Author Topic: Trying to exercise and get into better shape, as well as be generally motivated.  (Read 360 times)

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So, I'm trying to tone my thighs and get my heart a little stronger, and just generally have more endurance. I'd also like to build upper body strength-- I can't even hold myself up in a push-up! :$

A big problem is my motivation. I just can't seem to get motivated to do any of these things longer than maybe a few days, or really push myself. I'm too comfortable! Another problem is the vast expanse of sources and answers to my questions... I've looked at a bunch of sources online and they all give me different answers, it's very frustrating!  >:(  If anyone has any tips, or first-hand experiences, please share them with me! There are other reasons for this as well, I'll put them in a spoiler for those of you who don't want to read about personal, emotional things.

I was looking at this link,, and it seemed like some good advice... I just don't know how accurate it is and how much it applies to me.

The other reasons are listed in this little spoiler here :o
Spoiler for Hidden:
Okay, so... My girlfriend and I have been having some trouble lately, and she's angry with me for being so unmotivated to do anything. I understand her frustration as I've done this many times, made promises to exercise or busy myself and I never come through, mostly because I just stop caring. She wants to get me up and active, and is afraid I'll end up failing and she'll have to leave me like she did with her ex who just wouldn't get up and do anything for himself. I don't want the same for her and I.
Hopefully someone can help me out, I'd appreciate it muchly! :)

« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 11:37:33 PM by Eibhleann »
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I don't know much about working-out >>

But if you want motivation, you gotta do something that's both effecient and fun =o

If you like hiking/walking, you should consider Geocaching!

It's pretty much a sort of a global treasure hunt of sorts, you can read more about it at

I find it to be amazingly fun, and it helps get me out of the house and see things I never even have before

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Geocaching is fun. I've done it too. :)

But the only thing I've found that can keep me motivated to exercise is to find a partner who you can trust to not let you slack off. Motivate each other. If your girlfriend wants you to do this, why don't you ask her (nicely) to do it with you?
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I found the motivation to exercise two summers ago, when I was 205 pounds. Within two and a half months, I was down to 165 and feeling all foxy.

I used Wii Fit mostly, but also, I exercised while doing things I enjoyed. Also, I would squeeze in small things everywhere. Running to my car, laying down and down 10-20 pushups, curls, or lunges between rounds on Halo or any multiplayer game or on loading screens. I found the times when I was sitting there waiting, and filled them with things that took more energy, but were during times I wasn't doing anything anyways.

In addition to that, I didn't necessarily change what I was eating, but how much I was eating. For example, getting a smaller portion at Moe's (or Chipotle, depending on where you live) or just not finishing off the last of something I had put on my plate. Leftovers are your friend. I still got to enjoy eating what I wanted, but just ate less! Also...drink a TON of water! Like, buy a water bottle and keep filling it up! That will help you more than you know. These are habits that will change your life forever if you keep it up. It also doesn't require cutting out nomming those tasty things.

Pretty soon, you'll start losing pounds doing things that take -no extra time.- Then, you can move on to doing things that will REALLY start toning you up.

Hope this helps! You can ask me anything if you want.
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