My current fursona is Jeffery (my icon), but he is more like my main character rather than an actual representation of me; therefore, I decided to start making my new fursona!
HERE IS THE CONCEPT: (It is in watercolor, fyi)
I started making "Scout"; however, I am having a hard time coming up with unique and interesting ideas to make them pop.
That means I'm looking for:
-Marking Ideas
-Color Variations (keep it moderate, not "make it rainbow!" please

-Hairstyles/fur tufts
-Species changes
I am thinking maybe an Arctic Fox/Wolf hybrid with winter and summer colors. I was deciding brown, black, and white as the primary colors, but I'm unsure if other colors will work with the concept (thats why I need your guy's help with color ideas).
Remember, the reason I'm asking is because I want random ideas you think will look good on the fursona. This does not mean I will use every idea, but I want to get fresh input and your great ideas!

Please let me know what you think I can do with Scout!
(P.S. Just ask yourself "If I could make this fursona look better to me, what would I add?")