Woo hoo! two years of psychology are about to pay off! Anyway, you are officially stuck in what is called a negative behavior cycle. You start in the usual state, everything seems okay on the surface, blah. Then, problem occurs, let's say your friends are selected to do something you deserved more than them. That would get you pretty upset, right? Okay, this is where thinking errors set in, the Cognitive Distortions. "Poor Me" is the one that fits most. Now, this next step is the planning stage, which for you (as you've been through this multiple times, correct?) can be instantaneous as you think "I'm going to curse him/her out". So, then you carry out the action, as you described before, almost concluding the cycle. Now, you've got the Negative Consequences, less trust of, and from, your friends is an example. After that, you calm down and are back to your Usual State.