« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2023, 03:11:12 PM »
(that's true, and I know since I have two cats living with me)
All of my sonas recently have been Pokemon, more specifically the Eeveelutions, and in the past had a snow leopard sona too which I slowly turned it into an Espeon (Pokemon for those who don't know it, based on an Abyssinian cat to me).
If I where to choose another, real life species that isn't a fox or feline. I'd pick a Polar Bear. slowly been liking bears in general, but the design of the snowy white Polar Bear is on my top favorites by design. I can imagine keeping warm in the cold winter climates, but living so far in the Arctic north might get lonely at times. My second favorite bear would likely be the grizzly bear.
If I get the chance to be a non real life animated character, I haven't had fun with, would be Gatomon from digimon series. I might not know much about the series, but the many times I seen Gatomon's design, I loved it.

Info on my sona
Vay, female, Vaporeon, New York CIty, New York
Joseph, male, Jolteon, Kansas City, Missouri
Aaron, male, Flareon, McMinnville, Oregon
Arval, male, Umbreon, San Francisco, California
Jyo, male, Espeon, Seattle, Washington
Linette, female, Leafeon, Biloxi, Mississippi
Grace, female, Glaceon, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sherrie, female, Sylveon, Las Vegas, Nevada
8 opposite gender mates:
Leonardo, male, Vaporeon, Venice, Italy
Robyn, female, Jolteon, Bridgetown, Barbados
Fleur, female, Flareon, Marseille, France
Aycan, female, Umbreon, Istanbul, turkey
Elise, female, Espeon, Basseterre, St. Kitts-Nevis
Zoran, male, Leafeon, Velez, North Macedonia
Florian, male, Glaceon, Craiova, Romania
Seth, male, Sylveon, Ashgabath, Turkmenistan
My other supporting sonas:
Charlene - Bobby - Marrie - Milo - Vanessa - Zoey - Jeremy -Yana - Kumar - Francine - Rorch - Marvinne - Darsha