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Author Topic: Coalition Operations III: Deception of the Iron Bear  (Read 49923 times)

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Re: Coalition Operations III: Deception of the Iron Bear
« Reply #180 on: December 30, 2019, 07:14:05 AM »
Thankfully before Valentine began to melt down everything around her, Sohdakin had got his kit re-attached and began to exit the slagged APC and began to fire at the direction the Yautja was last known to be.  He watched in mild horror at Valentine's power as it arched out from the small raccoon's paws to strike the rock face in the distance.  Chunks of rock and other debri exploded out in a magnificent display of leathal lightning energy.  The Rohkah had barely time to realize that Ori was speaking to him and all he heard was something about Viktor and some blasted meeting "Little busy for a meeting right now, BOSS" he growled, the last word said dripping with venom and contempt as it seemed Ori wasn't paying attention to the fact that they were under attack and was ordering them around like they were just chilling in the APC twiddling their thumbs.

Sohdakin saw a bolt of plasma go wide, high above their heads from the rock face. Instead of watching the plasmabolt he, instead, unloaded his heavy pulse rifle towards where the shot came from.  The explosive rounds blowing apart the rock face along with Valentine's lightning blasts and tracked a falling object as it fell down the cliff.  He could not tell if he hit the target or if it fell to its death and did not care.  He looked back to Krystel and Valentine when the Racoon's force lightning ceased. "Go Spartan, I will take care of Valentine and Minthe" he said and scooped up Valentine's small frame, holding it against him using his shield arm as he made room for Krystel to leave and go do what she needed to do.  With Valentine in his arm and his shield up, the Rohkah charged across the open terrain towards the nearest entrance, sparks erupted from under the armored Rohkah's armored feet when he skidded into the wall next to the door as he needed to maintain speed and not try to slow himself down and give whoever was out there a chance to snipe him, Valentine or Minthe. 

Slamming the makeshift shield down into the concrete next to the door to help shield them as they got the door open, Sohdakin set Valentine down gently before he began to work the controls to the door and once the door was open he picked her up and motioned for Minthe to follow, shutting the doors behind them and locking them "Ori, we are inside and safe" he grumbled, "Valentine is out by the way, out but alive" he huffed and then shut the com off so he could check their surroundings, not trusting this place at all or these so called 'survivors.' He checked his hud and looked through the maps that Lithian had given them and hoped he picked the right room that Ori was wanting the team to meet in and felt that a meeting right now was a tad silly.  Something was out there trying to kill them and sitting around discussing it was not on his list of things needing to be done, alas, orders were orders.  Sohdakin went back to check on Valentine, placing a talon on her head then pulled out a small medkit to clean up the blood on her nose and ears and lips.  He checked her medical records...or what were provided to see what sedatives could be administered to help Valentine.  Once she was stabilized he picked her up again and carried her to the meeting location....hopefully without incident.

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Re: Coalition Operations III: Deception of the Iron Bear
« Reply #181 on: December 31, 2019, 10:19:42 AM »
"Are you KIDDING me!? Now Vi- you-" Lithian was lost for words. He couldn't quite process everything that had just gone on, though he did appreciate being called 'sir'. "WHAT!? N-no! I'm not waiting in some room so that we can deliberate on useless company affairs! Something needs to be done now- he gripped his head, letting out a frustrated sigh, "FINE! Fine! I'll go. If it gets my questions answered and the situation fixed. Hey wai- ah forget it! I'll ask when we get there." Lithian turned to head towards the briefing room, keeping his gun close to his chest for more than just aliens now. Where the heck did they bring Viktor to where there was a convict? Why did they even have prisoners on a science outpost? Yeah, Ori said that Weyland hired from a less than reputable pool of people, but seriously? All of this just kept adding to the pile of suspicious circumstances and even in some cases evidence.

Having heard the tail-end of Ori's transmission, Lithian made a detour, opting not to head directly towards the meeting room. Instead, he took a longer route in order to approach it from an odd angle where he wasn't visible to anyone inside the room. He took out his motion detector and tried to see if it picked up anything. He didn't expect much even if it was an ambush. People tend to stay still while waiting to attack someone. Still, he might glean something of value.

"A second one of you better not die, or you'll just prove to me your captain got what he deserved with the training he gave you," Lithian said into the comms. That was in poor taste, but Lithian really wasn't in the mindset to realize or care about that. Not that it seemed like Ori cared either, or were they just trained to be emotionless husks?

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Re: Coalition Operations III: Deception of the Iron Bear
« Reply #182 on: December 31, 2019, 12:51:14 PM »
Valentine’s pain was overwhelming, her rage an unbridled storm. Her singular goal; destroy the Hunter. As she moved to dismount the smoldering remnants of the APC, she raised a paw. In her mind, a single arc of lightning would glass the area in front of her, reducing her target to carbonized ash. But then, Krystel’s gauntlet made contact.
An almighty whoomp tore through the air, the smell of ozone crinkling every nose, as Valentine lost consciousness. She collapsed like wet paper, nearly folding over herself, stopped only by Sohda’s frame. Despite the crimson stains, the small raccooness looked at peace, like someone who hadn’t slept in days finally succumbed to slumber’s embrace. Valentine would come to as Sohda carried her to the rendezvous point, saying nothing for the time being. Due to her helmet covering her eyes, and the way she was positioned, it wasn’t possible to determine if the Mongdrigan was awake.

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Re: Coalition Operations III: Deception of the Iron Bear
« Reply #183 on: January 08, 2020, 01:08:07 AM »
*** Elsewhere in the Pods ***

Viktor continued his trek through the pods. After silencing a pair of guards, he managed to secure himself a pistol and a couple magazines of ammo. But he knew that wasn't gonna last him - he needed his gear. He moved around the pods, and caught a little cross-talk, but nothing he could use. He caught a few mentions of an "Operation: Savior", but he had no idea what the hell that was. Regardless, he came across a locker room area, and hid until the occupants were out, then moved inside. he opened each locker, looking for anything he could use. One of them had a journal datapad with an entry still on the screen:

"That ice wolf captain was a scary one. The General keeps calling him his 'old nemesis'. Said he was a creature that couldn't die. I could hear the malice in his voice. No idea why he'd dress the guy up as a convict laborer - it was hard enough getting a shirt that was his size - but I figure the General wants some payback. Wants him to suffer. Something about Korari."

There it was again - the name Korari. Viktor was certain whatever happened there was at the root of all this. But what was it? He'd racked his brain over it ever since the beginning of the op, but could not remember--

Viktor heard voices and footsteps. He'd been there too long. He snagged the M41-A Pulse Rifle in that locker and the mags, then quietly exited the room. The guards coming into the locker room would find all the lockers open, but chalk it up to the local prankster, who was defensive about it, claiming he could not have done this. By the time they realized the Pulse Rifle was missing, Viktor was long gone.
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Re: Coalition Operations III: Deception of the Iron Bear
« Reply #184 on: January 08, 2020, 09:24:43 AM »
It was at this point Lithian was unceremoniously attacked and killed from behind by yet another Predalien. Oops.

Offline Romulan_Furry

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Re: Coalition Operations III: Deception of the Iron Bear
« Reply #185 on: January 08, 2020, 04:58:16 PM »
(Mods, lock this topic please. Gonna move on with the series due to a meltdown that happened last night that resulted in two major people leaving.)
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.


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