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Author Topic: Fight, Mega Man! For Everlasting Peace! (RockMan/MegaMan)  (Read 5852 times)

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Fight, Mega Man! For Everlasting Peace! (RockMan/MegaMan)
« on: October 03, 2024, 04:28:28 PM »
A new thread for the Blue Bomber! Just a 'Classic' thread for now, but I'm not a cop  <3 Besides, making this thread because PotatoFur and I have been discussing the series after I'd gotten 'um to play MegaMan 2 - you have to pace it with letting 'um know just how many games this series spans  :crazy:

First order of business... I'm going to write my favourite Robot Masters~ Yes, I'm one of those crazy'uns who goes ham for the Robot Masters first - In no particular order, it would seem that my favourites are.. Elec Man, Cut Man, Metal Man, Star Man, Guts man, ... Oh, there's so many to list...
I was compiling all of the fanart I've saved over the years, and trying to put it all into numbers of who I've got the most fanart of - but it was a flawed venture - Quick Man is ever the fan favourite, so he's swamped my spreadsheet! Oh, but he's so cool, especially in MegaMix, so I can't be too mad.. Let's see, who are my current top rankings in fanarts saved? (Mind, I've got hundreds/thousands still to sort through... I've just remembered I have a bunch of Tumblr artwork saved on my phone from 2018  :crazy: so I'm trying to find where I backed that up to! Or, I'll be going to where it's stored this month.. We'll see!)
My top 5 in fanart saved thus far is...

1 -Quick Man814 Artworks
2 -Metal Man514 Artworks
3 -Flash Man449 Artworks
4 -Crash Man377 Artworks
5 -Elec Man271 Artworks

Mostly Mega Man 2... I'm not surprised, because it is the most popular one of all! And what a great one it is. The non-2 top-5 would be 'Elec Man, Snake Man, Blast Man, Torch Man, & Gemini Man' - X and Zero are in there between Torch & Gemini, but I wanted to focus on the Robot Masters  ^_^

So, so, so much more to talk about.. So, let's chat!  :D


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Re: Fight, Mega Man! For Everlasting Peace! (RockMan/MegaMan)
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2024, 05:23:07 AM »
Small rant incoming! :|

Alright, so I really have been enjoying Mega Man 2 so far, in part because of it's difficulty. However, there is a difference between a level being intentionally difficult and just being memorization + trial and error. Enter Heat Man, the level I just beat today. :o

Heat Man starts off pretty fun in all honesty. Bunch of enemies to fire pew pews and bubbles at, some difficult jumps in quick succession, nothing too crazy. :3

However, once you get past all of that, there is a game play mechanic where you have to jump on a whole lot of disappear and reappearing blocks to cross a massive pit. Here's the thing though, there's NO indicators whatsoever as to where a block is going to appear and also when it will disappear. Perhaps this is fine when there's only a few blocks as you can rapidly preform trial and error and or easily see the pattern and memorize it, but the section in question is like 20+ blocks long, not to mention that it's near the end of the level. There's also 3 really mean parts where you have to jump directly upwards and land on a block before it appears, without any indicators. All of this combined means that you're basically forced to fully restart the level a multiple times, not because you're dying to a tricky boss or anything, but because of a DUMB BLOCK or two!  >:(

There really needs to be indicators for sections like that, or better yet, have them be removed and replaced by something else entirely.  T_T

As such, I believe that Heat Man is a poorly designed level that instead of actually challenging the player, just ends up holding them up from playing other levels and having fun fighting the boss. :facepaw:

But perhaps I'm being too harsh? What does everyone think? ^_^
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Re: Fight, Mega Man! For Everlasting Peace! (RockMan/MegaMan)
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2024, 06:05:20 PM »
Man, oh man, the disappearing platforms! I feel a little bad for not even giving you a warning - these bad boys are utterly infamous, so you are certainly not the first, nor will you be the last  XD ALMOOOOOST as infuriating as MegaMan 8's Wily Castle Stage 1... If Frost Man didn't give you a good enough taste of that £&%£ing on-rails snowboard segment... IT'S BA-AAACK! Jump, jump! Slide, slide! Throw, throw the controller at the screen!  :D :crazy:

Luckily, you eventually get the hang of those! They will show up again in other games, but I promise you they get easier! They do get easier  XP .. And there's no shame, really, in using the Legacy Collection's 'rewind' feature, which my partner did until they got the hang of it - see, they've caught the same bug I have, and have started speedrunning the game  XD (it's fun! Their current run is just around 2 hours. My best is around an hour, I think?)

Erm, you're going to hate knowing this after, but you've defeated Air Man, right? I think you said he was the first one you defeated - After you defeat Air Man, you should have in your weapon select a little something called Item-2 (catchy, I know!) which is a hover-board that will help you to fly right over the worst of it  :) The more you know~

I think there was a part of the Archie Comics run where they riff on how hard that segment is... Deeeeeefinitely not alone there  XD (I think maybe Sonic the Hedgehog was there.. Haaahaha)



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