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Author Topic: Under the Grey Sky  (Read 936 times)

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Offline Adrian_Kruezotter

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  • Posts: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Secretive Serpent
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  • Species: Snake
  • Coloring: Black
  • Height: 7'11"
  • Weight: 563 lbs.
  • Build: Very well built and muscular
  • Currently: Lurking in the dark of your closet...
Under the Grey Sky
« on: June 02, 2014, 10:20:54 PM »
1938; The National Socialist German Workers Party, renamed the Nazis, have begun their rise to power as the new government of Germany. They have annexed Austria, who was willing to bend to their power, and plans on the domination of the Aryan race.
This is a better experience if you know your history, by the way.
Character sheet
Name: (full)
Birth: (Date and place)
Loyalty: (Whose side are you on?)
Hair: (if any)
Prominent features:
Weapons: (if any)
General personality:
Goal in life:
My character
Name: Adrian Ludwig Kruezotter
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Birth: October 13th, 1898; Berchtesgaden, Germany
Loyalty: Nazi Germany
Species: Snake (none in general, has characteristics of a few different species)
Hair: N/A
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 413 lbs / 187.334 kilos
Eyes: bright green
Prominent features: Scar going over right eye
Build: Well built
Talents: Brilliant strategist, master manipulator, highly cunning and deceptive, very stealthy despite large form, photographic memory, master-mind, great at detective work, highly analytic, expert tracker and hunter, and enhanced senses.
Weaknesses:Highly sensitive to strong odors, bright light, and loud sounds.
Friends: None yet
Family: Adalinda Kruezotter, (Mother, deceased)
General personality: Rather emotionless, pure psychopath.
Background: Adrian was born out of wed-lock to a young Bavarian woman named Adalinda Kruezotter. As a child, Adrian lived his mother in a small castle in the high mountains of Berchtesgaden. He was an innocent young child, who delighted in the outdoors, catching small animals and collecting flowers for his mother. Then, when he was 11 years old, his house was burned down by a mysterious assailant, killing his mother in the process. He inhaled so much smoke, it damaged his vocal chords, rendering him unable to speak. He had escaped the burning fire to a nearby cave, and upon entering the deep caverns of the mountains, he had spent most of his time underground, allowing his senses to increase largely, allowing him to be capable of echolocation, as well as being able to see well in dark environments, and even hyper-electromagnetic sensitivity, and sensitivity to vibrations, and an extraordinarily keen. These forms of seeing allowed him to be able to see all around him, with or without light, although it caused him to be highly sensitive in certain forms. Also born with a case of gigantism, Adrian grew taller than most people, especially during his days in an orphanage after being found six months after the fire. He joined the National Socialist German Workers Party at the age of 18, and by the age of 32, became a highly decorated and respected high-ranking Algemeine SS officer. He became a right-out marksman, as well as a brilliant master-mind of warfare, and with his great ability to hunt, and be rather stealthy and fast for his size, became one of the deadliest assassins of the Third Reich. However, his broken mind had caused him to become a cannibalistic psychopath, as to which he would frequently use the death around him as a kind of buffet, although his superiors saw no harm in this, and allowed him to do so. His abilities and ruthless personalities, as well as his massive size and a gas-mask he had taken during his days at the orphanage, caused him to be one of the most intimidating people in the war. He has never taken his mask off in front of another person, and is known for his signature gas-mask.
Likes: Anything to exercise his skills; meat; chocolate
Dislikes: Rude people
What such beauty hides such sweet sorrow, a black rose, dew-drops upon the leaves, yet with thorns like death's cold blade. The serpent of temptations, the raven of omens, and the spider of poison, all such beautiful creatures marked as Death. Alas, the pale horse comes. Come Samael, come! Come forth, Asmodeus, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Ba'alberith, Leviathan, Lucifer! We are Legion!

They call me the Boogeyman...


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