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Author Topic: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)  (Read 40697 times)

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Offline Brisky

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Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #150 on: July 20, 2018, 06:52:39 PM »
Sarah instantly shifted into a more submissive demeanor once she saw her new boss look at her.

"Thirteen-thirty" -She swiftly replied.

"Sounds like a convenient time. Right after lunch, where all the morning fuzz has cleared up and the coffee started working."

She turned her head upto Jayce and looked him in the eyes as a shy smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

"I guess you're important!"

Offline Rayleonarde

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Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #151 on: August 01, 2018, 05:31:44 AM »
Jayce chuckles, billowing smoke from his nose.
“Of course. Despite my visitor being of a communist nature, I won’t let that stop business. Unlike Ronnie. His time in Europe wasn’t good. Ray either, though that’s ‘cause he’s particular.”
The raccoon sighs, propping his feet up on the desk. What feels like a few seconds of silence passes, before there’s a knock on the door. A slightly overweight bear opens the door rather abruptly.
Jayce waves him in.
“Milek. I’m glad ya could join me. Please, take a seat.”
He then offers a cigarette, which the bear declines. Jayce sighs and looks at you.
“Sarah, dear. I’m gonna need a little privacy with mister Januisz here. Be a doll and draw the blinds.”

You glance at the clock and realize almost twenty minutes had passed. You’re not sure what kept you so occupied.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 05:33:23 AM by Rayleonarde »

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Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #152 on: August 02, 2018, 11:56:55 PM »
Business. As usual... -She thought.

The distinct smell of Jayce's strange cigarettes briefly caressed her senses. It seemed to have an almost soothing effect.

Doing business with folk of controversial natures was an all too familiar concept. Someone's political oriëntation has always been meaningless to her, in the corperate playing field. Petty things that stand petty people in the way of getting things done...

Sarah questioningly looks at Jayce for a bit as he tells her to close the blinds, but she shortly nods and obliges.

It was strange...

Normally, in the presence of the naturally larger bear she would feel considerably insecure. Remaining wary in their presence and trying to look and move as inconspicuously as she could, almost becoming invisible.

But with the entrance of Jayce's business partner, or whatever the nature of their business more speciffically turned out to be, she suddenly felt a strange sort of connection with Jayce.

Her posture was much more confident, even somewhat striking. And it showed off her actual size, with the perception of it no longer being blurred by her desire to remain unnoticed.

With it, she looked quite imposing as she strode to the windows and closed the blinds, before moving back to the left side of the room's entrance, taking post on an appropriate distance from the bear on his hind left quarter.

Offline Rayleonarde

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Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #153 on: August 09, 2018, 05:25:20 AM »
“Mister Januisz,” Jayce sighs. “We’ve been in contact for...?”
The bear grunts. “Five months, almost six.”
“Good, good...And, the first thing I asked you for is?” Jayce rolls his paw in the air for effect.
Milek glances nervously back at you. Jayce snaps his fingers.
“The question, Milek.” You feel Jayce’ anger rising. Whatever Milek is here for is very important, you can figure.
“The book,” Milek sheepishly returns his attention to Jayce, whose burning gaze never strayed from the bear. “You asked for the book.”
Nodding, Jayce slowly lit another cigarette, having accidentally crushed his first. “And where is the book, Milek?”
“R-Roanoke,” the bear stammered. “I-I’ve narrowed it down to Roanoke. Here in the US.”
“Good. Have you planned to collect the book?” Jayce glances at you, seeing if you are paying attention.
Fearful and defeated, Milek stood. “I-I’m not sure I wish to uh...continue this conversation.”
A high-pitched whine fills your ears as Milek reaches for the door. A horrible pain lances across your brain as the wall and door move away, the wall stretching to accommodate the move.
Jayce stands, paws slamming against the desk. He leaves prints on the beautiful oak desk. The raccoon begins approaching Milek, and he appears giant. Godlike even.
“Milek,” Jayce hisses. “You’ve failed me...and now you try to leave?” His paw shoots out, grabbing the bear around the middle. “I will tell you only once. Your life is mine. Fail to retrieve my book, and I will kill you...No, not kill, remove you.”
Milek screams, terrified. “Okay! Okay! I’m sorry! Please!”

