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Author Topic: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?  (Read 4417 times)

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Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:58:27 PM »
I came across a journal that Leachy over on FA had made about what your persona and characters mean to you. I thought it was rather interesting and wound up rattling off a long response -- I know what they mean to me, but I had never put it in words.. So, I figure I might explain how I feel about them and what they mean to me. Thing is, I'd love for everyone else to do the same if they reply to this, or you can talk about things you didn't know about my characters / ask questions. Heck, all three would really be awesome because I absolutely love talking about things like this. It's basically the thought of if someone drew your character in a certain manner, ripped them off, or demeaned them.. Would it effect you or would you just be like, "LOL IT'S JUST A CHARACTER."

Rigor Mortis ( )

Honestly, Rigor is me.. She is me in so many ways, but unlike everyone else, she's also what I don't want to be, and what I want to be when I'm depressed. She's how I feel when I get paranoid.. She's basically all these bad things and my crude humor wrapped into one.  She's what I'd probably act like if I wasn't "supposed" to act nice and not be crazy like I am at moments. She's that part of me I often hold back because people would think I was crazy if I acted upon my urges. Occasionally I do, and then I get some odd responses, so I figure, "Maybe I shouldn't act that way. Hurrr." She is burnt out on emotions like I figure I'll be in a few years, and how I am sometimes. She doesn't care who hates her, or what enemies she makes as long as she's having fun doing it. She's spiteful, and a loner, but can occasionally have a friend (such as Tezztor) if not just for some friendly competition. She doesn't play well with others, and in all honesty trusts very few people. If you're not in the circle of trust: Beware because she can be pretty darn cold. She has that bipedal / quad thing because in some mentalities she can be logical, intelligent.. While in others she can be completely unreasonable and angry.. A "feral state of mind" I like to call it.

Nyx ( )
Nyx is also me; Rigor before that snapping point. She's logical.. Good morals.. Doesn't have a bit of distortion on the world. She's shy.. Timid. And clings to one person for hope. She's also reclusive.. Which I am. As you'll notice.. She is clothed unlike Rigor which shows that she's still civil mentally and can process things like a normal person. If not a little moreso and cautiously. She can be paranoid at times, but again.. She's basically that civil part of me. That how I'm "supposed to act." She's also tempted by that flawed mentality known as Rigor.

The rest of my characters: Ankh, Romei, and soon to be Geist (whom I am still working out) are rather extensions of parts of me.

Romei ( )

Romei is my outlet for learning. My morbid interest in gory things. Dead dreams of being a pathologist (the character himself is an at home self taught pathologist..), my loner side even moreso than with Rigor. Rigor will mingle and get into people's heads.. Romei just doesn't want to be around them. He snatches bodies and treats them as guests at his home before dissecting them, just so he can pretend to be wanted (No, he's not into necrophilia before anyone asks that.) He is a lonely fellow who wants to have social interaction, but figures that people are not worth the trouble they make. He prefers the dead because they don't complain about how you're neglecting them.. They don't argue.. They listen. The perfect group of friends. He's one of my more sad characters.. But not obviously so outside of me mentioning it. He's a master at hiding how he feels.

Ankh ( )

Ankh is hard to explain. He's a whole other ball park. He is my anger. The anger that hides beneath silently and springs at an unsuspecting moment. He is my frustration and confusion on the whole religion idea.. Is there something out there..? He's also my feelings of helplessness and my will to keep going despite all things. He is blind, deaf, and dumb because I am also in the fields of religion but it also has a duel meaning of another frustration of not being able to communicate efficiently. People don't understand him. People don't understand me.. But there's a method to his madness.

Geist ( )
I'm not entirely sure on her yet because I've yet to build on her, but I do know that she is basically a childish embodiment of my love of dinosaurs and partially a friendship. I'll be working on her, when I have the time, but really I only have those few things on her.

As a whole, all my characters mean a lot to me.. Which is why I'm quick to get offended when people rip / steal.. Or draw them sexually (which no one has to my knowledge, thank goodness.) The whole drawing them dead probably wouldn't bother me because, heck, it goes all the way back to that morbid interest.. And I'm fairly certain that I've drawn at least Rigor dead at least once. I don't draw them in sexual manners because I am not very conscious on the whole gender and hormones thing. I can't pick up on if someone likes me unless they have it written across their forehead in large red letters and I don't find myself sexually interested at all unless  have a boyfriend. In my entire life I have only had one boyfriend.. And I had been with him going on three years until recently.. And I am still a virgin. It's not only things like that.. But in general... I don't really understand the act well because I've never experienced it. I'm very immature in the fact that I see sex as basically mixing fluids and therefore repulsive. I only look at it from a biological standpoint because I've never experienced the emotion and feeling that goes behind it. I also know that it's something special that should be shared with your love.. Not just for anyone. So, that also factors in why I don't want my characters to be drawn as butt-buddies.

