Author Topic: Endgame Earth  (Read 25545 times)

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Endgame Earth
« on: November 02, 2012, 10:37:24 PM »

(Once again open for new applicants, but you MUST indicate to me an ability to keep up with the RP and write thoughtful posts before you are admitted.)
Nova jogged as fast as he could through the moonlit streets of Ruined New York City, his heavy load obnoxiously weighing him down. Normally he preferred the rooftops- with his climbing skills it was no more dangerous than the streets, and there he could see everything around him. But the load on his back prevented this; a backpack stuffed with handheld radios, basic medical supplies, and small arms ammunition- the leftovers of a midnight clash between a local group of humans and a particularly aggressive batch of Consumers. He had heard the explosions and seen their light in the distance from the roof of the local fur HQ, which he liked to hang out on alone after everyone else was asleep. As much as he knew it was in bad taste, Nova also knew that the furs needed supplies, and human casualties provided them for scavenging. The humans would not venture out to assess the damage in full until daylight, so he had this chance to carry away what he could of the dead's provisions from the battle. "Maybe if they were a bit more considerate of us, we wouldn't have to resort to this," he grumbled to himself as the dilapidated concrete walls of the HQ came into view. "But they're dead, they won't be needing these bandages. And we're alive, because we don't insist on residing on the very edge of the city to be constantly subjected to attack." He stopped as he reached the main entrance to the building. It was of course locked, but he always carried a key. "If anyone has a problem with this when they wake up, I'll be sure to remind them of our rather dire situation, as well as the fact that I'm the one who established this HQ as a safe haven in the first place. I suppose they can refuse the meds and stay hurt if they want to..." Taking a deep breath and calming himself, as silently as possible, he slipped inside with his bounty and closed the door behind him.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 05:48:20 PM by NovAurora »
  • Avatar by: Ventus Fall :D

~*Airforce Fleet commander*~
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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2012, 11:44:37 PM »
It was night now and this is when the consumers where most active. Slowly the mutated monsters walked, crawled, and staggered out of the dark places. Out of sewers, through busted windows, open doors, and even craters in the road. They where everywhere, and there numbers grew by the day. Looking at this she let out a sigh thinking back to the chain of events that lead to this. She needed the food, and this was one of the safest places to get it, but her stupid friend had to blow it... Now they where everywhere, and she did not know how to escape. There was enough food to last a good week, a month if she rationed it. But only enough water for five days. Pulling her eye away from the scope she looked across the street that was infront of her, dozens of them, hundreds now slumped around the street, giving a curious glance up at the mini-mart she held her ground at. Crawling away from the edge with her gun she crawled towards the roof access point climbing down the ladder, making sure to lock it from the inside. Once back inside the windows where boarded with metal panels from shelfs. Allowing slivers of what remaining light was outside. The food piled in two fridges she kept running with a car battery. Sighing to herself she went to ice room, a metal cage locking it once inside. Inside a bed spread laid in the middle with her few worldly positions. Laying down she covered herself and reached out, turning off a small oil lamp. Closing her eyes she slept, waiting for another day to try and escape.
In her dreams she did not get rest as the few nights before flashed through her head. Her friend and herself knew this store, it was in the slums and not commonly visited, making it a perfect place to loot, but her friend... He ran in without checking, he was jumped. Three shotgun rounds where fired making them a beacon. Here she was safe, while her friend distracted the horde, saving her... It was a long night after that.
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Offline Athura

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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2012, 02:09:27 AM »
He sincerely didn't know what was going on, He tried everything in his power to save her. She was a beautiful girl, A wolf. Golden fur, so bright it could heal anyone's soul. But now that's all gone now, I let her die. It all started when I woke up in the hospital, everything looked wore down and crumbled. I had no idea what was going  at the moment, I had no idea who i even was. As curious as I was, I got up, and looked around. It was a bit hard because I was hooked up to wires and machines. As I got up I heard a slight groan somewhere in crumpled halls of the hospital. I was thinking it was someone else, someone who is thinking the same thing as me. As I went out there to go check, I noticed there was nothing there. Besides gurneys and medical supplies thrown all over the place besides the rubble. I shouted out as best as I could. "Hello? Anyone there?" When I said that, I heard that exact same moan, but closer. I felt frightned, because that did not sound like any normal being. When I look around, I see this.. Mutated wolf, just running at me. I had no idea what as happening. So all I could do was run and scream for my life. But then I noticed, I wasn't screaming. It was a woman's voice, Being as frightned as I was. I started looking around until I finnaly found her, screaming, and being attacked by another "mutant". I saw a needle on the floor, So by instincts I picked up the needle and stuck it in the mutant, hoping it was some kind of posion or sleeping medicine that was in that needle. It seemed to work effiecently as the mutant groaned and fell on the floor. I went straight to the woman to see if she was alright, I asked her while looking her over. "Whats your name?" She looked into my eyes like I was a hero, and said "My names Bena."

