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The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:01:42 AM »

Laina absently spun the chamber of her carbine, checking to make sure each of the six cylinders were loaded. With some trepidation she dismounted the small carriage herself and a small band of mercenaries had hired to take them this far. It hadn't been easy finding the man that would ride to the border of the Plaguelands, but they had done it. Now their only way out of this deadly situation would soon be leaving, and that thought was making her stomach twist ever so slightly.

"Is everyone ready?" She asked, more as a way to break the tense quiet that had settled over the area than to sate her curiosity. The marten's voice was a meek thing against the eerie quiet. At least she wasn't going it alone, but joining with a group of unknowns was not much better. Each of them was being offered enough money to not work another day in their life, provided they managed to complete the job, and that was the only thing keeping her feet planted to the ground.

Deftly the marten flicked open each pocket on her ammo belt, her quick fingers doing a brush-check of the bullets held within each. Not nearly enough. Luckily Karad'Gor had been a tinkers wet dream prior to the Storm. They were sure to find supplies along the way, so long as the bandits and raiders hadn't beaten them to it. The pockets on her belt were re-fastened and she took a step forward, her boot sinking ever so slightly into the soft ground as she did so. Her expression darkened further as she was reminded of the other danger of this place, the land itself was as apt to swallow you as any monster. Her fingers brushed the handle of her shotgun and then the solid comfort of her knife before she swung the heavy carbine rifle over her back, the messily scratched letters of "JERRY" glinting along the barrel in the grayish light. She had heard that inside the plague-lands, the black clouds overhead made it so that even on the brightest of days it was never more than a twilight of gray and brown. This was going to be a long journey.

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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2015, 09:07:35 PM »

It only took one look at the coyote to imagine that he hated long journeys, or short journeys by the size of the pot belly trying to spill out between his vest and gun belt.

It wasn't always that way, thought Kaz as he exited the cart, stepping lightly onto the road to roll the kinks out of his shoulders and stretch his legs. No matter how much padding he put onto his tail end the bumpy ride here would always be hard on any person to travel here.

As Kaz adjusts his gun and ammo belts he peers into the distance. He had been hired for his 'experience' in the plauge lands. As a field guide...which was somewhat true...but it had been so long ago Kaz wondered how much the land had changed.

It was as if he were staring at the bad lands for the first time again.

"Aye. Im ready ifin you lot are." The plump coyote gave a toothy grin, "I dont suppose any of yous know where we are going from here. Are we meetin anyone else here?"

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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2015, 12:07:31 AM »
When the carriage first arrived, Nihlus had been moderately optimistic. The archaeologist had proven he would have been more than capable of affording several fleets of the ground craft on top of paying them if he so desired, thus the possibility of one actually being able to hold him comfortably was exciting. He had never ridden inside of something so enclosed! In fact, the closest he had ever managed was clinging to the outer hulls of a train as it sped through various landscapes; albeit only after learning he was not properly proportioned to ride in it, much to the dismay of the conductor and several riders. However, when the transport came trundling up the hill to where he waited, the disappointment that radiated from him was palpable. If he even dared to try and fit inside of the diminutive thing, he was fairly certain it would have collapsed in on itself.

Thus he rode on thermals and purely powered flight, soaring far above the carriages below that contained the rest of the mercenaries. In truth it likely turned out better that the archaeologist had been unable--or simply unwilling--to purchase such a thing just for him, as he did not once consider touching down to greet the rest as they were added into the group. Indeed, he merely watched as they mingled and chattered between one another briefly before boarding and continuing on their pre-recorded path, leaving it to appear as though Nihlus was doing his best to ignore them completely. What point would there have been if he was just going to remain quietly on the sidelines, supposedly judging them for some perceived malice that never occurred? No, it was best that no special preparations had been made in his case.

Banking to the left, he saw that the carriage that followed under his shadow had begun to slow before coming to a complete stop. As he finished his turn and angled his wings for descent, he noted the appearance of a marten and coyote as they disembarked. A slight frown marred the corners of his scaled muzzle as he continued to descend, now gliding a couple dozen feet above the swampy ground. Once low enough, Nihlus reared back with his wings and beat them strong enough to kick up loose mud and brackish water in the direction they had just been coming from. First his feet touched the muck, liquid and detritus squelching between his toes. Then came his forelegs which sank into the loamy terrain, a disgruntled snort escaping his maw as some of it splattered against his luminescent, dark purple scales.

