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Author Topic: I want to draw  (Read 2748 times)

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Offline Salakar Crocoli

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I want to draw
« on: June 09, 2016, 04:00:05 AM »
Just like the title says. I came here looking for help. I can see images in my head, but whenever I try to put them on paper ( or any other form) it becomes blurry, and I have trouble remembering the details of it. I can draw perfectly fine if I have a reference, but when I try to make something without one, it ends up looking off. Then, I can't figure out where I messed up and I try to redo areas over and over, but it just ends up a mess of erased lines, or a blank document. If anyone has any tips, I would love to hear them and be forever grateful.
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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2016, 04:04:40 AM »
Start with basic shapes, create a base that you can add details too, here's a page i found with a quick search that goes over it.

Offline Salakar Crocoli

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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2016, 04:10:55 AM »
I have no troubles with blocking or adding details. I've done 3 years of art classes, but I usually had a referwnce in those classes. I just need help transfering the skills I learned with references to drawings witbout references.
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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2016, 04:11:38 AM »
ahh that i dont know, ive never taken an art class lol

Offline Salakar Crocoli

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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2016, 04:13:35 AM »
It's not really all that useful, they just tell you things that you find out through expirementation. I did them to get dual-credits.

Edit: I have an idea that I'm going to try tomorrow.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 04:15:11 AM by Salakar Crocoli »
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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2016, 10:49:24 AM »
It's kinda funny, after taking art classes through middle and high school(with the same irritating teacher) I also felt like they were pointless and that I didn't learn anything, but it turns out it was sorta helpful.

It's probably not what you want to hear but I think you should continue to use references. I find that if you can look at what your subject matter should look like it makes it easier to actually transfer the image in your head.

Ex. I have a folder on my laptop with about 30 images of different Bears and bear-people for when I draw my fursona
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Offline Salakar Crocoli

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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2016, 01:49:12 PM »
I understand why references are good, but some of the images in my head, that I want to draw, I can't find anything even close to them.
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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2016, 10:57:27 PM »
When you draw, it might help to write down exactly what you're thinking. Because if you try to remember something while drawing, they're going to hinder each other and thus you get a blurry image in your head and a meh drawing. (Sometimes I actually write on my drawings to keep something in mind when I get to it. And this is also why I love doing requests, you get a set of instructions and I can keep looking at the instructions whenever I'm stuck or unsure.)

Next like PossumDeMort said, breaking down images definitely helps. And when you start drawing (Even from your head), do this. Forget the lighting, forget the shadows, just put down boxes and relative shapes that symbolizes what you will do. Try to lay down as much of this blue print as possible because when you mess up it will only take you five or six minutes to fix it. As opposed to drawing something, finalizing it, then immediately realizing, you spent an hour on something and you have to erase it. As you get better you can start jumping over these steps because you almost know where things should go.

Which brings up another tip. When drawing, if you're not working on a drafting table, stand up and look down at your drawing from time to time. (Or walk away and come back to it.) Sometimes you will realize some mistakes when you do so. This is why in speed paint videos you'll see artists flip their images, it helps to see mistakes they may have not noticed.

Well when it comes to avoiding making a drawing a mess. Try using a darker/softer pencil (Like 6B) I know it may at first seem like the exact OPPOSITE of what you want, but there is a method to my madness. When you use a 6H it dents the paper and the eraser can't reach it and so over time it builds up and you can't erase anything, instead a softer pencil will not make a deep mark and is instead easier to erase and see what you're drawing. Then why do 6H pencils exist you ask? I dunno XD. Also If you're left handed, start drawings on the right, and vice versa. This way your hand/arm doesn't smudge stuff.  (So let's say I start a drawing on the right and I'm right handed. When I move over to the left side, I smudge, everything on the right with my arm and it takes time to repair the damage that I've done.) (Well unless you're working digital where nothing smudges.)
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I am totally not trying to impersonate Edward Scissorhands. Who is that anyway?
Also I am humming this is Halloween.
Also John Cena Memes don't die. (John Cena theme blares in background)

Offline Salakar Crocoli

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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2016, 05:39:02 PM »
Thanks for your advice.
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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2016, 09:41:23 AM »
One thing I thought to myself was "I'll get better" back when I started drawing last year I actually thought I was pretty good. How I started drawing was with a reference. My Gta online character is what helped me. And I created this...

Now I been drawing for a year now, I've seen many furs and I was able to give myself more... Life... I was able to create myself a little better every time... One of my favorite parts of a drawing are the details. Shirt folds and such. Don't stop yourself from drawing cause you think you did bad, keep going, you'll see that you learn from what you do, and it helps you keep improving. Soon your making art so good you'll think your one of the greats, and you don't let no one tell you other wise.

*calms down and gets of my soap box* >w<

Check out my page, you can see a good line where I start to improve. Reference is kinda key, sometimes you won't need it but you may need it for some thing, environment, texture. Y'know the works.
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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2016, 02:05:50 PM »
What I do is to use a reference but apply a dramatic change to it so it's more unique.
A picture of a hotel room? Add a cat on the bed!
A picture of a lady? Draw her in a different pose!
The more you practice, the better you get  XP
Here's an example I did with one of my selfies.

I was stuck with only using references too, you're not alone :D
You just gotta break off the habit of the need to make everything exact.
Also, try not to 'overdraw'. Its basically when you draw something decent, think it needs more improvement but ends up making it worse.

Not the best artist here, only 13 so all of this is just my opinion, might not work for you.

Offline Salakar Crocoli

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Re: I want to draw
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2016, 05:01:54 AM »
I've enlisted a friend IRL to help me, and I'm progressing a bit. Thanks to everyone that gave me advice here.
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