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Author Topic: Left in the dark  (Read 3285 times)

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Left in the dark
« on: March 04, 2017, 05:49:20 AM »
It was about a week before Halloween, and the Oakwood provincial asylum was as beaten down and decrepit as ever. However, tonight it had a new addition. Tonight, there were tv tents, news trucks, and a small crowd surrounding the asylum. It was now less than an hour until the event would begin, and the participants would be arriving any moment. As the cameramen began setting up and making adjustments to the live feed camcorders that were being provided for the event, the first contestant, Chloe Vail, arrived on foot. The air was cold for her, even though she wore warm jeans, a hoodie, and a scarf. As she made her way to the sign in tent, she was asked for her name From the host of the show. "Oh...ah, it's Chloe Vail" she said. The host nodded and turned to the camera to introduce Chloe to the viewers, then she went on to the sign in tent. There, she signed in quickly and waited for the other contestants.
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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2017, 07:58:00 PM »
Another of the contestants, a black-and-white fox hybrid, arrived shortly thereafter. She paused to observe all off the cameras, fixing her hair while she was at it and taking a moment to enjoy the cold breeze that ran through the area. "Hmm..." She twitched an ear as the gentle wind faded, tail-tip flicking, as she casually made her way to the sign-in tent. When asked for her name, her response was a clear and authoritative "Foxi Ravenheart." Once she'd been introduced as well, she took her time signing in, before casually heading over to where another contestant, presumably the first to arrive, stood, her fluffy white-tipped tail swaying from side to side.
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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2017, 01:50:38 PM »
Elric warily approached the crowd. Between the size of the crowd, the abundance of much taller, bipedal furs, and the presence of actual cameramen, he was a bit intimidated. He hadn't figured a little "haunted house" tour would be such a big deal. Still, since he was already here...

He gave a matter-of-fact "Elric Hartson," when asked for his name, then gave a sheepish wave to the cameras pointing down at him. After signing in, he was lead over to two women, presumably other contestants. He gave them each a brief, curious glance, then looked down at the ground while he waited for further instructions.
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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2017, 03:37:00 PM »
  Rasha was yawning as he had finally made it to contest thing he heard sometime last week. But no really he didn't know or really remembered what he was going to participate in. Being that the flyer he had read , or skimmed over as most would put it. Said something about free food and that caught his gaze being he was going to be hungry today. And so it wasn't hard to notice all the camera men and or lights that would be a clear defined sign that this is where the contest or whatever it was , was being held. So with his claws in his pockets and casually walks over, his albino eyes where quickly blinded with a light and cameras as a voice asked his name. "Rasha...and hey watch the face, your going to make this trip boring if I can't see." I joked before being directed to the sign in tent. And once he regained his sight and his pupils focused, signed his name with rough handwriting and then looked around to notice a few others where here already. "Huh..must be some lame game show."
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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2017, 05:35:20 PM »
Upon approaching the scene, Sonata halted for a moment, her skin beginning to crawl as she took in her surroundings. The weathered, decrepit asylum, dimly lit by the pale moonlight, stood not far ahead, providing an ominous atmosphere. However, what caught her interest more was the happenings about the building, for, from what she read in the flyer, she didn't quite expect television crews, news reporters, and crowds of people to come and speculate the event. This, in itself, had made her feel uneasy.

As she began her walk towards the sign-in tent, she was confronted by a small camera crew and the host, who kindly asked her for her name. "Sonata", she answered in a quiet, matter-of-fact tone as she glanced into each of the cameras once, her stomach beginning to churn from anxiety. Following that short introduction to the audience, she slowly made her way towards the tent, the cold breeze brushing against her cheek as she looked to either side of her. When she arrived, she signed the form and proceeded to the waiting area, where she noticed a few other 'contestants' had gathered: two women and two men. She stood alone, and proceeded to give each of them a swift glimpse of observation before she returned her gaze elsewhere.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 06:25:14 PM by Cerverie »

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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2017, 06:23:49 AM »
As the last of the participants arrived, the host introduced each. When all were ready and waiting, the host looked towards a camera and pulled out his phone, sending a quick text. "Now that the contestants are here and ready to go, I think it's time that we introduce our hosts of honor! It brings me great pleasure to introduce our hosts for tonight, and the reason this show is happening in the first place, Sierra and Tom from the show Bump in the Night!" he said as a van door opened and the duo walked out. Sierra was a tall human with shoulder length, red hair and a nice face, while Tom was an equally as tall German Shepard with a small mohawk, with a tough looking face. Once the duo made their appearance, the crowd cheered and started taking pictures. Bump in the Night is a paranormal activity type of series that was quickly rising to popularity. With the new season soon to start, the producers decided on having an event to increase the hype and popularity of the show. After the crowd had slightly calmed, the man introducing the contestants earlier led the hosts to where the contestants were. Once there, the two asked everyone of their names and why they decided to participate. Chloe listened and looked up very casually and simply replied "Mine's Vail, and I'm here because I decided to give it a shot". Chloe seemed to not care who they were or if they were a big deal.
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"I want money. I want power. I want women. I want to save this world. The way I see it, greed is no different than hope. You don't see a problem with having too much hope do you?" ~Lin Yao/Greed

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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2017, 05:12:26 PM »
Elric cocked his head as the event's hosts were revealed...two stars from a show he'd never even heard of! Bump in the Night...judging by the name, and the nature of this event, it was probably one of those phony paranormal investigation shows he was definitely not a fan of. Still, it might be fun being on television, and he could never be so rude to just up and leave!

