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Author Topic: Re-writing History  (Read 5677 times)

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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2009, 02:27:42 PM »
ixlander frowned even harder when the tiger's ran off. the bear leaned forward. "if i may, I'd prefer to send john with another scout from my troop, john can handle himself in the field on his own, but i fear for the tigers' well being, also if anything happens my scout will be able to report back to us indefinitely. allow me to send another of my scouts with them please your highness" the huge bear said bowing slightly to the king.

Johnathan listened to the other lieutenant talk, he immediately didn't like this plan, there had already been a few traitors in the English army this year. he didn't even know these tiger's, having them watch his back put him on edge. he would accept the assignment, because that was what soldier's did. when his friend intervened on his be half john could have kissed the mountain of a bear on the head. "if i may sir's, i have a scout who could easily keep up with us, and if worst came to worst she could get back to the castle faster than anybody could dream of sir" the monkey piped up, keeping his voice level and professional.

ixlandria listened to the proceedings, letting her brother and fiend talk, she felt the same way as john about letting him go with two stranger's into the woods. she nodded when she heard her brother talk. 'your always on the same page as us brother' she thought to herself. she wished she could go with john in the field, but even with her speed she wouldn't be able to keep up with the agile monkey. so she would stay behind and make sure the 100 soldier's were ready to ride hard and fast. sense john would be out in the field. she would take charge of the 119 archer's and scouts that would stay behind, that was of course if the king would allow another scout to watch john's back out there.


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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2009, 07:42:27 PM »
Tharren looked to his liutenant before standing and voicing some little known facts. "You underestimate the Swiftclaws. You see, there is legend about their bloodline. The Swiftclaw family originated many decades ago. They were once hailed as one of the most powerful families in England. Not because of riches and influence, but because of sheer power. They are said to have have exponential powers. Whether this is truth or myth, I cannot say. However, the legend tells that a member of this bloodline can double his strength if another of his blood is there. The strength will triple for each if three are together, and so on. Thus, the three would have the power of nine. So, when these two are together, they actually have the power of four. Strength isn't all that is increased. Mental processing and speed are also improved. So, if there were 40 Swiftclaws in one area, the total strength would be of 1600 soldiers. The Germans realized this a long time ago and sent assassins to kill them while they slept. The assassins were efficient and deadly, not making a sound as each member of the family was silently killed. Thirty-six members of the family were killed so far. The only reason that Scyler and Mynerva are alive is because one assassin got careless and made himself known. This roused the remaining 4 family members. The mother and father fought valiantly, but were given fatal wounds. While they clung to life, Scyler was quick and still had the power of four. Even though he was a child of 6 years, he had incredible strength due to his blood inheritance. This allowed him to finish off the two remaining assassins without being seriously injured. The rest, we all know about. Scyler and Mynerva were found lying in pools of their family's blood, tears streaming down their faces." Tharen then turned to Larsen again. "Care to take over, Liutenant?"

"Not a problem." Larsen continued, "Now, because Scyler and Mynerva know who was behind the assassination, they have sworn to defeat the ones responsible. Also, because we have had recent turncoats in our army, I have heard rumors that these two siblings are spies, traitors, or assassins lying in wait. Those are lies, nothing more. Besides, I don't think these two would join up with the country responsible for the brutal murders of their family. But, my lord, whether or not you will allow my two units to accompany Ixlander's scouts is up to you. I will not push the matter any further." After finishing, Larsen sat down and whispered to Tharren, "Was the history lesson necessary?"

Tharren just smiled lightly and nodded.

The king sat on his throne, and pondered everything that had been said. He weighed the pros and cons of everything. He then announced his ruling. "Ixlander, your two scouts will go scout as planned. However, after the recently presented information, I believe that having the two tiger siblings go along as well would be the safer course of action if something were happen. While these soldiers may not know each other yet, this will cause them to trust each other. If they plan to advance in the ranks later but not be able to trust each other, then this army will be divided. This will not only build trust between them, but also between both Larsen's and Ixlander's brigades." The king could see the protest in Ixlander's, Ixlandria's and Johnathans eyes. "I'm sorry if this displeases you, but this is the safest course."

