Author Topic: Everflame: The Shard OOC (Dead)  (Read 27726 times)

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Everflame: The Shard OOC (Dead)
« on: August 06, 2011, 01:26:39 AM »
After the burning embers of Everflame 2 have died, now comes the phoenix. A rebirth of the series.
Here is Everflame: The Shard

I will put my first post onto the main thread soon. But first, some history.

Everflame: The Shard is set tens of thousands of years after the events of the Everflame 2. In that time, walking killer plants (known as Triffids) covered the universe in death and destruction. Tina (a kind of mysterious criminal) had prepared for this. Under the instruction of some old friends who had gained a window into extra-dimensional soothsaying, she organised the construction of an enormous bunker. This became their home which after her death was called "The City of Tina" or Tina City. On that same planet was an extra dimensional being that helped them out. This being was called Seeker.It had brought them soldiers stragglers who had found themselves stranded, and helped and sheltered where she could. Over time, she realized there was no going back to her dimension and so decided to live as she once had in a past life. She disappeared, hiding away as an eternal recluse keeping very few by her side. Eventually, in her ethereal nature as one not of this plane of existence, she faded into the land. Some see her as a ghost, others a goddess. Over the millennia, her reputation within history has created a religion for her. Most of the inhabitants of Tina City are believers.
In that same period of time the Triffid attacks had caused significant damage and infestation. Many key areas of Tina City had to be sealed off, along with the technology it housed. Civilization had to start again. Eventually the Triffids burned themselves out. They had consumed too much and ran out of food. They had all died out, leaving the surface free for humans to colonize. Little groups spread across the forests and plains. One group moved further than any other. The leader unerringly drawn to something. Eventually he found it, a black shard embedded in the dirt. It was warm, like an eternal black flame. They built their homes there and devoted themselves to the study of this shard.


In the present day, technology is still at the level of knives, spears, axes and bows and arrows. There is no metal smelting or anything like that. There is currently a celebration; The annual event of gratitude to the Seeker, where all the towns are invited to a party celebrating the Seeker and her protection.

The way the religion and society in general works is this. The leaders, both religious and societal, have all been women. It is a matriarchal society where women are heralded for their greater intelligence, while men are servants, soldiers and workmen used for their strength more than anything. The outlying towns can differ in this respect and the town of the shard has a male leader.
In religion, there is a head priestess who has final say on what is right and what is not. Beneath her there are lesser priestesses who decide who the next head priestess will be and also attend to their people in their respective areas and towns. Beneath them are their helpers, known as the students of the Seeker.
There is also another group. It is within this religious framework but more secluded to the side. These are the Chosen. These are people infected with remnants of the dimension of light. They have powers over life and death.They are often used as healers during a great emergency. They have long lives and bestow this advantage on to high priestesses and city leaders. Their magic comes from bending the ether and using the Seekers own power that is embedded in the fabric of existence. However, due to their connection to a dimension that no longer exists, they feel a tugging void within them. It is a feeling of half death.

So there's a big gathering and religious celebration going on; however at the same time as this, some sort of meteor has fallen from the sky many miles away, discovered by an eastern pygmy possum girl in a red tunic, with flowers in her pocket.

As always with my stuff, my own characters can be important or utterly irrelevant. I don’t know how this will turn out. All I know is that you will be the hero... one of you... maybe... probably.

Here are the rules:

-No over-powered characters or Deus Ex Machina
-Wait for others
-Feel free to throw in a story element or event, but only if you think it will be fun and engaging. If you’re not sure, run it by me first.
-insta-kills are allowed but are extremely rare, need to be cleared by me first and must never cut someone out of the rp. The one dying needs to consent as well. (For the sake of an engaging tale, dont be afraid to lose a character or two)
-Follow the nature of the society you're in
-Dont be afraid to lose a battle or get arrested or anything like that. A good story needs highs and lows and who knows where those lows will take you.

This is how you will set these characters out:


Location: (Refers to location at the start of your entrance into the RP)
Occupation: (Should make sense according to the location and society, but doesn’t have to.)

Weaponry: (Don't go crazy, make it realistic.)

Biography: (Should make sense according to location, but doesn’t have to.)

Appearance: (Should make sense according location but doesn’t have to.)


Here are my main characters at this point.

Name: Tizzarath Nather
Age: 80
Species: Mouse type hybrid

Location: Tina City Surface attending the celebration.
Occupation: Queen of the World.

Weaponry: Hidden bodyguards everywhere.

