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Author Topic: Why are so many furries in the military?  (Read 17265 times)

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Why are so many furries in the military?
« on: June 25, 2020, 03:49:46 AM »
This is just an observation I've made... There's a lot more furries who are/were in the military than most groups that I find. Is there a specific reason why the two seem to be common together? Is it just coincidental?

Offline Erika

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Re: Why are so many furries in the military?
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2020, 03:54:35 PM »
I’m pretty sure it’s just coincidental. It COULD be an issue of repression. Military as a culture is very harsh on anything not considered “normal”, so just like anyone else, people will explore what’s considered “forbidden”. Within reason of course lol

I know for me, I’ve been interested in furry media and culture for a long time. I just never explored it because of the opinions of my friends and coworkers. But recently I just really wanted to, so I found this forum. And it’s been great because I can talk to all of you. But I sure won’t go talk to my work friends about it, they’ve expressly spoken about their disdain with furries before.
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