Shaking the mud from his body, it was then he noted the distinct chill of these lands. Pulling his wings in tight against his body, near invisible slits within his wings released trapped heat that immediately overtook the frigid air surrounding him. Feeling slightly more content, he craned his head around and peered at the yote once he realized he had begun speaking. Listening closely, Nihlus realized it was a question he could have easily answered. He even came close to doing so, jaw working and muzzle even opening for the briefest of moments. However, he seemed to immediately think otherwise of this course of action and instead turned away, vision seemingly coming to rest on the path that lay before them. He was certain there were a few who numbered among them that bore the same knowledge he did, so he may as well let them speak instead.

After all, his place in this group was to scout ahead, report his findings to their cartographer and aid in any skirmishes they managed to find their way into. It was not to mingle among people he knew little about and was near certain knew nothing of the information he sought. None of them had the look of a budding astronomer or even cosmologist, dousing those flaming hopes with a single glance.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 05:14:13 AM by Nemael »
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2015, 03:25:43 PM »
Staring out across the vast twilit plains of Karad'Gor through a grimy cabin window Kat couldn't help but feel a sense of growing trepidation. She had found herself riding along in the cab for most of the journey, aiding the driver in running the engine, isolated from the others on the train. It pained her only slightly to admit that she had preferred it that way. Kat breathed a deep sigh and gave one last longing glance over the polished brass control levers and dials of the cabin before turning to the door.

Inside the cabin it had been warm and relatively comfortable, if you didn't mind the heat and noise of an engine in motion, but outside the cold morning air hit like needles on bare skin. Kat scrunched up her nose against the fetid damp smell carried on the wind as she pulled her thick bomber jacket in closer. For a moment she simply stood up on the footplate of the engine, looking down at where the others had already dismounted and stood loosely around here and there talking amongst themselves. It shouldn't have come as a surprise, but Kat still felt a momentary pang of uncertainty at already being an outsider amongst a whole group of strangers. She turned back to the engine and placed one gloved palm flat against its rising steel side, as though seeing off a close friend. With eyes closed her mind melded into the metal until all she could think of or feel was the warmth of the boiler, steam pressure building up, idle pistons eagre to push with immense strength. She let it all wash over her, the intoxicating excitement found in being a great metallic beast of burden, flanks sweating with condensation from the damp air and loosing clouds of white steam and smoke with each deep breath.

She withdrew her hand and returned to the moment as though with a sharp snap, a small sigh escaping her lips. Kat finally turned away from the engine and climbed down, trudging through the swampy mire underfoot over to an unlikely pairing of a large coyote and lean pine marten who, if not the leaders of this motley group, at least seemed to be the most vocal.

"Well, you're meeting me here for one..."  Kat replied to the coyote's open question mid-stride as she approached, though she almost immediately regretted it and gritted her teeth when she felt a number of eyes from the band of mercenaries turn at the sound of a new voice. The attention was mercifully short lived however when the great dragon-like creature who had been accompanying them from the journey's start landed not many feet away, sending up a great spray of marsh water and muck. Her only hint of surprise as Kat shot a glance across at the beast was in the flinch of her short bob tail before she turned back to the gunslinging 'yote and marten with a cautious glance.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 04:19:27 PM by KittKat »
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2015, 06:27:25 AM »
The marten glanced up at the sky as the rest of the group gathered around. The carriage they had rode in on already began to turn away and trundle back the way they had come from, and the Marten shook her head slightly. "I thought we would have more but... well, it seems we arrived late as is. Anyone who was supposed to be here should be here." She replied, looking around at the small group, and not looking terribly impressed.

Her expression did register some confusion on the part of the unusual flyer that had landed just a moment before, but she kept her thoughts to herself. She was told they would have a scout, but she had assumed that meant some sort of avian. This creature was new to her.

