Until the landing, Darvo was silent. There was nothing to talk about with anyone. No one knew what the Turian needs, let alone himself. That's why his pod undocked the last and headed in a bit different direction. The pod has fallen behind mercenaries back, producing a lot of dust. The Iron Bears would think that the team plans go wrong, but such a move has provided Darvo enough time to make a decision. Much before exiting from the pod, the symbiote in the Turian has warned the host about multiple living objects. All Klyntar can sense living things. That's why Darvo let the Beast take control over his body. His rifle and armor would not be enough in the current situation. The mercs have outnumbered the team. The process of transforming looks like a black goo enveloping Pax from inside the body. A freaky and ugly process, but that's how it's happening. And if someone might call the Beast as a one covered in ink, that statement would be correct too.
The monster appeared as the ground has started to tremble. The Beast was two times larger than an average Sangheili. Not all mercs have run away because of Blaze's actions as the Iron Bears' forces were scattered all over the surface. The symbiote appearance has immediately distracted all the hired guns' attention from the vixen to the monster. A big, black, ugly creature had teeth all over the face. It was impossible not to note such a thing. Moreso, right after transformation, the Beast has made a high leap in the air. Afterward, landing on a merc, squashing him like he was a pillow. That forced the Bears to start to shoot in the Klyntar. Unfortunately for them, their weapons weren't effective against the symbiote. Kill a Klyntar requires a stream of high-temperature, dense fire. Like Blaze's one. Before the mercs have realized their afoul, almost all of them were sent in the air by powerful monster's punches and kicks. The symbiote decided to left some of them for dinner and broke their necks. All that remained from the Iron Bears mercs are a couple of corpses. The rest of them were lying somewhere else with broken bones after falling from the height.
While the other part of the team was landing and dealing with weakened mercenaries forces, Darvo's second personality has decided to restore stamina. That means to consume the fallen. And so the Beast has begun. Luckily, no one from the team could see the details of Beast's meal. Otherwise, everyone would see Pax as a potential threat.