Now, that I've probably shared too much information.. You guys go for it.. And also please don't ask me why I feel the way I do on sex.. Lol. I can't explain it anymore than I have, really.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 06:36:24 PM by RigorMortis »

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 06:32:39 PM »
For me, characters come and go. I get attached only as much as I get attached to anyone. I like it when they're there, but I don't care if they're gone. They have their world and their life and their existence. The only thing that rises above that is Asia, who doesn't really have a character at all. Though I'll contradict myself by saying that actually he's the me that I want to be, no matter what that may be. He's a tool, a template to expand myself in any direction I would ever want to go. I give him an image, I put him in my clothes but he's not there. He's more like a mask. Put the mask on and you become an arrogant, insulting, uncaring, pragmatic, maniac. He's a soul inside a mask, wanting to be real but just unable without someone to use. Someone to bounce off. When someone puts on the mask, they'll jump off a cliff, hit the ground and dig to the centre of the earth to find a hidden city of alien dinosaurs.

I guess that's why he's so loose. He's an explosion and so has no permanence.

He's not the only character I've clung to. There's one that I've never talked about on this forum, probably because he's not a furry. He's a robot called The Magician.

I first drew him about 5 years ago, in an attempt at drawing a twisted robotic pterodactyl.

Nowadays he doesn't look so mental. I've focused him and changed him slowly, pulling him away from the ridiculousness, making him more of a superhero than a deranged idiot. Though I still really like that original drawing. This is what he looks like normally.

I've always liked him because when I take a half-realistic/half-negative view of myself (which is about as negative as I can be about myself nowadays), the magician is what I see. He's got a big mouth that's all teeth, he's got big eyes, he's impossibly thin and he's got a messed up/quirky way of seeing things, of doing things. He's intelligent but thinks quite differently to normal people. He's also surprisingly powerful. Far more powerful than you'd think from someone so stupid looking :P
It's very much my old self, when i was a young stupid mental case child. He's the symbol of my past. I don't think about him much anymore.
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 07:57:45 PM »
this is my first drawing from 2 to 3 years ago. I wanted to draw a real person so I drew almost look nothing like me. I always wanted to draw but I was never really good at it so I quite.
couple of days later of the first drawing I decided a different approach. At this time I was really interested in werewolves. I wanted to be like them. I wanted that kind of persona. Yes these are computer drawn.
this one is present time when I decided to draw again, this time on paper. This is me anthro, I like this one because one it looked like me and two this is what I wish to be.
This was inspired by one of the forums that we have here. I don't have a girlfriend but do wanna get married this is my hope of having a lovely wife.
this one.....this one is out of shire madness. This one too was inspired by a forum. It is me and the Cheshire Cat have a drinking contest.  I do love mad people they make  life more bearable ^^

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 08:34:26 PM »
This sounds like fun. :3

Zephyr ( )

Zephyr is the most personal to me, she's the character that is "me". She's partly everything I am (both good and some bad), and partly everything I wish I could be. She is a bit of a loner, the same way I tend to be. Probably the most important thing to me has to do with why she's the hybrid she is. Her cat aspects comes from the good part(s) of me and the things I want to be: cute, playful, carefree, quiet, independent, and graceful. The dragon half mostly comes from the not-as-pleasant things about me, things most people never see in me because I try my best not to let them get the better of me: violence, rage, morbid curiosity, callousness, and strength. I always feel pretty conflicted with the things that go on in my head, and so my fursona is the embodiment of that conflict. Her colouring is also a key part of her personality. She is overall black, white, and grey - fully desaturated colours that can be seen as dull or possibly even bland. They aren't exactly attention-grabbing colours, and they represent the way I often feel invisible or unremarkable around other people. But Zephyr's vivid purple eyes are meant to show the spirit she has inside her, if you take the time to notice it.

Also, people have asked me why I choose Zephyr to be a quadruped. It's kind of hard to explain, but I sometimes feel like human body is terribly awkward and unbalanced. I like the balance and sturdiness of the feral form. It seems so much more fluid, graceful, and coordinated when an animal walks or runs. I can be a bit clumsy in RL, and so that balance is something I'd like to have.

