My little sister decides to be a dick like always. I was laying on the couch and she decides to roll onto where my legs are a saying mom was going me to lay on the other side and she could sit there with a rude tone. Me having bonecyst my legs are hurting like hell and I've been working at he haunted house and had to sit get up repeating this cycle over again, so I tell her to stop and not doing so I tell my mom.
Now she cries to our mom all the damn time and gets me introuble... Anyways my mom just says for us to both calm down, and I am calm as my sister is crying her eyes off and screaming. She then goes in the other room saying I have no heart, I'm a baby, my legs are retarded. And begins to mock me 'oh my legs, I need to lay down' and yea it hurts me... I never asked to feel pain in my bones where I need to stop and lay down so I can stretch. My sister and brother make fun of me for having this issue along with when I slightly slouch since I have just a bit of scoliosis and tend to yell out to stand straight in public getting people's attention to stare at me.
At least I didn't get introuble, she did all the work to get herself grounded. I hate my siblings most of the time, they're assholes... ~_~