The ringing stops, and reality snaps back to normal; Januisz is seated by the desk, Jayce shaking his paw amicably.
“I’m glad we could have this discussion. Sarah,” Jayce turns to look at you. “You’ll be accompanying me and Milek on a business trip to Roanoke. Is this okay?”

You’re not sure if what you saw was real, or just due to Jayce’s overwhelming personality. You could convince yourself either way.

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Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #154 on: August 10, 2018, 07:14:10 PM »
Sarah was caught completely off guard by the almost supernatural event. But after things seemingly returned to normal again she quickly regained her stance as she watched Jayce shake Milek's hand like nothing ever happened, passing it off as another one of those weird dreams that she had been having for the past weeks...

"Scertainly.", she replied, full of confidence, as Jayce asked her about coming along on the business trip.

But the strange occurance remained in the back of her mind, mostly making her feel like she should keep an eye out on Milek, as it would suggest that he's not entirely motivated to cooperate, but also making her want to be more cautious around Jayce to make sure she didn't get into anything she couldn't get back out of.

As strange as it sounded to herself, she didn't know if it was Jayce's proffesionality or his seemingly friendly demeanor, but she somehow felt like she could trust Jayce, at least for now, and could best stay at his side.

As the meeting between Jayce and his rather peculiar business partner looked as if it was coming to an end, she quitly observed to see if it was time to show Milek out...

Offline Rayleonarde

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Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #155 on: August 21, 2018, 03:37:31 AM »
Jayce stands up and Milek follows suit. The bear nods and starts towards the door. Suddenly he stops as Jayce lifts a paw and clears his throat.
“Tell your friends to stay away this time, Milek,” the raccoon smirks. “I don’t wish for this to be a stressful trip.”

With his face pale, Milek quickly exits without giving you an opportunity to open the door.

After a few seconds, Jayce sighs and dabs his nose with a grey kerchief. Spots of scarlet shone on the fabric, causing the raccoon to groan aloud.
“Got a little excited there...Sarah, dear. Be a peach and jot down my trip for this weekend. Tell Ray and Ronnie that I’ll be...indisposed for a few days.”

The white of Jayce’s right eye has reddened, as a blood vessel had burst after his raging. He looks a little winded.

Offline Brisky

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Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #156 on: August 25, 2018, 04:09:42 PM »
"Ofcourse." -Sarah replied

"How many days do you reckon business will take? It'd be helpfull for planning things..."

She turned towards Jayce awaiting the response, but froze in her steps as she noticed the blood on Jayce's handkerchief.

"Are you allright?" -She asks with a soft tone.

Offline Rayleonarde

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Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #157 on: August 29, 2018, 03:24:02 AM »
Jayce nods. “I’m...I’m fine. Just got a little heated. The uh...the trip shouldn’t take too long, a day or two at most. Now.” Jayce stands, ashing his cigarette over a very ornate ashtray.
“Please inform my brothers of my trip. Don’t worry about getting their okay for you to go, you’re under my orders.”
He walks towards the wash room attached to his office; just a small thing with a wash basin and a mirror. Scarlet drops, rapidly browning, are scattered across Jayce’s desk.

Offline Brisky

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Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #158 on: August 29, 2018, 09:34:44 PM »
"Allright. I'll get that done." -She said with a confused look on her face.

"Guess I'll get straight to plotting too. So I'll be at my desk if you need me."

Offline Rayleonarde

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  • Build: Lanky
  • Currently: Pretty happy.
Re: The Stars Are Left (RP Thread)
« Reply #159 on: September 09, 2018, 06:21:03 PM »
Jayce waves from the washroom, allowing the blood from his nose to drip into the basin.

As you approach your desk, there’s a small handwritten note folded neatly on the intercom. It’s sealed with a wax stamp, an ornate insignia pressed into the red wax.

The insignia is of a bisected circle with something akin to tree roots snaking through the center line to the circle’s edge.


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