"I'm Ayllaina Tripenka, but for the sake of brevity just call me Laina." She said, seemingly addressing the group as a whole. "I'm just here for fire support, and I get paid by the head so don't go doing anything stupid, alright?" She asked, looking genuinely concerned, though if it was for her paycheck or their well-being was anyone's guess.

"Talk and walk." She chimed, moving to the front of the group and beginning to make her way across the mushy ground, towards the epicenter of the dark clouds looming overhead. "We'll need to find some shelter before nightfall." It was already chilly, and she doubted the sunless swamps of Karad'Gor would prove to be any more hospitable.
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2015, 02:46:14 PM »
"Well hello ladies and...what ever you are." Kaz says to the beasts and the avianThe coyote's bow would have been more gracefull had his stomach not fallen to his hips. "Call me anything, just don't call me late for supper...or stupid..or a jackwagon."

As he trots forward with the group he continues, "My name's Kaz. I guess you could say Im here for fire support as well. I've had some experience in the area as well, admittedly a while ago. But don't worry, we will keep you lot from getting robbed by bandits, getting eaten by monsters, or disembowled by vicious creatures."

The coyote carries a back pack over one should as he walks. Ah it felt good to be in the field again. The sunneless sky, the acrid smell of the swamp. The sting of insects seaking to feast on his flesh. Can't imagine why he ever left!

He begins to whistle most noisily as he continues following the grouo.

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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2015, 09:08:14 PM »
Nihlus' cast a quick glance at each of the members of the mercenary band, noting that it was far more diminutive than he had been led to believe. For a venture such as this, he suspected there would have been at least half a dozen, each one covering an important facet of the process that lay before them. Instead they were a motley group of four, none of them looking remotely prepared for the mire ahead; especially the lynx, who already appeared to be chilled even when bedecked in thick winter garments and fur. By comparison he would have thought the less appropriately dressed would have felt such a deep chill as well. Although as he continued to watch, her discomfort appeared to stem from more than what a fetid bog had to offer.

Turning away for a moments breath, he saw that the coyote and marten had set a plodding course. Cautiously following, his pace was turned painfully sluggish as he was forced to meticulously calculate the placement of each talon'd hand, so as not to overstep any invisible boundaries. Or literally walk over either of the stunted creatures that had decided it was their place to lead the party. Why did they have to be carried on such tiny legs?

Nose wrinkling at the thought, he decided to make better use of his time and concentration by extending one of his dual wings. The limb gracefully arched over the lynx he currently walked alongside of and curled at the tips, surrounding her within a curtain of warmth. It was not beyond him to share such a primal comfort, regardless of the circumstance he may have found himself in.

"Natavathi," he said in response to the coyote. His eye, which appeared similarly to a massive, oval gem, faded from its neutral teal and transitioned to a royal purple. "As for introductions, I am called Nihlus. I will provide scouted routes and enemy encampments for our cartographer, as well as aerial harassment when possible." He bowed his head towards the thick leather band strapped across his chest, where several unusually spherical grenades jingled softly with the movement. Each of them appeared to bear more similarities to a rounded bird cage than an explosive, what appeared to be two glass bulbs held still in the center by bronze housing and upward angled tines.

Keeping his wing comfortably outstretched, the crest of feathers set to either side of his skull and behind his horns folded as soon as the coyote began whistling. In this moment he wished they could cover the slits on the outer plating of his head, the asymmetrical holes amplifying the sounds closest to him; no matter how obnoxious they were. Then again, the melody the 'yote created was less discordant than he had expected. He cocked his head ever so slightly as he listened and walked.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 09:55:25 PM by Nemael »
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2015, 11:13:46 PM »
Not being with the hired mercenaries, nor wishing to intrude upon Kaz or Laina again, Kat found herself walking just a little behind the two at front and separated from the rest of the group by the draconic creature. Strangely she did not feel in the slightest bit threatened by him, or her - Kat pondered, despite the fact it towered over her, a veritable living wall of dusky scales and muscle. Maybe it was something in the way the creature stepped so gingerly around them, or the calming colour of that large gem set into it's head. It was only when the creature extended one great wing over her that Kat snapped out of her thoughts and looked up into that unreadable crystalline face.