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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2009, 08:16:43 PM »
ixlander grimaced. "sir, i don't worry about strength, we won't need strength if we won't be detected. Jonathan is my best at traversing any terrain with out being detected. my second scout is just a hair under him in that respect. they won't be caught. I'm sure the swiftclaws' will be fine but adding more member's will just increase their chances of being detected." the large bear said. "i have nothing against them, but I'm being practical here, one person is best for scouting or recon. 2 is OK if the 2 people know how each other move and can work together silently, they must share a bond that siblings have to truly be invisible together. three hasn't been nearly as successful. and this is talking about a squad that had been working together for years." ixlander said. he looked down and up again at the king. "i implore you sir, don't make me send my friends out there when they will undoubtedly be discovered." the bear said "this a recipe for disaster and deep down i know you know it sir"

Johnathan stood up, "if i may sir, could we not just spell a necklace to communicate vision, and and earring for sound. i can get out there and the swiftclaws' can see and hear what i hear. we can have another set for my second scout." the monkey said nodding. "we have been working together for 7 years, my second in command. we won't get caught, and if we do, she will be able to get back in record time and that will be that." he shrugged. "no reason to put them in danger when we can do this ourselves."

ixlander nodded to his friend. "we have nothing against them, but this is a better way sir." the large bear said. looking at the old lion.


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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2009, 08:50:13 PM »
The king looked at Ixlander and Johnathan. "Well, if you are so sure of yourselves and your abilities, then you may go alone. But for the love of God, just get on with the bloody mission! We've wasted so much time with stubbornness that, if we go by how good you say you are, this mission probably would already be finished! Now, all of you get out. Meeting adjourned!" The aging lion got up from his chair and muttered under his breath, "I'm getting too old for this ****..."

Larsen and Tharren promptly left the meeting hall, heading off to meet back up with Scyler and Mynerva. Tharren sighed and said, "Wow, the king looked angry. You think he was genuinely mad or just thoroughly annoyed?"

Larsen shook his head and kept walking, "It's hard to say. Anyways, at least if all goes wrong now, we won't risk losing the last of a dying bloodline." Larsen continued to talk like that until he was sure that they were out of the range of the others. He then pulled Tharren closer and whispered soft enough to where only Tharren could hear, "We're still going to send Scyler and Mynerva. The other two just won't know it." He then pulled away from Tharren and winked. "That'll ensure the safety, according to Ixlander. Pairs are more efficient." he said with a dry chuckle. He ran into Scyler and Mynerva as he was walking up the stairs. He gave them the signal to turn around and walk back up. They complied with out making a sound. When they made it to Mynerva's room, the four went inside and sat down. Larsen signalled to Scyler to erect a soundproof barrier. Scyler did, making sure no sound came in and no sound went out. "It's up, Sire. But why all of the secrecy?"

Larsen looked to the siblings and said, "There's been a change of plans. Ixlander's scouts will be going alone. King's orders. But, my orders are for you to trail them and not get caught. Scyler, this means no robes. Wear dark clothing to blend in with the night. Mynerva, same goes for you. Wear darker clothing. You're already wearing light enough clothing. Now, if they seem to notice you, I want you to quit pursuing them. Run back a ways and have Scyler make a portal. Jump through quickly and close it. After 30 seconds or so, check the area out using magic, make sure they are gone. Then, continue to follow them. You will be their invisible bodyguards. Their guardian angels. Now, go get re-equipped. Take only the bare-necessities. Now, go." With that, Tharren and Larsen stood up and left the room.

