Most of the coffee I drink is like those Starbucks frappuccino bottles you get at gas stations, I also like the Karuba brand ones though. Karuba is cheaper than Starbucks and it actually tastes like coffee so I might actually prefer it a bit more, I like the salted caramel flavor in both though.
Oh, I do so love those sweet chilled coffees! For the longest time, I would get Califa Farms almond milk coffee, when I did my weekly shop; buy it on a Friday, and then spend the weekend drinking it . . . Of course, Eiichiro Oda's One Piece would update both manga and anime on Sundays here, so I'd have a wonderful breakfast to watch the episode to in the mornings

I was very much enjoying getting all kinds of sugarry coffees from various coffee shops -- but COSTA has done me dirty! They put some barley malt in this years' coffees, and .. Well, I have coeliac disease, and it was partially on me for not specifying - but I never in my right mind would have thought that COFFEE could contain gluten!

so I suppose what I want to say is, if you or anybody have dietary restrictions, it'd be a lot better to get weird looks when you ask 'hey, does this mayonnaise have milk in it?' than to assume. . . . (It's happened to me... Heinz uses milk powder in their garlic mayonnaise!)
I also get caribou coffee when I can but there's not a lot of them in my area so its pretty infrequent, I like to get the caramel high rise cooler there but it can be kind of hard to drink. They give you a normal sized straw and bits of ice always block it, they really should give that drink a boba straw or something.
That sounds nice! Well, except from the straw

I had to look up what a caribou coffee is - looks absolutely delectable! Yes, our favourite coffee shop is actually an independant place... It's very lovely, we had some lovely Arabic coffee that one of our Arab friends had suggested we be on the look out for - oh, it's incredible stuff! It's nutty, and it's not like what you'd expect - they brew it with the green coffee beans, and cardamom. It's delicious! And it comes served with presereved dates, as well - it's very bitter, so you might not enjoy it, L1am - but oh, we sure did!
I just had to

I swear, every time I have a good sip of coffee.. 'DAMN fine!'

oh, Agent Cooper.