((:th_PyongLlora: ow well sorry about that Omega she's just Faster or so then me its Like she has limitless Energy so i have given her a Pet to be her guardian ))
*Anubis Closed the room door and went to his bed undressing him self while saying*,YOU CAN SLEEP ON THE SOFA IF YOU WANT
*Anubis Jumped on his Emperro's bed and lay there on his back stretching his arms and tail while yawning *
*Zero nodded before shedding his own clothes and streching out on his stomache on the sofa, his 9 tails draped over the side, yawning slightly, only to gaze some at Anubis's doorway*
[I like him...he's nice, still...the whole thing with that fur....Misa i think her name was...what happened there?]
*Zero turned onto his back pulling his tails to wrap over his waist while staring up at the ceiling*
[So many questions...but not enough answers....]