Heya! I usually go by Faux but you can call me whatever comes to mind! Allow me to introduce myself:
I became a furry around three or so years ago, and I was really into it. I enjoyed the fandom very, very much and loved making friends that were just like me, in a way. I liked belonging. Then after a couple years I started losing touch with the fandom (and everything else), the list of furry friends I had slowly got smaller, and I started to get very lonely and detached from everyone. Most of this happened when I moved away from home (I went without much internet for 8 months) but now, I have internet and I feel I should start over!
I was formerly a fennec fox named Toxik, but I've decided it's time to switch things up and create my own furry self! (I made an account under that name a couple years ago but I forgot it and the email it was on...sorry if that's bad :c ) I've decided on the name Faux, no last name, but I haven't got a design for myself yet. That's been on the to-do list for a long time, but I'm working on it now! (I'm not any particular species, just some weird monster thing that has yet to be named/drawn.)
I have an interest in fursuiting, and used to own one made by TunnySaysIDK. I hope to start my own fursuit-building business some day, and I decided the name Faux Pawz was fitting, so I suppose I'll go with that! I'm not very good, however, so I hope to keep practicing and doing the best I can!
I like art, music, Doctor Who, My Little Pony, writing, Pokemon, Minecraft, and lots of other little things.
I hope to meet some awesome people here. I am quite shy, though, so I hope that doesn't hinder my chance at making friends! I just really miss the company of people who share common interests, people I can be myself around and not have to worry about feeling "weird."
So, yes, nice to meet you all! Sorry if I left anything out!