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Author Topic: Lord of Furs  (Read 15943 times)

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Offline Toad-san-u

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Lord of Furs
« on: July 03, 2018, 06:05:43 PM »
Lord of the Ring/Hobbits take.

I thought a quest in similar to the take above would be nice and interesting. The plot is basically quest to find items that can ruin the world that you know it. Then take it to a place to be destroy the spirit that rest in the objects.

If you wish to know more, then you must play to find out. Muhahaha

No god mode allowed. However Power Mode is allowed as long it have weakness. Would prefer one power ability but would allow two if they work together better.

Weapon is mainly wooden to Metal covered or shaped (Like Steel sword or Elf armor). Closest to a gun would be a multiple shot crossbow. Gunpower is still barely new knowledge.

Species is variety.

Need at least 3 player that play the quest. Would welcome any enemy player.

I start.


Character- Zane

Species- Black Fox

Power mod- Shadow use

Weakness(To be fair)- Pitch black or light(Depending on how bright)

Career-Thief with heart of gold.

allianceness- Chaos good

Weapons- long and short sword that made of dragon bone.

tool of trade- Lockpick set

History- Zane never knew his parent, grew up in a pirate town. He have done any job that involved pirating, theft, runner, information seeking. While he know how to kill and not affect by it, he really disliked to kill. He like to help any helpless and charges the richer and better. He never been able to be caught for very long. He is very well connected to many area and well informed.


*Lighting strike and brighten up the dark night over the small town. Everyone running to their home or bar to get out of the downpour. Within the small town of Tailwhip Hub, there few bar and inn, but there is a fox looking around. He is black fox that anyone would have hard time to even spot a shadow of the fox. He heard about a job that sound like his fun. Find a rare treasure and make it disappear. He have been bored since his long break. He found a inn that he stayed in pasts, The Running Ram Walking in, he went straight to the bar.*

“Yo, give me a cup of blueberry wine.”

*A Tall narrow glass slide over to him. He grab it as he look around, listening for any new.*

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« Last Edit: July 05, 2018, 04:32:35 AM by Toad-san-u »
........ RRRRMEW

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Re: Lord of Furs
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2018, 10:29:11 AM »
This seems like a really cool RP! But just to caution, don't go into too much detail about the alcoholic references and what-not, alcohol is ok but any abuse or super overt language for it is not really (remember underage people frequent the forum!). Right now its fine, just giving this friendly reminder to ensure people don't go overboard!
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Offline Toad-san-u

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Re: Lord of Furs
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2018, 04:29:14 AM »
Only alcoholic probably be the normal drink like beer to ale for poor and rum to berry wine for higher upper type. I rather stray away from them.

Otherwise, I don't think that should be a problems. How often that happen anyway?

However I will fix that drink moment as I was in !middle of creation story for my collage homework. Did not meant that to happen.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2018, 04:31:28 AM by Toad-san-u »
........ RRRRMEW


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