He shyly watched as the first contestant, a female canid of some sort, introduced herself. His posture straightened slightly as the hosts and cameramen turned to him. "My name is Elric Hartson, and..." He paused for a moment. "...I...guess I've always liked haunted houses." He nodded to himself.
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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2017, 05:43:21 PM »
    Rasha was rather intent on leaving once the big wigs started to show, feeling he might have went to the wrong site. But once the ball started to roll, he knew that if we just left the camera on a show. That's going to hit something in the internet and it was probably better to just go along. Though if his senses where right, money was most likly envoled with this. more reason to participate. And as such, when it was his turn to say something. His fear gripped his chest being that he was rather nervous about the whole thing. But his mouth opened up and words fell out like normal. " The names Rasha, Rasha Sliver. And I figured to give this a go for a nice walk, and maybe enjoy some fine dining." He remarked with a grin as his scales behind his neck rose in fear. But on the outside he was cool as a cucumber. But his mind had quite some doubts that he'll do well in this game show.
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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2017, 06:42:29 PM »
As the hosts revealed themselves, Sonata, in her intrigue, gave an odd glance in their direction. Not being one to watch much television, she had never heard of the two, nor had she ever seen, let alone heard of, their show, Bump in the Night. However, the realisation that she was being featured on public television in such a popular show brought her further discomfort. At this point, she felt that she wanted to leave, so as to not make a fool of herself in embarassment - but, unfortunately, leaving would prove equally as foolish, as well as inconsiderate to those watching. So, she remained still, maintaining her outwardly calm posture, as she watched the other contestants introduce themselves to the audience.

Once the other contestants had finished their introductions, the hosts and their camera crew walked up to her, cameras trained on her face. She felt a tad intimidated by their fairly tall heights, but, nonetheless, she continued to preserve her air of calmness. "My name is... Sonata," she answered in a calm, blunt tone, taking a brief moment to collect herself as she gave a quick, nervous glance to either side. "I suppose that I'm here because... it sounded fascinating. I've always enjoyed exploring historical architecture, and... I guess that, in being a supposedly 'haunted' asylum, I was made more curious." She concluded as she gave a slight, shy smile to the cameras.

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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2017, 11:53:50 PM »
The hosts looked over the participants, smiling the whole time as they introduced themselves. "My my, what shy ones we've got. Don't worry, you're only going to have the eyes on you for the beginning and end of the event. The rest of the event should be a bit better since you guys will be on your own in there. Now let's get down to business. Please step up to the supplies desk and take some equipment. You at least need one camcorder and an EVP. Feel free to grab one of whatever else you think you may need. Now since there's five of you, you either need to group up into a group of three and two, or two groups of two and one goes alone". As the participants filed one by one to the tent, Chloe picked up a camera and smiled. Then the duo started up again. "Once inside, the groups will all go separate ways using different tactics to find signs of paranormal activity. Use what you have to the best of your ability. Since you're all paranormal enthusiasts, I'll spare the instructions on the equipment. The contest will go on until four am at the latest, and the group that gets the most interesting catch wins. The prize is a hefty thousand dollar grant for whatever you'd like! The entire premises is good for your use, just try to be safe and don't do anything too dumb. This is a very lose ended contest, so don't worry too much about what you do. With that, the game begins once you all enter the asylum". When the due finished speaking, they went back to the van to do some other things, leaving the participants to chose their groups. Chloe looked around and raised her hand. "I'm good to go alone if that's the choice!" she said.
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"I want money. I want power. I want women. I want to save this world. The way I see it, greed is no different than hope. You don't see a problem with having too much hope do you?" ~Lin Yao/Greed

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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2017, 10:28:57 PM »
Elric looked about nervously as further instructions were given. "I...uh...can't really go alone," he stated plainly, looking to the canid, then the rest of the group, then finally down at himself. "I can't exactly walk while carrying a camera, and I don't even know what an EVP is. I don't really care who, but I need to go with somebody."
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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2017, 01:43:13 PM »
   Rasha knew what he needed being that e has watched TV shows abotu caching ghost and such. So he had a good idea that ether the host have some fake noises and stuff to scare them. So he got a camera and then took one of those temperature readers. Then holding the heavy-ish camera and placing the electronic thermostat in his pocket. "Well if anyone wants to help me out that would be fairly nice. Since I'll admit, I don't have a good feeling if I'm walking around by myself." He stated out loud to see who would offer and the thought of having to split the money was in the back of his head. But nothing too serious while he had a smirk on his face.
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Re: Left in the dark
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2017, 03:27:35 AM »
As she listened to the instructions given by the hosts, Sonata picked up the mentioned devices and, in her curiosity, looked over the EVP. She wasn't familiar with the operation of the device, nor had she ever heard of its existence. Nonetheless, she figured that the device would prove a simple tool to use considering the nature of the event, and thus she could learn to use it when available.

Once she was finished with her observation, she gave a quick glance up at the rest of the participants. "Well... I often prefer to be alone," she began in a tone of uncertainty, hesitating for a moment before she fixed her gaze to Chloe. "If... that's alright with you, of course." She concluded with an awkward, tentative smile.


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