Scyler and Mynerva looked at each other, nodded, and took only what they needed. "Lets go." Scyler said in a soft whisper. He dropped the soundproof barrier and climbed out the window. Looking to see what he could land on, he gave a disappointed sigh. All that was there was a small oak tree about 15 feet away. He looked to Mynerva, took her hand and jumped with her, aiming for the tree's two largest branches. Scyler landed on one, only making an barely audible thumping sound. Mynerva landed in the same fashion, not making a sound. Together, they jumped out of the tree and and ran out of the castle walls undetected. They found a Dutch off to the side of the main road and hid out in it, waiting to see when the two scouts from Ixlander's group would be leaving out.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 09:33:11 PM by Scyler Swiftclaw, Reason: Had to come back home. Didn\'t have time to finish it at my Grandma\'s house. »

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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2009, 01:33:03 AM »
ixlander rose from his chair followed by his friends. he bowed to the king. and walked out. he was very nervous about the king, he hid it well, no one other than john and his sister would recognize it for what it was. once he got out of the meeting hall he turned to john. "pack up for scouting, you know what you need and meet me in the stables." the large bear said, he stopped short "wait, take a short bow, you need speed over power in this battle" ixlander said as the monkey nodded and ran off to his chambers. ironforge the elder turned to his sister. "wake Trish, no bow, darkest and most flexible armor. meet in teh stables." he said as the big bear nodded and ran off into the night. ixlander rubbed his face and went to his rooms to pick up the spelled necklaces and earrings.

ixlandria ran through the night winding her ways through the inner workings of the palace. she saw how worried her brother was for the king. her brother saw the king as a father figure, his highness used to be friend with her father. ixlander looked up to the old lion, he would gladly march into the gates of hell and back for only 3 people, her, john and the king. ixlandria knew this because she knew her brother. she stopped in front of the solid wooden door that lead to her friend's room. the large bear knocked quietly on the door. the meeting had lasted a few hours, the sun had only set a few minutes ago.ixlandria smiled as the door opened to reveal her friend.

Johnathan jogged silently to the stables. a short bow tied to his back. 3 and a half feet in length, short but the wood was stiff, a much stiffer draw, but the punch would be just as great as his normal bow, and this one is less unwieldy. he was wearing dark leather boots, bracer's gauntlets, and a leather chest piece. he stalked into the stable and looked around. he saw ixlander by his mount, thunder hoof. a black gelding with flecks of yellow on his feet and nose.

the lithe dark brown gibbon easily jogged into the stables, with ixlandria behind her. the smaller ape was dressed lightly, dark breeches, a dark flexible leather vest. fingerless leather gloves, and no boots. her 2 foot long tail easily dropped behind her, held off the ground. she held no weapons save for a small dagger at her waist and and the razor claws on her hands. she walked over to ixlander and john. "sir, ixlandria said it was important?" the gibbon asked the humongous bear.

ixlander looked at the ape. "it is" he said and quickly explained the situation to the small girl ape. after she was brought up to speed ixlander gave one necklace, and one earring to john and one set to Trish. "put these on, this was the mages from the meeting hall can see and hear you with out being put into danger." he said turning away for a second. when he heard a squeak from the girl

"sir, i don't mean to be disrespectful, but why were you set on not having them come?" the primate asked. she knew about the teaming and such, but she felt that this was something else. Trish had been with john and the ironforge siblings for 7 years. she knew them well, and would give her life for them, but she wasn't the best friends with them, except for john, but he was like a brother to her sense her own brother died shortly before she was found by the kind bears and monkey.

ixlander frowned for a bit. "i have nothing against them, but that doesn't mean i totally trust them, i don't know, it's just a feeling i get with mages, and how they came out of no where, and where they were." the bear swung his head around to the girl. "they haven't fought in almost any battle, they are young, and they were sitting in on the war counsel, sitting withen leaping distance of his highness and as far as i have seen they haven't done anything for this kingdom." the bear said grimly he paused and then shook his head. "also, i know you two won't get caught, and if you do... well, you remember our pact." the large bear said softly. "we don't need them for protection, and if they get caught, well that would be one less family fighting for the kingdom." the bear said. no reason for them to die when they don't need to take the chance.

