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Author Topic: Diffrent RP Terms  (Read 25979 times)

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Diffrent RP Terms
« on: November 05, 2010, 02:46:10 AM »
Ok, I'm kinda rusty on the terms used in a RP, but I want a good list of them, so please add if I forget any...

RP - Role Play

IC - In Character

OOC - Out of character, speaking as yourself instead of your character

Genere - A specific catogory of roleplay (Si-fi, western, fantasy, etc)

Powerplaying/Metagaming - Controlling another RPer's character without permission
          There are differing degrees of this, from mild errors (Controlling) to major power grabs that change the course of the story ("When Mina swings her scythe, Akira tries to parry her attack, however loses his balance and falls into it  mid-swing, caosing him to be killed")

Metagame Thinking - Using knowledge you have that your character should not have access to yet, or thinking in terms of how you yourself would setup the situation

Character - The fictional persona used in a role play (human, animal, ailen, whatever you're pretending to be)

- Someone who has so many powers, that its nearly impossible to kill/defeat them

Found the terms here, there are more that I didn't add:

« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 02:25:15 AM by NamelessTraveler »

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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2010, 09:53:44 AM »
I didn’t know what any of those meant but thank you for listing them!
I really don’t know what to do here, do u want to help me out?

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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2011, 03:58:08 AM »
where i'm from in RPing 'Powerplaying' is also called Metagaming
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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2011, 01:48:36 AM »
Thanks Manncomoo. :)

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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2011, 07:33:30 PM »
Powerplaying/Metagaming - Controling another RPer's character without permission
I have a question on this, well more a statement...
I have done, AIM and rarely foum RPs, all over the internet and some people, call..
When I RP my character's [Be it a Cannon or Original] POV..on a Godmoding..
EXAMPLE..Say if someone posted, their character watching my character, and does certain actions and even makes remake to her..I would write..She watched him stare at her, right after he had much a such a rude  remake to her. Those fiery eyes, she felt them staring into her soul..[Let's say he already was  in a mid walk] Watching him, never taking his eyes from her, walking towards her..

They would call that godmoding..when I would...just be writing my characters POV on another character, just re-wording their post in her eyes..POV..

That so angers/irks me..just a little pet peeve there

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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2011, 05:30:32 AM »
If I understood your...statement... properly, I think that whoever pinged you with godmodding didn't know the meaning of godmodding. In the very least it's mild powerplaying only if he wasn't already in mid-walk. Some people just don't know the proper way to handle things, I think.
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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2012, 05:43:27 AM »
Perhaps a small bit of advice that might help with your pet peeve, ObscurePairings?

When you write things like, "...She watched him stare at her...she felt them staring into her soul..." put the word, "would," before that, editing such a post to say something along the lines of, "She would watch him stare at her, right after he had made such a rude remark to her. Those fiery eyes, she would feel them staring into her would...watching him as he never too his eyes from her, walking towards her..."

Sorry for making the other edits to that...I had to make it a little more understandable for myself.

Anyway, doing that enters that gray area that is not necessarily powerplaying, and certainly not godmodding. Most people, especially those new to role playing, are ignorant to the term godmodding. Perhaps with more basic guides like these, we can erase that ignorance. :)

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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2013, 07:07:04 PM »
I'd like to add in Metagame Thinking - Using knowledge you have that your character should not have access to yet, or thinking in terms of how you yourself would setup the situation.

Example: Having your character call someone by their name, when the characters haven't introduced themselves to each other yet.

During actions it may be useful to clarify who you are talking about, but when your characters actually speaks, they shouldn't use names until after the in story introductions.

Other Example: Using knowledge you have about a subject or a character when setting up your actions. This is knowledge that your character may not actually have access to, or hasn't been told yet.
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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2013, 02:56:09 PM »
Quick question, If a character mentions ahead of time that they have backup and later use that card during an incident with another character to save their skin by "ambushing" the character and disabiling them does that count as powerplaying.
note: The character was not controlled at any point but rather was blindsided by an NPC.

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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2013, 06:09:57 PM »
Quick question, If a character mentions ahead of time that they have backup and later use that card during an incident with another character to save their skin by "ambushing" the character and disabiling them does that count as powerplaying.
note: The character was not controlled at any point but rather was blindsided by an NPC.

Technically, by your own words, you (as a player) controlling an NPC (or Non-Player Character) is illegal anyways. This would be an example of God-Modding one of the Author's (my title for the person running the RP) characters that they use to populate the world. But to be more concise to your question...

By saying you have backup, this would assume that you are really trying to play 2 characters. Now, this may be allowed by the Author, but it has to be accepted by them. If you just put "I have backup waiting" in your character app but never explain it, never ask the Author if this is okay, never add in the application for your second character, I can completely understand an Author's reluctance to accept your backup. This is because you are suddenly two characters, which is obscenely powerful and unnecessary for the RP.

Specifically for your question of ambush, this isn't power-playing so much (as power-playing is primarily the control of another player's character through your own writing which MAY show up depending on how you write the ambush, but the situation itself is not power-playing) but more so God-Modding. You are effectively saying, without the Author's control and direction, that the world is in fact like this and you write your own story. Characters are not where the Author imagines they will be, situations develop outside of the Author's control, and you are now the one controlling the RP. This would be God-Modding by definition, even in a small situation.
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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2013, 12:29:26 AM »
In the RP I mentioned that I was separated from the group eluding to the fact that I may play that card once.
However the character my men blindsided had already "ambushed us" without our characters being controlled.

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Re: Diffrent RP Terms
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2013, 03:02:13 AM »
In the RP I mentioned that I was separated from the group eluding to the fact that I may play that card once.
However the character my men blindsided had already "ambushed us" without our characters being controlled.

If you need more specific analysis, I will suggest that you either enter a discussion with your Author or someone you feel can answer the question accurately (I am open if you don't mind me) and make sure that all the specifics is known. I, for one, don't have much data beyond what you are saying here and I am a bit confused by your syntax to say the least. PM me if you are still curious and you desire to chat about this issue.
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