I've updated it, it totals to $2,030
I'd say screw the 4790k and save $100 by going with the i5 4690k instead, unless you do CPU-intensive things like video editing you will not notice any difference at all. The 4790k is indeed a better CPU but it's designed for more intensive multi-threaded workloads rather than gaming, thus the difference for gaming is negligible.
Also you can wait a month or so more until' the newer model is released (since it's currently around that time of the year when Intel releases new models). And even if you're not buying the new one you'll sure get a better price on the current models once the new ones are out.
Another thing, 16GB of RAM is overkill. You'll be hard pressed to find a game that will use even just 8GB, so just get 8GB instead of 16GB and save a few more $ without reducing performance! See, how RAM works more does not actually increase performance (nor does less RAM decrease performance). The performance will be exactly the same regardless how much or little RAM you have so long the actual RAM usage is less than 90-100% (If you're curious, you can monitor the RAM usage in the task manager).
Also, why Windows 7 when you can have Windows 8 for a few $ less? (Also Windows 10 will be out by the end of this month!)
(such as ensuring you have an antistatic band)
I don't see the point in these.
I've played around with the internals of sooo many computers (and even while they're on) without any negative effects.
I agree, all you need to do is touch something metal and stay clear of soft mats and socks and you'll be fine. Make sure to use a clean table, preferably a wooden or plastic one, when building the PC to prevent the components from touching the floor!