the four friends in the room and blinked and looked down slightly. shortly after they had all met, john and the ironforges got a rune written on each of them, a spell that if they got captured the spell would wipe their memories, rendering them useless to the enemy. after the original three had met the gibbon they had her swear with them. just as all the soldier's and troops in ixlander's company were sworn in also. when they were interviewed for joining up with the armored bear, they each swore a solemn pact that they would get the rune, and know and accept the responsibilities of it. they all knew some of them might not come back. it was a fact of life. every member who had signed up agreed almost right away. this course was the safest for the entire country as a whole. almost subconscienciously all 4 warriors rubbed the back of their necks where the rune was written under the hair at the nape of the neck. the memories can't be recovered unless a new specific rune is written on top of the old one. a specific rune that only ixlander, john, ixlandria and the king knew.

ixlander looked the two archer's in the eye. "john, Trish, you both know the danger's of this mission. we have some to gain but much more to lose if you two are found out. i ask of you as a friend to be safe. always watch your backs, keep your mind and senses open to the world around. you can't afford anyone to detect or follow you, on our side or theirs. be careful you two." with that the large bear embraced john while ixlandria embraced Trish. after a quick squeeze they traded hugs. and stepped apart.

ixlandria mounted up on her horse lightning. a golden horse with black flecks on his feet and nose. the gelding nuzzled his rider affectionately and got ready to ride.

Trish walked and mounted up on her horse. dune, a reddish gelding horse with black flecks on his feet and nose. while john mounted up on his horse. a black gelding with red flecks on his feet and nose. midnight.

ixlander raised his hand and pointed forward. the hand sign to ride. with a start thunder hoof galloped out of teh stables. followed by lightning, midnight and dune. the four horses thundered through the grounds. the sound being masked by the thunder storm brewing over head. the four horses galloped through teh one of the smaller gates leading out of the castle grounds.


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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2009, 03:11:52 AM »
As soon as the necklace and earring were put on Trish, Scyler's head exploded in pain. He gripped clumps of grass in the ditch, baring his fangs as he felt wave after wave of pain course through his head. He saw things from someone else's eyes, heards things from their ears. The sensations were just too much for him to bear. He whimpered softly, the pain causing him to writhe and shake uncontrollably. Then, as if it had never even happened, it stopped paining him. He learned that he could easily tap into the information from the necklace and earring as he needed to. He panted softly as he wiped his sweating brow. "Gah, that was brutal..."

Mynerva watched as he writhed silently, covering his mouth when he whimpered too loudly so their position wouldn't be given away. When he quoted down, she made sure he was alright. "Did it work, brother." He smiled weakly and replied, "Yes, now we can see what they are doing and hear as well. We can now follow them more efficiently. He decided to tap into the audio and give it a test run. He smiled when he first heard it work. However, that smiling face turned into one of concentration. Then, it changed to anger. "Ixlander foesn't trust us... He thinks that we've never seen the field of battle. I may not have been through as many battles as he has, but I can assure you he has us mistaken for some wet behind the ears cubs. Well, we will see who is the foolish one in this."

Mynerva took his hand and looked him in the eyes. "Calm down brother. Keep a clear head, right? I believe you told me that earlier today. You need to stay focused on what we came here to do."

Scyler then snorted indignantly, getting out of the ditch and walking back towards the castle. "Scyler!" she said in a mix of a shout and a whisper, "What are you doing?! Get back here!" Scyler kept walking, only signalling for her to follow. "If he wants his two friends severly injured or even killed, so be it. I might be disobeying my Liutenants orders, but I refuse to go against my king. Come on, Mynerva. We're going back to the castle."