Biography: Born and bred for leadership by one of the oldest families in Tina City, descendant of Tara (Tiz) Nather, second Queen of Tina City. She rules with a strong focus on consolidation. Rapid expansion had commanded much of her predecessors life, so she has focused on making sure that the towns and people that exist live upon a strong solid foundation before moving onward. On personal terms, she has little time for people and is often seen as curt and abrupt. She knows her own mind.

Appearance: Small and white with red streaks running down her back and a pink scaled tail behind her. She looks remarkably young yet is always seen in modest yet formal wear to reflect her serious tone in leadership.


Name: KaraBelle Kara
Age: 240
Species: Harpy Eagle

Location: Tina City Surface attending the celebration
Occupation: High Priestess

Weaponry: Spear of Feshanoq. It is a large staff adorned in bright feathers and fur from base to tip. The head is embedded with obsidian blades taken from the mouth of the demonic mountains.

Biography: She is from one of the newer families who received much protection from Seeker during darker times in their history. Since then they have dedicated their lives to serve and honour Seeker. She is the highest and most successful member of that family having powerful insight into both mediation and leadership. People seem to naturally look to her for answers.

Appearance: Large with black wings with white undersides. Her head is blazing with black feathers splayed like a crown at the back of her head. Her clothes are completely comprised of plants, trees, and the feathers and bones of some of the most exotic creatures they could find. She has a powerful beauty, vicious and deadly.


Name: Little-Hands Powerful-Touch
Age: 16
Species: Eastern Pygmy Possum

Location: Middle of a field many many miles away from the city or towns. The closest town is the Town of the Shard.
Occupation: None

Weaponry: a regular spear and Saviour, her feral lizard protector.

Biography: She was abandoned when she was young, left in a cave to die. A small feral lizard wreathed in leaves found her and through it so did Seeker. Seeker kept her warm with ocean breeze and stray flames from nearby fires. Seeker fed her with old and lame animals guided into the cave. Seeker talked to her and gave her that name. She learned Seeker’s language and only picked up English much later and can only speak it in broken bursts. The possum girl and the feral lizard grew up together and both grew, though the lizard grew far more and has become the girl’s protector and closest friend. His name was Saviour.

Appearance:  Small and wiry frame, she wears a short red tunic and has brown diamond patches over her eyes against the grey and white.
Saviour is enormous with a great tail that’s almost as long as he is. His pale green/grey body and wreathed in large leaves that sprout from his neck like a headdress. They are naturally part of his biology.


Name: General Andreya Caisen
Age: 34
Species: Red Fox

Location: Middle of a field many many miles away from the city or towns. The closest town is the Town of the Shard.
Occupation: General of the Galactic Authority

Weaponry: One energy pistol with a fifty round clip with recharging ammunition.

Biography: A cheery women, especially when a grim face or future is present. She was tasked with aiding a scientist called Leo in preventing dangerous extra-dimensionals from getting hold of a rather special stone known as the Everflame. Things went wrong and Leo rocketed their ship into an unstable hyperspace jump. They tore through timespace and crashed into the ground of the planet Mngeya. They jumped tens of thousands of years into the future and are now very much unconscious

Appearance: Currently dressed in a baggy space suit that has been taped to her form to compensate. Underneath that is a vixen in a uniform; prim, proper, militaristic and blue.


Name: Aman S. Mongoste
Age: 40
Species: Red Fox (though a surprisingly large one)

Location: Tina City surface attending the celebration
Occupation: Leader of the Town of the Shard

Weaponry: a pair of bodyguards, armed with many axes.

Biography: A descendant of one of the oldest families, his predecessor found the shard and set up the town. At first it was a scientific discovery but as the old leader died, the young Aman took control and saw it as so much more. He had spent much of his young life around the shard, and he could feel it affect him. He knew there was a great power within this. He claimed there was an ancient power, a greater power than the Seeker who would balance the world. He had ineherited a short temper and a vengeful mind, and the gender imbalance forced against his leadership has always sat in his mind ready to be manipulated by the shard.

Appearance: Dressed in shrouds of white, the large red fox towers over many, bearing a black diamond upon the chest of his clothes, as a symbol of the shard.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 04:50:57 PM by Asia Kali Yusufzai »
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2011, 02:49:09 AM »
Name: Talin Kor'vial
Age: 90
Species: Panther type hybrid

Location: Tina City, in an isolated prison that only KaraBelle, Tizzarath and the other Chosen have access or knowledge of.
Occupation: Chosen

Weaponry: None, but used to carry a stone broadsword he affectionately named Fang for the serrated edges.

