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Author Topic: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP  (Read 7036 times)

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Offline Noah-Bear95

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Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« on: February 07, 2024, 02:08:53 AM »
"Dear Diary"

I just got back from one of my lectures for Dragonology, and I found out that I *apparently* scored an 'F' on my Magic Studies. How'd I manage to get an 'F'?  I told my lecturer I was working on it, but some wires got crossed and I lost all my files. Meaning I had to cram the whole thing in as quickly as possible, at the last minute. Some sources I had to re-upload, but nothing that should warrant a failing grade!

Then I walked back to my dorm hoping to sleep away the rest of this term. Or so I thought, because when I woke up the next morning with a headache, my dorm mates thought I was a dumpster baby! I had to prove I was *me*, before they called the Headmaster to my dorm. I don't know how it happened, but I have a sneaking suspicion one of my classmates cast a Reverse Ageing spell. Those usually last for a few days, so they ruled me unfit to continue studying here until I went back to normal.

Long story short; I'm being sent home this afternoon because I flunked Magic Studies.


Evelyn Maestrix.


Your character can be any role, from a distant friend to a family member.

The RP can take place anywhere between the afternoon or a few days since that afternoon.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 07:08:17 PM by Weaver, Reason: Removal of Alcoholic References »

Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2024, 08:30:55 AM »
Unlce Drahcir stood on the platform, waiting for his nieces train to arrive.

"Hmmh~ I should really get her lunch to cheer her up a bit once she arrives. Good thing her dad was too busy to pick her up, he didn't seem all that happy about her flunking her magic studies.", he thought to himself, though his pondering was cut short as the train finally arrived.

"Aha~! Now where's that litte trouble maker  ^_^ ..... hmmh....  :squint: no that's not her... goodness where is she?!"
« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 10:09:16 AM by Wuff-Wuff »
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Offline Noah-Bear95

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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2024, 08:58:00 AM »
Just then, a train stopped by the station. Steam poured from its' funnel as the brakes ground to a halt. The doors open, as a pair of faculty members walk out of the train with a stroller. The faculty members scan around, before one of them spots Drachir.

They then wheel the stroller over, with a very cranky passenger mumbling half-coherent protestations about how she's old enough to walk there.

"Mr. Drachir?" The male asks, pushing the stroller as his female colleague hands Drachir a leave-of-absence form with what looks like his Niece's signature....just really scratchy, like she had signed it with a non-dominant hand.

Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2024, 09:29:42 AM »
"Ehm... why yes~ that would be me. What is the meaning of ..." Drahcir, at first trying to answer in a confused state, suddendly recognises the scratchy hand writing and his Niece's signature triangular ear-ring.
"... ah, never mind , thank you for bringing her all the way here... ehm, this won't be charged extra will it now?"
« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 10:09:30 AM by Wuff-Wuff »
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Offline Noah-Bear95

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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2024, 09:39:09 AM »
"It'll be taken from her student debt," The female staff member replied, as her male counterpart picks up the vocally outspoken Dragonborn hatchling from her stroller.

"Put me dowm!" She squeaks, wearing a bib over a fluffy pink onesie. "I wanna wedo da test~!"

He struggles at first, even squeaking as he commented on how 'she' bit him, before the female staff member then hushes her with a pacifier. "Nough!"

Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2024, 09:58:04 AM »
"Madame, Mister, you've certainly done more than enough, let me take her from here.", Drahcir tells them kindly with a hint of nervousness, wanting to calm down the sitation and avoid any further financial burden.

Not all to unhappy with this suggestion, the male staff member hands his Niece over to him.

"Now now Evelyn, I know you feel upset but please don't go around biting the poor school's staff members. It's not nice!", even though it had been years since he talked to her in such a childish fashion, Uncle Drahcir just couldn't stop himself from reverting back to it as he took his Niece into his arms. After ignoring her unamused look and making sure she was safe and secure, he inquired: 

"Ehm... may I ask how this happened?"
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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2024, 10:59:47 AM »
Her eyes then well up as she explains what happened, including what she wrote in her diary, how she failed her exam because of a computer error, and how she thinks she might've been stuck with a Reverse Ageing spell.

"Snff...I didn't mean it, uncle Drahcir....I wanted to redo the t-test, but the headmaster said I needed to go home." She whimpers quietly. "And now my dad's gonna be upset with me, w-while I'm stuck in DIAPERS!"

She then wails as hard as her little lungs could. The stubborn, overconfident teenage girl had came back as a shivering, wailing hatchling crying for her uncle's affection.

Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2024, 11:27:07 AM »
Unable to see his little Niece cry like a baby, Drahcir cuddles her tight and tries to reassure her "There there Evelyn, don't worry. We'll fix this, ok? Hey~ it wouldn't be the first time, now would it? Remember that one time we had to replace your Dad's favourite cup because of a potion expermient gone wrong?" laughing kindly at her, Drahcir tries to conceal the overwhelming sensation of the situation. "Let's go get you a treat sweetie, anything you fancy."
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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2024, 11:30:27 AM »
She slowly stops crying, rubbing her eyes before she nods. "A-a treat? Okay...." She then settles in her uncle's arms, still not used to being carried around and treated like a baby.

Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2024, 11:43:09 AM »
"What would you like little Eve? They've got Dragon-Fruit smoothies, Ichneumon tail on a stick or, oh! Human steamed in a suit of armour." Drahcir ended up carrying his niece all around the train station in search of her favourite snack, reminding him of the good old days in which he'd used to buy her a goodie bag of snacks everytime he came to visit. 
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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2024, 11:44:59 AM »
"Can I have a Dragon-fruit smoothie?" I asked, feeling a little better now that I'm home. Though I couldn't help notice a few passing stares.

Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2024, 12:05:18 PM »
"Sure sweety." Drahcir ordered his little Niece a dragon-fruit smoothie and handed her the bottle, the friendly lady from the smoothie shop couldn't caint herself and gave out a loud "Aww!". After paying and walking a few steps away from earshot, he started whispering to Evelyn "So~ am I the only one who knows about your little problem? We have to find a way to get you back to normal and back to school before your dad get's wind of this..."

Evelyn's Dad was by no means an evil man, he was just very strict and very, Very! sure of his own morals. He kept a very close eye on Drahcir for marrying his sister. This experience gave Drahcir a lot of sympathy for little Evelyn.
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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2024, 12:10:39 PM »
I then slurp some of the mushy fruit juice, before I replied. "If I know my dad, he'll have already found out." -My tail curls up as my ears fold, before I breathe a sigh.- "He might get a little mad, but if I'm honest with him...." -Splash! Some of the fruit juice landed on my face and all over my clothes, as we had to stop at the traffic lights. And my lack of motor control made it very difficult.-

Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2024, 12:20:47 PM »
"Aww, not to worry!", Drahcir uses one of the serviettes to dab Evelyn's cute face gently. "There you go~ sorry for stopping so suddend there.... ah you're right Sweetie~ being honest is the best way to go.", feeling slightly ashamed for suggesting to keep it a secret, all just to avoid some unpleasant situation, Drahcir brought his little niece home safe and sound.
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Re: Evelyn Maestrix - Open Prompt RP
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2024, 12:23:48 PM »
As we arrive, I look around from your arms, still having little dragonfruit stains around my claws and cheeks. "Uncle Drakhir, was this place always so big?" I asked, seeing the imposing mansion where my dad lives.


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