She got out of the ditch and sighed. "Scyler, you're strange, you know that?" He laughed and turned back to Mynerva. "You're quite the oddity yourself, sister. Come on, I'll race you home." She stared him in the eyes, laughing softly. "You're on!" They lined up together and ran off to the castle. Running as fast as they could, they ended up running around 65mph. All anyone could see was two orange streaks hurtling through the darkness. The tiger siblings sped right past the two scouts heading out. Mynerva ended up winning and running past Ixlander, causing a large gust of wind to blow over him. Scyler did the same, causing a second gust to hit Ixlander. Both of them came to a screeching halt in front of the stables. Neither of them were even panting or breathing hard. "You won, Mynerva... You won..." Mynerva just smiled and tossed a few strands of hair out of her face. "You actually kept up better this time. You may be the stronger and smarter one, but I'm the faster and prettier one." Scyler just laughed at the last part. 

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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2009, 10:55:26 AM »
all four horses galloped out of the gates, they didn't stop thundering through the land until they reached the edge of the woods. john and Trish hopped down from their mounts. "good luck you two" he said solemnly.
john covered his earring with his hand, Trish did the same, no sound would reach the earrings. and said to ixlander. "why did you put the earrings on us, they could hear us, and we could hear them, did you plan that axle" the monkey asked
ixlander nodded grimly. "they needed to hear there is more than pride on the line for this. they need to hear that not every one will go along with them and heir ideas. and also i didn't want them to get hurt. no one deserves to die on enemy territory in the dark who doesn't need to be there" the large bear said to his friend. both apes uncovered their earrings and necklaces. they nodded and hopped down off their horses.

john nodded to ixlander and his sister and ran off into the woods. followed closely by trish.

"good luck friends" the large bear said solemnly as his friends disappeared from view. "you ready to wait" ixlander said to his sister. she nodded and got off her horse. she and ixlander would wait for her friends to come back. "his highness didn't say we couldn't have a little picnic by the woods." ixlandria said. the large bear grinned. "in plate chest, boots, and shoulder pieces, no less" he said keeping his hand on the hilt of his blade watching the wood's edge.

Trish swung through the tree's easily, keeping speed with the dark brown monkey next to her with out breaking a sweat. she kept her ears open to the world around, ciphening out the wind she heard little in the forest. she caught the hand signal Johnathan sent to her. she immediately slowed to a stop and rested on teh same branch as johnathan.

"swiftclaws, can you see us, and can you hear us?" the monkey whispered quietly.


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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2009, 09:23:41 PM »
Scyler winced as a sharp pain shot through his head again. "Damn that enchanted jewelry!!" Scyler focused hard and blocked the feed from the necklaces and jewelry. "There, now if those scouts try to contact me, I won't be disabled by the pain." Mynerva smiled and patted Scyler on the back. "Whatever works for you, bro."

Scyler kept feeling a slight buzz as the scouts tried to contact him. He tried to shut it out, but finally just answered, "What do you want, scout?" Mynerva sighed and rolled her eyes. "Are they in trouble already? I swear, this is going to be a looooong night..." Scyler nudged her in the arm and put a finger to his lips, trying to silence her. "Shut up, Mynerva." he mouthed to her.

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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2009, 10:18:57 PM »
"sound and sight check tiger" the monkey said, he had heard the other tigress speak. he shook his head. 'ixlander was right, they are just kids' the monkey thought to himself. and shook his head. "check the map, a copy should be in the conference room or some where in the library, or one of the magic teacher's have a copy." the monkey looked around teh area. "we are about a mile into the woods" he said quietly. barely at whisper.

Trish had also heard the tigress. she frowned and said nothing. she shook her head also when she saw john do it, she could figure what it was about. 'they are so lucky, if ixlandria had caught that there would be a duel in a heart beat' the fast ape thought to herself and grinned at the thought of that happening. she quickly got focused again. she nodded to john confirming their distance into the woods. "Intel says that the enemy camp is only 2 or so miles away from this point" she offered her own voice barely at a whisper.


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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2009, 10:47:40 PM »
"I apologize for my sister, she's a little antsy tonight. And continue making your way towards the camp. We'll move out to the halfway mark and take cover. And the second map won't be necessary, sir. I've already seen the map through your eyes." He then severed the connection between them and looked to his sister. "What is your problem, Mynerva?! They are our allies! We are trying to help them, not belittle them! One more outburst like that and I'll seal your voice for a week!" Mynerva pinned her ears back and whined, "But I only wanted a little fun..."