Biography: Talin was once a very sociable man, despite his ties to the void, often getting attention from the women that wanted more than just a chat. On the other side of that man, was a person tormented with emotions and memories that are not his own. When he reached the age of 60, he had his first psychotic episode, imagining he was a dragon that could shoot fire with his left hand. Nobody would try to stop him, as he was a Chosen, and a physically intimidating one at that. Luckily, these episodes were few and far between until he reached 85, when he went nuts at least once a month.

For three years now he has been held in an underground prison, held in check by pillars of stone and robes reinforced with an adhesive to prevent tearing. He gets visits from both KaraBelle and Tizzarath, the latter tending to stay around longer than the former. The other Chosen refuse to associate with him though, afraid his unique madness will no longer be unique the moment they get near the cell.

Appearance: Tall and physically powerful, his fur is indigo with white vine-like tattoos that spread across his body like an actual plant. His only apparel is cloth bandages wrapped around his forearms and palms, and a raggedy pair of animal hide leggings.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 12:57:47 AM by Chrono Blackwyng »
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2011, 01:59:16 PM »
Wow... that was quick!   :P

Everflame 3  ^_^     I will post character sheets soon. Can't wait Asia  :)
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100% chocolate-wafer feline!

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2011, 01:43:14 AM »
Name: Entaru W. Korin
Age: 27
Species: Artic Fox

Location: Attending the celebration with Aman Mongoste.
Occupation: Priest of the Shard

Weaponry: 7 ft staff with a replica of the shard at its top and a curved dagger.

Biography: His family had lived in the Town of the Shard almost as long as it had existed.  His ancestors were some of the first converts to join the followers of the Shard.  Having been born to such status, Entaru was given the title 'Priest of the Shard' at a very young age.  Through merit and much determination he has made his way to the top of the Town's hierarchy second only to his lord, Aman.

Appearance: The alabastor robes on his thin and gangly frame, it is hard to tell where he begins and the clothes end.  He too has a black diamond embroidered to his chest, indicating his faith in the Shard.

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2011, 03:07:20 AM »
sooounds very interesting.

Name: Aria Loray
Age: 18
Species: snow leopard

Location: Tina City (there for celebration)
Occupation: archeologist's assistant

Weaponry: two stone daggers. one is particularly special, an heirloom gift, not quiet sure what stone (not obsidian)

Biography: Aria was born into a family of Shard, she was born sickly and nearly died. but the sickness ruined her vocal chords to the point where she is now a mute. she can hear very well do to her no speech. she communicates well with facial expressions, mouthing words and uses a form of basic signs with her hands to communicate. she moved to Tina City, working odd jobs to get by before she landed on working as an archeologist assistant. she longs to back at Shard, closer to the fields and forests she had explored as a little girl. she trained herself to have good flexibility and can climb things very well. she can read very well but her writing skills are basic. as her beliefs in the Seeker, she hardly pays attention, she has the mode of survive and thrive on her mind, though she never insults the religion.

Appearance: off shoulder gypsy top with laced vest, belted, belted soft leather, form fitting pants with leather, knee high sturdy boots. Aria is lovely but not drop dead stunning. extremely short black hair (Pixie cut to be exact), brilliant green eyes. an air of mystery about her, 5'8 and slender.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 07:30:09 PM by Emrelda »
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I am not making any more RP's. I may join one but right now, I have no patients to create RP's anymore.

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2011, 05:53:53 AM »
Name: Leo Cyrule
Age: 27
Species: Serval

Location:  Middle of a field many many miles away from the city or towns. The closest town is the Town of the Shard. Found with General Andreya Caisen

Weaponry: Currently poorly conditioned Plasma pistol (20 round clip/capable of recharge) and a damaged flashlight

Biology: A very laid back and sometimes sarcastic cat, who mostly manages to squeeze by death it's self time and time again. He is the Scientist responsible for General Caisen and himself to be propelled through time and space it's self to the current date. After crash landing into Mygen at an unknown force, he was knocked unconscious along with the general.

Appearance: Currently dressed in a space suit, however unlike Caisen's his was slightly more better fitting, and held metal plates to protect vital areas. Underneath the suit is a Tall gray and ebony Serval. He has messy white hair and emerald eyes. His tail only falls to his knees of his animalistic legs. He wears a dark green, thin, sleeveless hooded vest. A white long sleeve male blouse, and a pair of black jeans.
His clothing holds the occasional blood droplets of his past struggles.

I edited his appearance slightly, I like this better.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 03:53:09 PM by tangletail »
I can givz u Triforce? ♥
▲ ▲

Offline Asia Kali Yusufzai

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2011, 06:10:01 PM »
Chronin: I was very iffy about putting the chosen in at all, since by definition they are overpowered. There are restrictions to their power. They cannot outright kill a healthy person, nor can they raise a dead person.