"Thanks." Kat muttered the single word, barely loud enough for even the draconic creature to hear. But as they continued to walk she no longer hugged the bomber jacket to her sides, whether due to the extra warmth or a vague sense of considerate inclusion. She couldn't help feel curious therefore when the creature introduced himself as Nihlus, and even more so at the mention of his species. "Natavathi..." Kat repeated the word under her breath and for a while she muttered as they walked, brow furrowed and long lynx ears lying flat back against her head when Kaz took up a whistled melody.

Eventually Kat spoke up again, slow and faltering at first but eventually louder as she recited in a sing-song voice that mingled with Kaz's whistles and echoed through the misty silence of the marshes...

"Of the Natavathi my old man spoke
But I knew no such name, nor did other folk
Like dragons of yore! He cried again
Those great flying beasts, an ancient bane
Yet unlike they! the old man said,
From crystal eyes their star has fled!
Away from home, above sunless tree
That forgotten name, Oh Natavathi..."

Kat glanced up at Nihlus as her voice faded again, now laced with curiosity as she said. "That's who you are isn't it? The line about crystal eyes, it makes sense now! I thought..." She looked down again, briefly catching Laina or Kaz's eye, and muttered sheepishly. "Excuse me, I admit I am unsure as to the meaning of all the words, It was from an old text. My intention was not to insult... But I've never heard of your kind visiting these lands, not at least in any time that I would remember."
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 12:22:02 AM by KittKat »
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2015, 12:33:29 AM »
Drake got there much earlier then expected. he had nothing better to do and he wanted to get his feet wet of the plague lands to see what kind of terrain he would face. of course he has heard the stories who hasn't but for some reason he was always interested in them. he wanted to know what exactly made the lush land turn to a land of cursed. but with the time he has already been there it felt like there was a feeling of dread that literally made up the air. he was laying on a branch in a molted tree off the ground watching the ominous clouds pass trying to spot figures in the lumps. oddly enough it looked like the souls of the damned stared back at him, how comforting.

after some time he saw a rabbit in the clouds along with some movement in the corner of his eyes. he turned his head to see a large multi winged creature land a distance away. must be the party that he was supposed to be with. he jumped down his shoes squelching in the mud and jogged over hoping to intercept the group before they got too far, because he kinda was the most important person for the mission.

at this point he caught up with the group actually getting further ahead than he hoped so he simply waved to show he wasn't a bandit and leaned up against a nearby dead tree waiting till they got to him.
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2015, 06:45:14 AM »

"A strange little rhyme." Came the voice of the Marten up front, tinged with amusement. She plodded along, the coyote nearly even with her and her eyes focused on the terrain. Only occasionally did she look up from where she was going, concerned with losing a boot to the mire if she stepped in the wrong place. She was not terribly concerned with attackers this far out... not yet at least, so it came as some surprise when she looked up in time to see a man hop down from a decrepit old tree and start moving in their direction.

Laina brought the butt of her carbine up against her shoulder and crouched slightly, almost putting a bead on the stranger ahead of them until he waved. She let out a sigh and stood back up, though she kept the carbine in hand just in case. "I suppose that guy is one of ours as well?" She asked, though did not really expect an answer. It seemed as if most of the people here had gotten about as much information as she had. It was certainly an oversight, and a big one, not knowing how many people were supposed to be joining them.

When they were still several dozen paces away the marten made a motion with her rifle. "Who are you and What are you here for?" She inquired, fully intending to put a bullet in the raccoon if he gave any answer that didn't align with what they were expecting. The lands ahead were rife with bandits and the like, there was no reason to extend anything but mistrust to those outside of the proven group.

The cool wind ruffled her shoulder-length hair slightly as she stood there, her expression impassive.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 06:52:12 AM by Xavier Akafur »
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2015, 07:25:56 AM »
The coyotes whistling pauses only when he replies to tje conversation, "Your a what now of the wbat what, nihl...nihal...ah heck with it. I'm just going to call you Niles. Sound good? Good."