"Shut up... C'mon, let's go."

Both tigers headed for the halfway mark, making it there in record time.

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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2009, 10:48:52 PM »
Realizing that there is no Lord Felix, I meet with my troops and head into the forest, but I get the feeling that it might be a I motion my troops to search the woods around the path...
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2009, 10:57:35 PM »
Taking his bow and arrow, Gabag strolled out of camp, bored with the camp's revelry of drinking, and wanting to practice his bow skills, after all, they might soon save his life. Walking into the woods, he knew that going in when it was dark was a stupid idea, but he figured if he would die this day, then he would die, he wouldn't control it. Finding a suitable spot, he begins to notch an arrow onto his bow, pulling back he aimed for a nearby stump. Releasing his grip on the arrow, the methodical "twang" sounded and the arrow flew to it's intended destination.

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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2009, 11:05:01 PM »
"tiger, the whole reason my lord fought so hard to keep you off our team was so we wouldn't have to worry about you getting caught and hurt. please, for the love of all things decent stay out of the woods, no matter what" the monkey said and looked around. his eyes widened as he heard soldier's moving around in the woods to the east of him. he looked over to Trish and moved his arm around in an upwards circle, rotating at the elbow with 4 finger's extended. he then moved his hand slightly towards the noise. then he closed his fist, opened it, and turned it so the edge of his hand was facing west, by north west.

Trish saw the sign and nodded to show she understood. 'move slowly and cautiously through the woods, 4 soldier's' she paused to get his message, 'to the east, and we are going to climb the trees to get some height on them, and to move out at a path away from teh troops, but still in a northerly direction to reach the camp.' she nodded and crept to the tree nearest her, she climbed up silently, with no boots she could be as silent as a spider.

john followed Trish up the tree and nodded, he looked forward and jumped over to teh next branch, the gibbon following behind him. the grinned at each other and silently went at an angled route away and north of the soldier's, towards the main camp.

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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2009, 11:23:44 PM »
Taking out another arrow, he strings it, this time hitting just a little above the first arrow. "Come on Gabag, you can do better." Stringing yet another arrow, he swore he could hear some noise, besides the 4 drunks who wandered into the woods. "Is someone there?" he asked out loud looking around, yet seeing nothing. "The night is playing tricks on my mind, the lack of vision is starting to make nervous, but I could've sworn I heard something..."


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Re: Re-writing History
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2009, 04:00:49 AM »
"Stop calling me tiger. The name's Scyler. Now, were in the woods already, but we're highly concealed." Scyler said in a barely audible whisper. "Don't worry about us. If they want to take us anywhere, they'll have to kill us first. We won't go down without a fight if we get ambushed. But if we're closer to where you are, then the sooner we can reach you if you get into trouble. Now, because I saw you signal something through your companion's eyes, I'm changing the connection to thought speaking. Don't worry, I can't pry into your mind. It's just simply for communicating. I can only hear what you want me to hear, nothing more. If you run into trouble, let us know if you need help. We'll be there shortly."

Mynerva sat on the branch across from Scyler, both of them heavily concealed by the foliage and the darkness. She noticed Scyler concentrating and continued to watch. He held out his palm to her's, signalling to put them together. She did and they locked hands, creating a mental connection between the two of them. "There, now you and I can communicate without the other's hearing us. Now, Mynerva, what is wrong with you? We are supposed to help them, not compete against them!"

"But you and I constantly compete. We're allies, aren't we?"

"Yes, but we're also siblings. It's natural for us to compete with each other. Now, I want you to fully cooperate with these two scouts. This is a direct order from your superior and your older brother."

"Ok, ok.., I'll do it..."

Scyler then laid back against the trunk of the tree he was sitting in, relaxing until the two scouts ran into trouble. "How's everything looking, scout? By the way, your name would be nice."


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