As for your character specifically: manic episodes could, I suppose, be a suitable handicap; however it can quite easily end up just being an excuse to tear up the place and unleash an almost insane inner strength that his conscious self is unaware of. He can most certainly be mentally unstable, however considering he's 300 and has spent 60 years tied up in a cage I think old and physically diminished. I'll allow it if he's old and crinkly enough.


Entaru: Perfec'


Emrelda: Well I was planning on setting up this whole archeological angle, so i was thinking, maybe you could be an archeologist's assistant. You'd be hauling, cataloging and filing; doing what you're told and not answering back :P Flexibility would be useful to get into hard to reach caverns and cracks.

I'll have to write up an archeologist character quicker than I'd planned, but I think it fits well, especially since you'd be spending most of your time in the older areas of the subterranean city, very much away from forests and fields. Tell me if you agree to this so I can write up this archeologist character... oh I'll do it anyway, he'll be an interesting character.

And yes, they do have reading and writing (a remnant of their history), but it's mostly done on sheets of wood tied with wood strings. The writing is done with natural paints. A lot of the earlier stuff was done in mineral based paints, and new writing is made with plants. Most people don't have much of a written vocabulary, but some who require the written word (highly placed peoples) can be rather erudite.

Also... how does a young, not particularly well off girl like that get 3 obsidian daggers? That's not the easiest thing to get hold of. Perhaps tone it down to some lesser kind of sharpened stone, or perhaps only one dagger acquired in some special way, like a gift.

Here's the archeologist character:
Name: Dim Lane
Age: 35
Species: Raven

Location: Tina City Surface (there for celebration, hobnobbing with other archeologists.)
Occupation: Archeologist

Weaponry: stone dagger and chisel

Biography: Dim has always heard the religious stories and the tales of the ancient families and was rapt by its mystery. He wanted to know the answers of how they became what they are today. He's heard the theories and the folk tales but he wants more. He wants to feel it with his hands and in some small way bring those stories to life; to be a part of them. He loves stories and jokes and tales and is often seen to be a light hearted dreamer though he is deadly serious about his work. He has most recently been very intrigued by tales of old gods, beasts and demons though there are only the slightest of hints around. Nothing to say that these old beings are even remotely real. Some people even suspect Seeker as being a falsehood. He keeps the idea at the back of his mind, but it doesn't plague his thoughts.

Appearance: A bright red cloak kept around him, a brown robe down his front and cloth bindings around the legs. A necklace with a green gem carved into a spaceship.


TangleTail: Brill'


Right is everyone okay with the changes suggested?
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

Puncia's Foundraising Project

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2011, 06:57:28 PM »
Name:   Imshi Teresa Hlásova
Age:  20
Species:  A very unusual Fox/Eagle Hybrid

Location:  In her family’s reed-boat travelling to the celebrations in Tina city. The entire Teresa clan are travelling together on their fishing boats down the river to the city.

Occupation:  All of the Teresa clan are fisherwomen, with the men acting as servants and rowers of the long reed-barges that the clan uses on ‘Seeker Lake’, hunting the large carp-like fish that swim in its shimmering depths.

Weaponry/Clothing:  A long barbed fishing spear (as carried by all of the Teresa clan women) that is tied to the wrist by a long piece of thin rope.
She wears the traditional dress of the clan, consisting of an intricately woven and very wide belt-like piece that is worn just below her midriff. She also wears a similarly wide piece that is worn around the neck and chest like a collar. Both have a thick line of wooden beads woven into them.

Biography: The Teresa clan have the long-standing tradition of always naming their girls by the name of Teresa and using their first ‘conjoined’ name to differentiate between them. Such an ancient tradition holds the clan in high respect with other nearby villages.

Imshi was always a lonely child, spending most of her days with a boy two years her younger by the name of Yenchi. This solitude was primarily caused by her unusual parentage, much to the delight of the old village healer who proclaimed her at birth to have been blessed by seeker himself. Whether this is true, or this is simply what happens with every avian hybrid, Imshi-Teresa has the appearances of her vulpine mother and the wings of her eagle father.

On this day before the celebration of seeker, she announced her sworn-servant to be Yenchi Lantto – her closest and only childhood friend, much to the outrage of her family and friends.

Appearance: Imshi takes most after her mother, being a full-figured vulpine, curvy with generous hips and thighs. She wears the extra weight timidly, not having the same self-confidence of her mother, despite women like her being perceived as the more beautiful in the surrounding villages. Her short fur is a light russet-colour, with her muzzle and chest being white as well as the tip to her tail which is short and sleek.