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~-Explosive Balloon Specialist-~

Offline Ventus Fall

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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2012, 03:33:02 PM »
Himawari looked up at the night sky and sighed.
"Another day in hell."
She turned to look towards New York city, Himawari was in Liberty State Park, the other side of the river of where New York was.
She knew about the activity of the Consumers, but at night there was a smaller chance of being spotted.
Himawari has been living underground and has been very catious when it came to other human beings. Most of them were greedy, wanting to steal her suplies, trying to convince her to join the Consumers, the 'saviors', or even worse... She could luckily fend herself off pretty well, but if she couldn't, she could always escape through vents or other small passageways where only she could fit through. Himawari used these passageways a lot to safetly get from place to place, without being spotted by anyone or anything.
She was even cautious with furs, but dealing/trading with them was always a good thing. They were somehow way less dangerous than humans, perhaps that was of their 'special' situation. Humans were hunted, taken down by the Consumers, while furs did not have to fear them. That could explain their behaviour. Or perhaps they were just more tolerant towards the whole situation. She had no clue, nor did she really care.
Himawari had been planning to go to New York city for some time now. It was more dangerous than where she was now, but she needed another safe-haven if this one would be discovered or destroyed. Also, her supplies were beganning to run low. She had been a bit lazy and too carefull with finding supplies when there used to be enough.
"On to the big apple." She said, grinning, but with a sad undertone.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 03:35:21 PM by Ventus Fall »
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Offline NovaAurora

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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2012, 01:54:52 AM »
    Nova walked through the lobby of the building with his load of supplies, glancing around at the makeshift cots with sleeping furs of all kinds in them. Many had guns, knives, or various other violent accessories at their feet, ready to be wielded at a moment's notice should the need arise. "I wonder how many dream of the pre-war world, when one didn't have to worry about being ambushed in the night or whether they would have enough to eat the next day," he thought silently. His gloomy thoughts were interrupted however by movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned quickly to look, to see one of the youngest furs, a raccoon girl by the name of Riara, get out of bed and stand there looking at him. He stopped, and she walked up to him with a look of curiosity on her face.
    "What's in there?" she whispered, pointing at the overloaded backpack, before adding, "And aren't you sleepy?" Nova looked down at her. Her innocence was intoxicating, she was one of the extremely lucky ones who still had a parent remaining to watch out for her.
    "Supplies," Nova said after a moment. "There's stuff in here to help furs who get sick, as well as radios so we can keep in contact with each other while we're not together." He left out the part about the hundreds of pistol rounds stuffed in the bottom.
    "But why do you have them now? It's sleeping time! It's dark out there!" Riara said, clearly not satisfied with the answer she received.
    "Hey, I could ask why you're out of bed yourself young lady," Nova responded with a slight smirk. "Look, sometimes we have to go out when we don't want to. Things need to get done, and we can't always wait until daytime to do them. It's nothing to concern yourself with, just be glad that you're safe in here." He had a rather hard time saying the last part. Before she could interrogate him anymore, he started off towards the stairway in the back. "I can't talk anymore Riara, I'm sorry, but as you said, it's sleeping time and I'm tired. I'll see you in the morning. I think we might have a big day tomorrow." She only looked at him with an even more confused expression.

    Two floors up in his private room, Nova finally put down the pack and sat down on his mattress. He could see the moon was descending now through the dingy window, the cracked and barren wreckage of the city sprawling beneath. "We can't go on like this. Something has to change, we have to fight back!" he said aloud, the words echoing in his head, bringing back countless unwanted memories. His whole body ached. "And dammit I need to get some rest..." He lay back on his cot, and without even bothering to cover himself with a blanket, drifted off into a restless sleep until morning.
  • Avatar by: Ventus Fall :D

~*Airforce Fleet commander*~
We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!

