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Author Topic: The Random Thread  (Read 2006627 times)

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Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111840 on: January 18, 2024, 03:24:46 PM »
 :D how long have you been drawing for ZaraRa?

Oh, wait hang on, there's two sonic comics right  :squint: are the archie ones the ones that go way too hard with epic apocolyptic storylines?  :D Whatever the case, cheesiness is always good in my book  ^_^

I think you're mixing it up with Gundam (also big robots fighting). Neon Genesis Evangelion is... actually kind of hard to summarise  :sweatdrop: you've got some guy trying to bring forth some new evolution for mankind in order to see his dead wife once again, you have his son who never seems to get a break and always ends up mentally scarred  XD I reeeaaaaaally can't do it justice, but it goes really deep into the psychological aspect of the characters, their relationships between one another and explores themes like how our flawed human nature can stand in the way of making meaningful connections with others, but also how our capability to compassion can fix those bridges.
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Offline ZaraRaEchidna

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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111841 on: January 18, 2024, 05:06:24 PM »
I've been drawing for about 20-odd years now!  XP

Also there's actually about four, if you only count the U.S.A and Europe! Archie is indeed the apocalyptic one, though  XD the other ones.. IDW, the current one! Sonic the Comic, the old British one, and the estranged cousin, "Sonic Adventures: Dans Les Griffes De Robotnic" - which is an incredibly old, single-issue French Comic!

Also that's entirely possible... There's a lot of references in this mind of mine, that it's all gone to soup  :facepaw: XP I ought to check Neon Genesis Evangelion out myself, then!
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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111842 on: January 18, 2024, 08:47:53 PM »
 :D aww that's really cool! 20 years, man, everyone I meet here is so talented  ^_^

Was Sonic your first obsession for drawing, or did you start with something else first  :) ?

 XP the Echidna knows his stuff, damn! Even a french one off comic  XD

I got into it after watching a video which tries to explain everything thats going on  :) a friend of mine and I are working on a hobby-film project and I felt inspired to watch it and find out how to write emotional character moments and such.
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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111843 on: January 21, 2024, 07:21:59 PM »
Thank you, thank you! I've always had such a passion for creating, it really makes me happy.
Hmmm, I'd say that I did start out drawing Sonic, so that I could fax my art in to the telly network, and to the magazine.. But the first things I started posting online, was actually Tokyo Mew Mew! I LOVED that manga series! I've flitted through obsessions here and there.. But I keep coming back to Sonic - the friends I've made in this fanbase are life-long!  :3

Ha-- I'm a nerd, it's true!

Ooh, that sounds like great fun! Good luck with your project!
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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111844 on: January 22, 2024, 01:53:48 PM »
 :D  Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was the first console game I ever owned  ^_^ good times!

I'm glad though you've found a footing in the fandom and passion in the art!

Do you have any other creative endevours outside of art  :) ?
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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111845 on: January 24, 2024, 04:35:51 PM »
SA2B is such a great game!
Aye; it's been the ride of a lifetime  :P

Other creative endevours... Ooh, lord, I hit the ground running when I was a tween - I ran a shop creating custom costume pieces (mooostly paws and tails!), I used to do knitting, we almost got an animated cartoon off of the ground! It's all lost to time these days, I've sort of settled down -I don't know where I ever found the time or energy!
I mostly just write, when I'm not creating artwork. Informatics on animal care, mostly; that's where I sunk most of my qualifications, though I'm also writing up a short book on Napoleonic Era wooden warships of the British Navy.. Ooh, do I love them. I do also write a shocking amount of fanfiction, and we're getting a Sonic FanComic out soon! Oh dear, I didn't slow down at all, did I?  XD XD XD
How about you, Wuff? What goes on in Wuff's world?
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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111846 on: January 24, 2024, 11:52:37 PM »
Wow that is a nice truck    ;)

Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111847 on: January 25, 2024, 07:48:12 AM »
XD I was confused there for a second, but the first post is a truck on this topic.

Hey there FamousFurry  :D how are you?

Also @Zara-Ra  :o woah! you once had your own Shop? That's so cool! and man, there's so many things there to unpack. Did anything of the cartoon survive? Why Napoleanic Era warships and what kind of qualifications did you aquire to be into animal care.

I feel a bit boring now tbh  XP at the moment I'm trying to realise a hobby film project with a friend. It was supposed to only be a silly film about two guys playing ukuleles, but I got forced into listening to modern pop radio at work, my Kryptonite, and the sudden malignant thoughts I had towards something I usually loved sent me down a path of trying to explore themes of moral use of music, the feeling of being ostracise by the mainstream, musical gatekeeping (either by companies for profit, or people like me, clammering to the past and claiming they know what "real music" is), the problematic of being too focused on theory, the need for other's praise vs. being content with oneself etc. etc. so I've been researching a lot lately.  XP
Other than that, I have my band, though the violinist had an operation on her leg and thus hasn't been able to practice with us as of late. I also work in an office, but recently finished and passed a course to become an environmental consultant (I want to do something more meaningful, especially for insects, I really like insects). Will need to start looking for a job in that direction soon  ^_^
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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111848 on: April 25, 2024, 11:25:59 AM »
Ahaha, an online shop, which isn't quite as exciting! I have one again now, selling charms and accessories  :P
The cartoon.. A lot of it is on my harddrive, but it makes me turn in on myself a little, because of all the naivete of me thinking I could pull off such a large project  XD XD XD
Napoleonic Warships are just beautiful! I suppose it's due to HMS VIctory herself, who sits in dry-dock to this day - she's beautiful  :3
Animal Care Qualis... WOOH, there was a few different quali's I picked up, but I'd have to check my slips I got for graduating ewe" - Husbandry, behaviour, nutrition, jump-off point quali's for all of them - I've got further ed in chimpanzee behaviour, exotic husbandry, and wildlife rehabilitation, though~

That sounds like a lot of fun, good luck with your film~ that is the opposite of boring! Absolutely smashing stuff!
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Offline Wuff-Wuff

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Re: The Random Thread
« Reply #111849 on: May 29, 2024, 02:01:41 PM »
 ^_^ Still! It sounds awesome! What kind of accessories do you sell  :)

Hahahaha oh I know that feeling ZaraRa xD I have started my fair share of projects that turned out... well being a bit more challenging than my silly imagination had me believe :D Still, I guess we can only learn from those things.

Woaaaah  :* so many cool things! Wildlife rehabilitation must be such a rewarding thing!

Oh I've honestly hit a bit of a brick wall recently. I need to get back into it again! Wrote like one of the most important scenes which took me aaaaaaaaaaages and then kind of stopped... tehe woopsie. But I'm learning a lot about home recording now :3 Doing some singles unrelated to the film too. I want to be a music doggo!
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