She has bright amber eyes and chestnut hair, drawn back into a long plaited ponytail with a few loose strands of braided hair at her fringe.

Her most distinctive feature however is the wings that sprout from her shoulder blades, a seamless transition from silky fur to dark feathers. The wings reach down to just below her waist when drawn back and fan out to double her arm span when fully outstretched. The feathers are the same colour as her hair, dark chestnut.


Name:   Yenchi  Lantto
Age:  18
Species:  Wildcat

Location:  On the same reed-boat as Imshi.

Occupation:  Now the sworn-servant to Imshi-Teresa

Weaponry/Clothing:  Two curved knives carved from animal horn, one hilt has a tooth set into it curving in the opposite direction to the blade of the knife while the other is inset with a sharpened flint.  

His usual clan attire is that of rough hunting leathers, but now as a sworn-servant he must wear the clothing of the Teresa fishing-clan.

Biography:  Yenchi Lantto has been close friends with Imshi as long as he can remember. Despite the unusualness of this both families allowed the friendship to stay, seeing that both children were equally detached from the other children of their age and thought it would do them good, especially Imshi.

Neither family however expected Yenchi to accept the position of sworn-servant to a woman of another clan, causing something of an outrage in both families that has been the talk around many a village fire.

Appearance: A young wildcat with a rather small frame for his age, even for his species. He is lean and rather thin with fur of a soft ashen-grey and dappled white, with white fur spreading down his muzzle to his stomach as well as white paws and feet.

Yanchi’s eyes are light blue and his hair a slightly darker grey than his fur, cut back except for two short braids of hair that hang down to just above his shoulders. All in all he is an unusually feminine and quiet looking male in a society where most are strong and large. In some way this is rather why Imshi asked of him as a sworn-servant, despite the outrage it has caused.


Name: Vin
Species: Feral 'Harker Bird' (looks similar to an Earth Kingfisher)

Harker Birds are small, around the size of a clenched fist and electric blue. They have four sets of wings, the second smaller set just behind a pair of turquoise claws. Has small turquoise eyes that look far more intelligent than a normal bird. The Harker birds are amazing fishers, able to pluck fish twice their size out of rivers and are well known for their intelligence and inquisitiveness.

Bio: Vin has been Imshi's only childhood friend other than Yenchi, having been caught and given to the girl by an aunt at a young age. The bird, whose lifespan is almost as long, if not longer than Imshi's herself, follows the vixen wherever she goes.

Okay Asia. Just say if anything there needs changing    :3   (Oh, and sorry for the rather large wall of text. I just like to be very discriptive with character sheets  :3  )
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 07:14:52 PM by Kitt (Santa Claws) »
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100% chocolate-wafer feline!

"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2011, 07:13:23 PM »
alright, Archaeologist assitant!!! good thing i love Archaeology.

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I am not making any more RP's. I may join one but right now, I have no patients to create RP's anymore.

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2011, 09:15:33 PM »
I assume brill' means brilliant. So.. thank you?
I can givz u Triforce? ♥
▲ ▲

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2011, 11:05:08 PM »
Kitt that sounds great

Emrelda, Excellent

and TangleTail, you're welcome.

I'll be writing the first post now.

If latecomers want to join, they're more than welcome to.
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

Puncia's Foundraising Project

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2011, 11:12:47 PM »
How long do chosen 'normally' live for?
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

Offline Asia Kali Yusufzai

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Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2011, 11:17:44 PM »
Depends on their connection with the energies of existence, but most dont live past 200. The high priestess has lasted this long because she has the lesser priestesses supporting her.
Your character is remarkably old.
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

Puncia's Foundraising Project

Offline Chrono Blackwyng

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  • Build: somewhat muscular yet still agile
  • Currently: Chillin', thinkin', staying up later than I should...
Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2011, 11:18:48 PM »
Damn, I'll have to cut back those years then... and likely change the biography :P

Edit: I just finished editing the age.

Seriously, I thought Chosen aged like 1 year every ten or fifteen...
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 11:31:54 PM by Chrono Blackwyng »
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

Offline Asia Kali Yusufzai

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  • Reference: [link]
Re: Everflame: The Shard OOC (New people most definitely welcome)
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2011, 11:50:09 PM »
eesh, well I'm still unsure about how powerful he is, but then it is just physical strength and chosen magic. It should be okay. I'll allow it, but try not to turn into a superhero :)
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

Puncia's Foundraising Project


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