No. *A guardian emerges from the left path* Great, more greedy adventurers.......
Look, I'm sick of fighting, so I'll just tell you: get outta here, before you all die, or become slaves. Unless...... No, that's impossible......*sigh* I'll tell you anyways.
To the left, there's...... The king of the guardians, the one who enslaves us all. Since he is kinda...... Immortal, you will be defeated, and enslaved, just like me. Sure, there's a lot of treasure, but trust me, don't risk it.
To the right, there are traps, monsters, and anything that can kill adventurers like you. But if you can reach the end, you may find a charm. With that charm, you can kill the king.
But I think it's not worth trying. Just, leave.*sigh*
(Note: a guardian is equipped with a rusty sword)