Come raise your lantern to the sky
And let's illuminate this night
We'll dance like heathens
Around the flames
And while the world sleeps

Offline VrRaven

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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2012, 03:50:25 AM »
Phelan Mendoza, crouched in the burnt out crumbling husk that had once been someone's house, distractedly rubbed a grey paw under his dark chin. He felt exhaustion tugging his eyes shut but dared not sleep here, despite lack of rest and painful hunger he's made it to the outskirts of what had once been New York. Phelan, who never called himself by any other name than Doza, knew not why he'd come here. Nor did he care. Be it instinct, Intuition, Fate, or Farce. He'd come, and that was that.

Of much more interest to the fur lay imprinted in the dirt close to his right paw. A fur footprint, which could mean others. Trades, bargains, they could have exactly what he needed. Doza knew he had what they needed, food, and despite the stomach cramps calling out for his attention he never once touched the canned goods and other foodstuffs squirreled away in his pack. After all, what kind of trader ate his own stock?

Bending down, the wolf took a deep breath through his powerful nose not an inch over the ash-covered print, "feline, female, young," he muttered to himself. His voice deep and gravelly due to too little use. Even so, he smiled, "where there is smoke...there's fire. Right, Throatseeker?" He gently patted the somewhat battered knife at his left side, the sheath bouncing gently against his leg as he gathered his belongings and quietly followed the female's trail.

Offline Athura

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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2012, 04:39:52 AM »
Jajaman was having a terrible time trying to figure out what was happening. Mutants, Waking up in a hospital, now this mysterious wolf. "What do you suppose we do Bena? Should we go back out there? Maybe find some supplies?" He asked with a low monotone to his voice. Bena says, still frightned, attacked by the mutant must of been terrifying. "W-Well. MAybe we shoudl go see if there are other people, I've seen multiple human prints, and paw prints all over the place." Her voice sounded like the ones of angels. "Okay, Then we better get going, I have no idea what will happen if we stay here for long." So off we went, into the crumbled city. Holding her hand, it felt like none of the world mattered except for us. But that suddenly changed while we were walking amongst the rubble, going to the tallest building we saw, looked as it was about to fall over any day. When we were walking to it, hopefully to find supplies, or even more furs, or possibly humans. There was a sudden boom, shaking all the ground, and everything on it.

"What is going on!?"  Bena says, seeming fairly frignted. "I have no idea!" Jajaman exclaimed. The tremor wen't on for about 1 minute. Then just suddenly stopped, out of the wind. These mutants seemed as they weren't fazed by us. Except for Bena, they made curious glances at her now and then, is she not a normal fur? Her exceeding beauty seemed to be very odd. Soon enough we finnaly made it to the tallest building in this town, I had no idea  what it was, or what it was called, but I smelt others, mutants? I had no idea, but when I entered that building, nothing felt good at all.

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!
~-Explosive Balloon Specialist-~

Offline Ventus Fall

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  • Currently: -Local senpai- Will maybe have ninjurai's in the future.
Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2012, 12:09:53 PM »
It has been a couple of hours since Himawari decided to go to New York city. With her medium-sized backpack full of supplies and some clean clothes, she left her 'base'  behind.
She had one reasonable quick -and safe-  possibility to cross the other side of the river: The Harsimus Cove. It contained some boats which could help her across. She already saved up gas and other supplies she might need to get a boat running, but it was worth it, or so she hoped.
Himawari reached the harbour. She saw nothing there that could harm her. Human, anthropomorph or otherwise and went to find a boat.
She found one that looked rather well and was barely damaged at all. She saw it needed gas and filled it up, and still had some left for the journey back if she ever decided to go back.
Himawari started up the engine and left the Cove carefully, not looking behind, but ahead... to New York city.
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Offline FurryJunky

