

*** 'Vadam Keep, Sangheilios ***

Kyva was already half way to the courtyard by the time he got the message, he headed down to the surface via a grav lift and waited for Thel there.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 11:49:06 PM by Alessia Starfurr »
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5188 on: June 18, 2019, 12:49:43 AM »
***Dagon’taan Spaceport (Outer/Pirate Ship)***
(for visual reference to this post please see attached photo -art by me)

The doors when they caved in came crashing down on several aliens killing them instantly. A thick grey smoke cascaded over the damaged weapons console. Ura walked casually through the smoke, his powerful aura propelling the cloud around him.

Past where the doors had fallen there was a walkway which lead to the center of the weapons alcove. Byorb and Alien 1 were due ahead. It was a spherical room with a holographic control panel that span the whole area.

“Where’s your captain?” he asked plainly.

Byorb shuddered; opened and closed his mouth anxiously. The distressed air around Ura blew their hair as he approached them.

He continued. “If you tell me I may let you live.”

The aliens looked at each other and then at him, they nodded solemnly. Byorb pointed in the direction of the teleporter.

His power is INCREDIBLE! I’ve never known a being to put off so much peril! Alien 1 thought.

Little did they know Ura was subjecting them to his ‘Malice’ via envelop. The act of releasing one’s intent on others, allowing them to feel your thoughts. Ura used this technique to subdue or paralyze weak opponents.

The Chimera Soldier headed to the transporter, his tail flickering impishly.

“He’ll destroy you.”

Ura smiled slightly under the tangled mess of his white hair. The battle was still raging outside and getting worse. He could barely hear them say: “We have a ship attempting to board us!”
Today, an acquaintance. Tomorrow your friend. A short formality stands between us-Cloud, at your service.   

FSS Pres. and Fdr.

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  • Currently: Pretty happy.
Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #5189 on: June 18, 2019, 03:07:09 AM »
*Mongdrigo, Command Center*
A security official approached Ahsoka and Rex, delivering a crisp salute. “Lady Ahsoka and guest, would you prefer to watch the battle from the remote terminals, or from the command line?” After a few seconds he glanced at Malgus before continuing. “Or would you wish to join the battle? I’m sure Lord Malgus would enjoy your company.”

A young trainee scientist approached Malgus, clipboard in paw. “My Lord, we’ve finished your field suit. A prototype, but it should restore your connection to the Force, although temporary.” He looked over his notes as he continued. “It’ll help against tiberium exposure, deflect low-energy lasers and plasma bolts. Brottleheim’s crew should ignore you, honorable combat and all, but it’s better safe than sorry.”


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