Kaz would have got a good laugh at the feline singing along with his humming. It was nice to know that these were people he could get along with.

Then the raccoon appeared. His paw starts to go for his gun but after examining the raccoon for a moment he relaxed. Far be it from Kaz to claim himself an expert on the swamps; the groups he ran with were prefured the fringes of the swamps, close enough to easily dissapear into the swamp with how going too deep to actually dissapear...forever. It took a special breed of person to not only willingly come to the swamps but live there surviving as a bandit.

He remembered what it was like to live on just the edges of the swamps and this raccoon didn't fit the build. His clothes were still intact for one, and he was than a person trudging around in the swamps would be.

Of course he could easily be any other form of thief, scoundral or just a crazy person out for a stroll. Kaz himself set up a few ambushes like that...sendining in a person to pretend to be in need of help and lead them into a trap.

But Kaz was in a good mood and really would rather not in the mood for breaking in a new limit to see how fast someone got shot upon his entering the area...again.

Then, after several moments of quiet introspection the yote realizes that the world has kept going while he thought about this. He even missed exactly what the marten said! Oh well no one started shooting yet so that was a good sign.

"Hate to interupt the sea chanty darlin, but I need to ask...if we get into trouble how well can you both handle yourselves?" He contjnues to smile as he whispers to the party members behind him.

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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2015, 09:12:55 AM »
Barely able to pick up the lynx's response, he would have thought his action out of place if he had not seen the comfort she derived from the gesture. A barely restrained grin snuck its way onto his muzzle, pleased with the outcome and appreciative of the fact she had not immediately balked at his actions. Yet as quickly as it had formed, his diminutive smirk began to crease into a subtle frown, occurring right as the feline had begun softly singing. Distracted in this moment, he nearly tumbled forward when his body tried to resume its normal clip, though his brain had been quick to remind that he had been taking such small steps for a reason.

Paying closer attention to what was going on before him, he cocked his head towards the woman beside him just as she began to speak again. "I did not think we were a known quantity," he murmured. Keeping his voice low so that only she may hear his reply, the gem faded yet again and took on a dark jade, bright bands of luminescent green striations breaking apart the monotone color. "I take no insult. Instead, I wish to know something. Where was this old text? Who had written it and how did you come across it?"

When the 'yote and marten stopped in their tracks, he paid them little mind for the time being. His interest had been fully captured by the exchange, a burning desire to understand swelling in his breast. He knew well that his species had been incredibly insular for centuries, yet their lore spoke of a time when they had mingled among the people. When they had supposedly lost their magic and ability to live among the stars. Did this book, or document, whatever form it came in--was it from that time period? Written shortly thereafter? His talons curled in the muck as he considered the possibilities. Such an obvious thing existing without the rest of the Natavathi's awareness; when had they become so lost among themselves?

Kaz suddenly raising his voice completely broke his spiraling thoughts, only now realizing he had given him the moniker Niles and that the two were assessing a threat that stood several meters away. Instead of wasting his energy on snapping at the coyote for giving him what he considered a rather distasteful nickname, he saved his breath and instead answered the question he posed. "These grenades I carry deliver a small blast of electrical energy, meant to incapacitate or stun small groups. Beyond that, I can hold my own." Changing once more, his eye became a soft, warning orange. "If the cloud line is deemed safe, I can take wing; though I do not understand these plague lands well enough to form that decision on my own."

Lifting his head ever so slightly, he watched the raccoon's movements closely. While Nihlus certainly hoped they would not already see blood shed this early in their journey, he was more than willing to protect their small party; regardless of the fact he knew virtually nothing about them.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 09:19:08 AM by Nemael »
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2015, 12:46:24 PM »
Drake kept his eyes on the clouds and found the rabbit again when the group aproched calling to him. He peeled himself off of the tree to stand upright and quickly glanced to the group. "Hello there! Fine weather we're having today!" He chuckled slightly as if he was funny. "I'm part of a expedition to map out this swap so uhm... what was his name again?" he tapped his head with his right hand trying to knock loose the information out a few times but it wasn't helping. "Ah i forget... but i know he wanted to set up a rail through this beautiful terrain. So I'm guessing you're the rest of the group?"
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2015, 01:56:45 PM »
Kat dropped her gaze down to her feet as they walked, long tufted ears laying back timidly at the feeling of everyone's eyes on her. "It was just something I remembered, life is full of strange little things like that." She mumbled in response to the marten, already regretting having spoken up, and shoved her gloved hands deep into the pockets of her jacket.