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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2012, 05:32:04 PM »
The chain of event came and went as she slept, it was dark and they where stalking through an ally way. Already they came on two consumers, but with the two of them they made easy prey. It was when they where in hordes that it became a problem. Reaching the end of the ally they poked there heads into the street that lead to the mini-mart. Right above the store it had the letters in bold faded red paint. Slowly going around the corner she could feel her stomach growl with the opportunity of a fresh meal, one she did not have for over a day now, and the thought made her rush. Slowly walking down the street the sun was falling fast and soon the monsters would be out and about, they needed to hurry, but needed to be safe. She told him so, but he did not lessen. Straight to the front door he went kicking it open and walking inside slowly The store was previously boarded up but gave under his forcefull kick. It seemed that it was generally un touched as the previous occupancies left in a hurry, she knew it was a bad sigh, and voicing her concerns but her friend did not lessen. Further he went into the store passing shelf upon shelf until it sprang from the shadows. With a shout of shock he was stabbed through his lower stomach as his finger spasm on the trigger shooting a round into the celing. Bringing up her rifle she shot once herself killing the attacker as another came from behind further impaling him. Twisting his body around, blood coming out of his mouth he put his shotgun to the last of the threats firing twice. But the claw like appendages where in him, and he would turn soon. Walking up to him tears streamed down her face, "Adam!.. Adam... Your going to be ok! please..." But he looked at himself, barely able to lift his head he said the words. "Kill me." It seemed like an hour of fighting, but in reality it was a few minutes of exchanged words. Lifting up her handgun, her vision clouded as tears stung her eyes. Squeezing the trigger it was all over quick...

Waking with a shout she sat up in her makeshift bed panting heavenly. She was sweating and brought a hand up wiping at her brow. This was the second night in a row the dream came, more groosom then the last. Shuddering she brought her arms over her knees hugging herself lightly wiping away a few threatening tears. She had to be strong, or she would end up like her friend. Once her breathing was back under control she got up, unable to fall back asleep. Looking around the freeze box she had her pack ready to go, a small ham radio, a lamp attached to a car battery, and her rifle leaning against the wall. Grabbing the radio she unhooked the lamp and brought the radio and battery out to the main room. Hooking it up she adjusted the antenna and started playing with the dials once again. For three days straight nothing but static, she needed help, but was scared for who would be providing it, but she had no other choice. Slowly turning the diels from each frequency she said the same thing, "Is anyone out there, anyone at all, I'm at the old Mini-Mart in the slums, south distract, can anyone hear me, please respond." After going through the frequencies she started again, trying in vain to get help, hopefully help would arrive before the consumers found out there was still another survivor in the store.

  • Avatar by: ~dcwj @

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!

A Game of Thrones-I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men.

Offline Athura

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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2012, 08:19:29 PM »
After getting them acquainted in this big building, ME and her both heard a humming. Which is good, means I'm not going crazy. I told her to stay where she was, while i try to find the noise, after minutes of looking I found it. It was someone talking, he needed help. But I had no idea where this Mini-Mart was. He was is the slums, south-district, But when I tried to reply, it seemed he went to a different channel. So I gathered up supplies I found in the big building, A gun, 2 clips. Some food, and some water. It wasn't much, but it would have to do.
"Bena, Your going to have to stay here, I'm off to find others." Jajaman said politely.
"B-But! What if they come after me." She said, Scared, I understand ed what she was going through.
"No worries, I'm sure you can find another weapon here." With the look in her eyes it seemed like she trusted me.

So off I went, heading south, or the south of what the broken signs said. It was terrible walking down this city. Its sad to see it all gone, I wonder how popular this city was before this all happened  I have no idea. After walking of what seemed hours, I finnaly found myself, looking at this mini-mart, I was hoping this is where he was.. "Hello? Are you there? I heard you on the radio? I have a bit of supplies! Anyone?" After that, I had no idea what was going to happen after I said all that.

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!
~-Explosive Balloon Specialist-~

Offline FurryJunky

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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2012, 08:46:37 PM »
The horde surrounded the building completely as the changed humans skulked around idly zombie like. With the sound of his voice few stood straight looking in his general direction, even fewer started walking that way. On sight it would be blood shed intently as a low groan was heard through the group of consumers, they where agitated now as  there sustention of an enemy ralled up the group. As a few walked your way they held up there claw like arms, ready to attack at the noise.
  • Avatar by: ~dcwj @

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!

A Game of Thrones-I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men.

Offline Athura

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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2012, 09:58:31 PM »
The moment he spoke out he knew that was a terrible idea, "Shoot! That was a terrible idea.. Am I at the wrong place?" I say agitated. Being chased by the mutant he takes out his handgun, and shoots the ones that are coming after him. But that just causes more to come. He had no idea what to do at the time, So all he could do was run in the mini-mart, he had a lucky shot inside, and tried to find a hiding spot inside. But they were already inside. Trying as best as he could he tried to find the person that was on the radio, Sneaking around as best as he can, trying to find her. "Hello? Are you in here?" He whispers, so he wouldn't attract the mutants.

