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Author Topic: i ran into him in the hall today  (Read 389 times)

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i ran into him in the hall today
« on: November 14, 2013, 09:04:28 AM »
oh my god i havent seen him up close in years and i thougt i could handle it when i saw him agian buT??? NOPe!!!

i was leaving math class in kind of a hurry i guess and he opened the door and his face was way too close it was not o-**censor**-kay i actually thought he was going to punch me in the face he could and nobody would stop him its not like it would make me uglier i guess???? oh my goD i hope i never get that close to him again i can still see the look on his face he wanted to **censor** murder me

i dont want this all to start again i spent three years trying to get away from him and the problems he gave me??? i can't do it all over again it'll **censor** kill me i swear to god i can't take it all again it would be way wayway too much

it shouldnt even be hard to avoid him my school has almost 2,000 people and he's only one of thembut every time i look around and i see someone in a gray hoodie or with hair like his i panic because i see him and its horrifying. if i didnt know better id almost say he followed me/?? he had to have followed me i didnt tell anyoen where i was goi ng ??? but hes there and its not safe anymore

i dont want him to threaten me i dont want that to happen again i cant let it happen again??? it was all my fault i stood out too much iw asnt pretty or even a girl or smart or anything ?? i wasnt normal and i was a target i mustve made myself a target it was my **censor** fault
hes never even touched me why am i so scared of him

im sorry i just need to vent i'll come back later when im nOT in the midle of a full on panic attack


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