Blaise ( )

Blaise is also very important to me, even though she isn't an actual representation of me. I guess you could say she's more like the kind of person I'd be if I just threw all caution to the wind though. Blaise has a very fun, energetic, and bold personality, and she loves taking risks. I'm a pretty responsible person almost to a fault, and I tend to play things safe rather than take risks. Drawing and working with Blaise allows me to "go wild" without dealing with the problems or consequences myself. Even if I wouldn't really want to do some of the things she does, I wish I had more of the courage she has.

Teale ( )

Teale isn't quite as personal to me. She's been a sort of token of friendship to someone I know. So even though I designed her and I draw her, it feels like she belongs to my friend more than she belongs to me. If someone ripped off her character, I'd probably be more upset on my friend's behalf than mine.

This took me a lot longer to type than it should have, but it is nice getting it all into words.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 08:40:20 PM by WingedZephyr »
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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2010, 10:05:09 PM »
I added why I also picked bipedal and quadrupedal... People don't seem to ask about that too often. Heck, I didn't even think to add about the species I chose and why. I may go back and do that.

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 10:32:32 PM »
Kitt is me

bipedal cos its what i relate to best

enjoys trance/dance/techno cos thats what i enjoy

enjoys being round friends cos that wait i enjoy as well

feline cos i like cats, have two of them... but more specifically wildcat cos ive seen them when in slovakia and im fascinated by them

uhm yeah.. kitt is.. me  :3
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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2010, 12:57:27 AM »

I didn't create the character. And I suppose I am rather simple minded in that I took another character and superimposed a personality onto him, since he really had none to speak of. He's callous, arrogant, and apathetic. Many of my negative feelings. He's skeptical, analytical, and calculating, some of my logical feelings. He's who I think of when I think of a decepticon robot. And I often feel like a decepticon robot. Sometimes other humans just disgust and disappoint me.

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2010, 01:14:23 AM »
Shinzuu Katame

well, what can i say? this name has been with me since i first made it up in 2001, before i ever had anything positive to say about furries, let alone being one. Shinzuu is a name I coined when I thought of a torn personality. It was when I was brainstorming my first manga. The two main charats were twins, Shinzuu and Hitomi. They represented the two halves of my personality, and the rest of the charats/battles were metaphors of the battle that raged within myself (thus it was successful for 3 books). To me, Shinzuu is the name for the resolution of a torn, and is the symbol of perserverance and love. Katame is derived from one of the most powerful clans in ancient Japan which later became a noble clan after the meiji revolution. The name is a symbol of strength, power and humility. I have been trained in two traditional martial arts, and taught martial arts for the United States Navy SEALS during basic 2 weeks per year, up until last year. My masters have labeled me as one with potential, but I believe it is my drive to protect and live that allows me to become strong, like the Katame clan. So the whole name in general, at least to me, means that I have pushed through many hardships, but I remained strong and grew, and will be MY bright hope to a future in my life.

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2010, 01:52:40 AM »

this is my main fursona, based on me mostly. had him as a REDXIII/wolf hybrid, which is a little strange seeing as REDXIII is a canine. he represennts kinder side of me and hes a blue wolf cause welllll, i love fluffieh wolfys annnd my favourite colour is blue as well, also obsessed with basically the same things i mangoes x3 he has the armor simply cause ive always had dreams with the armor in it and it looks really cool in them, also i generally only tweak around with him a little depending on what i like at the time (like i change his weapons from gunnblades if i play FFVIII too much x3).


ive had the Zagreus fursona for wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy longer then my Jad fursona (although initially not as a wolf) not the other wa around, around 4-5 years now (as a gametag, persona, in my drawings, a whole bunch of stuff). Zag is basically the...err, not so kind version of Jad with a much stronger, taller build, thicker fur and more of a loner. he also has awesomes armor but its basically ruined and not as capable as jad's. also more arrogant and doesn't really care about anything around him. and unlike Jad he's always been a dark wolf, haven't had him as REDXIII as far as i can remember although my AVI was just a black coloured version of Jad at the time. his weapons always have and always will be dark hyperion gunblades because there AWESOME!!


not a fursona i use on the Forums, but i generally use on steam, or other games, hes a Dingo, no weapons, no armor, also heavily based on me but i dont use him since hes not as fluffy and im used to blueness or darkness by now x3.
dont click my pet!!!!

i was here FIRSTer...ish!,and will throw cookies at your face at will :3

i dunno how i got him....but i do, and ill always be grateful for him...

