Of course you know, Bridgette means 'retrieve this child alive' as in Dead, but still walking and talking.
And I was kinda pushed into hurrying to write my last post, so sorry that it sucks so epically to describe what she's seeing: It's like during the first part of the Silent Hill movie version, where Rose first goes down into the Underground. Looks just like that.
Also, to explain the reason she's terrified of it to you Staff, it's because it is directly over the top of Hell itself. When you look down through the grates, etc, you'll be looking at Hell. And even Bridgette is no match for the forces and flame that stem from Hell.
Post Merge: April 25, 2010, 02:23:19 AM
Alright, well Sasha is going to post something epic tomarrow....She needs just one more day to take care of her own RP's.
Post Merge: April 25, 2010, 04:56:15 AM
Haha! Yayz! Until Sasha draws herself a new sig...this will have to do. It has nothing to do with any current love of mine...buuuut....
The fox in the picture is Aike-Aike and her snow leopard lover before she died, went to Purgatory, and got warped into an insane Nurse that can't remember to sew her head on in the morning and looks like a white wolf. She has been bleached of color and strained to a breaking point, the only recognition of what species she was before being the red and black splotches on her tail.
Poor Aike. Kinda hard to believe she was once a red fox, but I guess if you pick out details like face shape and hair style, you can see Aike in her....