It was only when Nihlus spoke again that Kat glanced up, her ears following suit and flicking to catch his murmured question with typical lynx-like expressiveness. "I... I don't remember." She faltered, then spoke again although not in the same low tone Nihlus used. "Or more precisely, I know where I came across one such copy of that text." She continued as though spurred on by her own words which now tripped off her tongue with ease. "One I read from a young age, though I am afraid it was in no ancient bestiary or historical documents, merely a paragraph in a book of rhymes and stories. 'The Traveller's Tales of Brim the Bard' I believe it was called."

At that Kat laughed, a hearty chuckle so unlike her normally quiet demeanour. She smiled an apologetic half-smile to Nihlus. "It pains me to tell you that our history of your people has been reduced to just that, a fairy tale told to children on a stormy night..." But as she stared into his great gem eye, her own bright amber eyes reflected in its shifting colours, her brow furrowed again. "...There's only one other time I remember coming across it though, in the great college library where I studied. It spirals as far under the ground as it towers above, like the inside of a conch shell." She spoke with a familiar longing for the place. "One time I set to exploring those lower depths and found a chamber like a domed tower-room. Unlike most of the others it held just one book, bound to its lectern by a chain. There was only that poem printed inside the cover, but there was something different about it, and the pages were like nothing i'd ever seen. Sort of thick and transparent-like, holding black... discs... of... " Kat trailed off, pink nose wrinkling as she scrunched her muzzle in deep concentration, then breathed an exasperated sigh. "I can't remember, it's like my memory of that place is hung with thick fog. I do not do well with walking and talking, but I promise to tell you more if it comes to me Nihlus."

It was only then she noticed the events unfolding at the head of the group. Kat was not wholy interested as Laiana seemed to be handling the situation, though her ears perked up when the newcomer mentioned he was here to map out the railroad. She glanced distractedly at the coyote when he whispered to them and tapped a finger against her mechanical bow, currently folded and stowed at the belt around her waist, with a deep-set expression that read 'I can take care of myself.'
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 10:02:41 PM by KittKat »
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Re: The Rail-Blazers of Karad'Gor
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2015, 08:34:17 AM »
[Furious rage, the site has now deleted my post TWICE. So much re-writing!!]

Laina's carbine remained leveled at the raccoon for a long moment before it slowly lowered. "Fair enough." She replied, though the gun did not leave her paws. She came back up to her full height, which was not terribly impressive, and glanced over her shoulder to monitor the reactions of the rest of their group. Kaz and Nihlus seemed relatively alert, the Natavathi's strange eye having even changed to an ominous orange color. She smiled slightly at that, thinking him to be quite an amusing creature. The lynx, however, had kept a relatively relaxed stance. The marten's brow furrowed slightly and just the hint of a frown curled her lip. That girl was either really good or really oblivious.

She turned around in time to see the newcomer approaching, and held out her paw to stop him from getting too near to her. "For now stay up here with Kaz. Your pistol won't be much use from a range." She advised, looking at the weapon on his hip. "With two front guards I can move to the back, where my rifle will be more effective if we run into trouble." She looked him over. "And maybe next time meet us at the road. Shimmying up trees is suspicious, and also tactically a bad idea." Her look was slightly pitying as she regarded the coon. She gave the two a slight nod, giving Kaz a pointed look before walking back to join Katt and Nihlus at the rear.

Plus now I can keep an eye on you. She added silently as she watched the raccoon settle into the marching order. He may have known of their expedition but that did not automatically make her trust him. She was still wearing a slight frown when her gaze turned to meet that of Katt and then further Nihlus. She seemed to realize she was frowning a moment too late, and flashed a nervous smile at the two before her gaze moved to the ground awkwardly. How did one act around a Natavathi?

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