We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!
~-Explosive Balloon Specialist-~

Offline Ventus Fall

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  • Build: Slender
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: -Local senpai- Will maybe have ninjurai's in the future.
Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2012, 10:54:11 PM »
Himawari reached New York city and docked the boat in a secluded area quietly. She had cut off the engine long before in order not to draw everything's attention. She made sure to hide the supplies for the boat somewhere else, but closeby, in order to prevent anyone else on fleeing away with the boat.
Himawari decided it was best to go to the heart of the city, where the most supplies would probably be. Not only was it also most likely one of the most dangerous places, but that would mean more supplies.
She sneaked around buildings, quickly and undetected by creatures so far. She reached the heart of the city. Normally this place would be lit up so much, it would be difficult to hide, but due to the chaos that had swept the world, it was most unlikely people would be keeping themselves busy with the powerplants, giving the country electricity.

Suddenly, she turned a corner without looking around it before doing so, and she bumped into something squishy. It was a creature, a Consumer.
The creature turned and tried to attack her, she rolled aside, banging into the door of a building. The monster quickly bent down and attacked again, sweeping low with it's arms. This time he hit her, but barely scratched her. She moaned, tried to get up and run away or trying to knock him out, but she suddenly felt weak and let herself hang. She had no idea what was going on, but this was not the first time that this had happened. Almost everytime when one or more of these creatures were near of her, she would have this strange feeling. All her muscles would let her down, she could not controll them anymore and she would also have the feeling of wanting to becone one of... them. It was difficult to resist such a thing, normally she was in situations were she could flee one way or the other, but now she was trapped, trapped in a huge city filled with these things.
She felt hopeless and gave up. She could not fight this anymore.
  • Avatar by: Hello preset gallery
  • Signature art by: Mr. Razot
♦ The friendly fluffy furry art dragon ♦
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Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2012, 11:15:24 PM »
    Nova was shaken from sleep by a knock on his door. It was still dark out. "Ugh... Who is it? What's going on?" He asked groggily. A voice Nova recognized as Axol's, a pure wolf, came from the other side.
    "Sorry to wake you Nova, but I was just woken up downstairs by some banging on our front door. I didn't want to go out there alone or wake the others, so I figured I'd just come wake you up. Sorry.... but I think you should come."
    "Banging? I swear if it's some lone Consumer gone mad I'm gonna tear it limb from limb..." He grabbed his gunblade, opened the door and started downstairs. The lobby was still full of sleeping furs, only he and Axol stirred. As he approached the door he heard groans and... what sounded like a woman's voice? There was definitely something out there. "Axol, stay behind me, I'm going out," Nova said. In one swift movement, he flung the door open and leveled his blade in the direction of the noise. Just outside the door, a single Consumer bent over a human female, who looked incredibly pale and weak. Nova rushed the consumer, and with a vigorous slash decapitated it instantly. The lifeless body collapsed on the ground. Nova then turned his attention to the human slumping against the wall. "Who are you?" Nova asked. "No humans ever come this deep into the city."
  • Avatar by: Ventus Fall :D

~*Airforce Fleet commander*~
We fight, we recruit, we are the anthropomorphic army. FDF forever!

Come raise your lantern to the sky
And let's illuminate this night
We'll dance like heathens
Around the flames
And while the world sleeps

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  • Currently: -Local senpai- Will maybe have ninjurai's in the future.
Re: Endgame Earth
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2012, 11:29:15 PM »
The black haired young woman suddenly felt 'normal'  again. Her vision was somewhat clouded before, but now that the Consumer had been taken care of, she had a clear view again. She could operate her body again and stood up. She saw a diffrent kind of creature looking at her, asking her questions. The words made no sense at first, she heard them as if the words were being played slow-forward by a tape recorder.

After a minute or so, she shook her head and blinked.
"I... I'm Himawari, Himawari Hyde. Thanks for... freeing me." She instantly knew that was a weird thing to say, but continued.
"Who are you? And, not to be impolite, but I've never seen an anthro this far in the city either. What are you doing here?" She paused. "Perhaps we should continue this conversation elsewhere, somewhere safe? I sense them coming. They must have somehow sensed the death of their fellow... something."

  • Avatar by: Hello preset gallery
  • Signature art by: Mr. Razot
♦ The friendly fluffy furry art dragon ♦
-> PM me for any questions or if you just want to chat ^^ I love to help! <-

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