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2010, 04:10:31 PM »
my fursona , my wolf is an explanation of my personality . me true being comes out in my animal form i like the wildness tht comes with being my fursona im very mature for my age . ive been through alot in my life that is only 17 years but im  wise like the wolf. i see sex as being with my mate wether it be a boy or a girl my animal is ME

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2010, 08:02:58 PM »
(The following were made for the original intent of just the gaming field, but became characters and other personas)

Korius Lambent

The pride of an assassin and most fitting. This name is the name of silent death. I created him as such and for that purpose.

Valius Rampart

A name for the warrior of warriors. The strong of the strong. He is the be all, end all hero. He lugs a big sword and charges evil.

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2010, 09:19:49 PM »
Shiro has always been Shiro
In about 6th grade, when I was still into naruto, I loved the Kiba character and his dog. Now I liked the dog more than Kiba, so I made a character like Akumaru. His name was Shiro Chann, the Ninja Dog. Soon after, about 8th grade, Naruto was stupid to me, but Shiro stayed a dog. I hung out with friends and during 9th grade his story grew. My friend (yugian) showed me Ragnarok, and I loved the Wolyafa Character (first furry liking), Soon, in the RP Yugian and I had, Shiro and Wolyafa had kids, Sanko, Saki, Soba, and Udan.
Long story short, I liked foxes better, he transformed, and He is brached off my personallity ever since.
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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2010, 03:18:49 AM »

Jeez where to start. The name first originated as an insult on Xbox Live that me and my friends used, along with Gumpter, and Swheen. Dont ask we are weird. Then I realized how awesome it sounds as a name, and here I am.

The character himself is a mix of heroism and sometimes just plain ridiculousness. The Gabags originated as a Cloning project by the USMC that went horribly wrong and the GABAGS escaped, and soon began amassing their own secret army underwater.  Safe to assume they are very lethal in combat. However outside of combat and managing the underwater kingdom of Gabaglantis... they really fail. They tend to wear the awesome armor of the generic enemies from video games or fiction, mixed in with the skill of a main plot hero.
They are as sketchy as Mercs, unpredictable like a cornered animal, and just plain awesome.

Dr. Freekill. The man who invented the Gabags. Smart, insane, and obviously likes to kill things. He's a relatively goofy being for a mad scientist, and for some reason wears a snow hat with snowflakes running around it, even in the summer.
He's my closest representation to myself (besides the kill part)

Charles: Usually representing my selfish and arrogant side. He's usually an egotistical and sadistic being, for such a generic name.
Oddly he has very fearsome dance skills along with combat skill
He's representing the badness within me

Marius: Ahhh Marius, such a good fellow. I gave him a Roman name, since I feel the Romans represented order in all things and a logical approach to life.
My character shoves that down the tubes and is a blood soaked loonie addicted to rage.

Oh imagine the Chaos he will bring
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 03:42:54 AM by Gabag »

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2010, 03:45:24 PM »
I use one character for all.
the choice of the Phoenix shows the constant challenging of those who oppose me, and even though  I may fall, I will come back. I try new things, and learn from mistakes. And also cause the Phoenix is Epic like that. I left the Personality to include UNSTABLE, because I am unstable in personality as well, and my outlook on things changes often. I also like to mix it up sometimes. IT's kinda conplicated. I'm trying to figure out how to tell my parents without getting them mad at me....
Live The Phoenix!
Ninja tuna will find you if you don't.... and followed by the Kamikaze Jellyfish.
Proud to be furry!
I'm a catalyst for cataclysm!
Let the flames of tomorrow burn brightly.
Fel Couriers, delivering evil since the dawn of night.

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Re: Your Persona / Character(s) : What do they mean?
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2010, 03:10:52 AM »


Nyy is basically me except shes nicer and hardly has any anger. When I first created her for one of my stories I didnt realise that she was almost exactly like me, until I became a furry and needed a fursona. Shes carefree and fun loving and thats why shes my main fursona because thats how I mainly am and how I always want to be.


Jade the snow leopard is the opposite of Nyy. Shes full of anger, fire, zeal and jealously and isnt afraid to speak her mind. I created her to represent of what I was like as a child and random spurts of her some out from time to time (she is now tagging along with Nyy in the fun rps)


Melanie is a shapeshifter who usually takes an eagle form. (She is still in creation) She is the sad, depressed side of me, full of hurt and pain from the stuff I have suffered through out my life. But shes smart, quick witted and an absolute delight to be around when she warms up to you.

Out of those three Nyyrikkia is the most like me.


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