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Author Topic: Republic of Andrat RP  (Read 14155 times)

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2018, 05:14:43 AM »
Ray glanced at his now-ruined helmet and sighed. He looked up to the Overseer and spoke, wiping the blood from his face.
“Body retrieval, medics and rearm. The civilian did not comply with orders. Track his genetic line and bring his batchmates to detainment camp Virgo.”
Ray held the side of his head and groaned. “Gah...and hurry with the sawbones.”
Ray started towards the body as a thought played across his brain. A Coalfur with a prosthetic like that was uncommon. Dispersion material like that wasn’t available to their caste. He knelt by the cat and began searching him over.
“Where’d you get the toy, coal-boy?”

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2018, 05:10:47 AM »
That was a blast. Literally.

Laughing in a somewhat somber way, the feline grunted and forced himself back up onto his feet. Picking up his weapon in the process, the Tabaxi surveyed the damage.

Well, the way was clear. Unfortunately, the hall he peaked into was pitch black, and the insurgent had no source of light. Despite this, the area he revealed did interest him. What could be down there, so far tucked away from public view? Adjusting the wrapping that was no longer covering his face, Victor rubbed his chin and looked around, as if searching for an answer. Suddenly, he spotted something swinging along the top of the sewer.

Unnerved by the shadowy presence and it’s fast approach, he almost let out a barrage of bullets to meet the approaching figure. Thankfully, he had a brief moment of recollection, and he realized it may be his temporary savior from earlier. Keeping his weapon at the low ready, he stood by the passage of the door and squinted, calling out to the person above him.

“Ah, hello again! So, I was trying to leave right? Then I found this. I have no clue how it happened.” The feline nodded his head in the direction of the now destroyed door, widening his eyes and shrugging to add dramatic effect. Hiding his blatant lie and sarcasm proved to be difficult.

After a few painful moments of silence, he shuffled legs a bit and flicked his tail, still looking at the newcomer in an effort to size them up.

“...So, amigo, er, amiga? Would you be willing to come down and discuss, uh...” The insurgent pointed the barrel of his weapon into the exposed passageway, clearing his throat. “A way out of this god-forsaken place you’ve dropped me into?”
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2018, 04:47:24 AM »
The dark hallway that stretched away to Echo's left did not show up anywhere on her map of the sewer system. It was completely unmarked. Also, it appeared that the door was blown away and shattered by some sort of explosive, which left burn marks on the brickwork inside and cracked some of the surrounding cement.

The tabaxi she led through the streets earlier stood below her, asking her to come down and join him.

The drone dispensed a medikit and a fresh rifle onto the ground from its supplies. "FOR FULL MEDICAL EVALUATION, REPORT TO HEADQUARTERS," it stated with a cautionary beep. Then, it hovered over to the tomcat and extended a limb ending in a small syringe from its side. The syringe took a quick blood sample from the cat and retracted back into the drone's body. "ORDERING GENETIC SCAN AND BODY RETRIEVAL CREW. DO YOU WISH TO VIEW GENETIC RESULTS?" it inquired.

On the tomcat's body was little of note. He was burned to a crisp by the wave of laser fire Ray had hit him with, but it was still possible to tell that his clothing had been of very poor quality. He had worn only a tattered vest and slacks. However, inside the vest was an inner pocket that somehow survived Ray's blasting.

The pocket held a few copper coins and a scrap of paper with a drawing on it. It was an insignia of some sort; a pawprint with two screws crossing it. The paper held nothing else.

The figure hanging in the rafters above Victor had something glowing on their wrist that hadn't been there before. It looked like some kind of wrist-mounted display, and the mysterious fur seemed to be guiding themself by it.

Further down the tunnel Victor had discovered, there were no noises except the dripping of water from the ceiling. It seemed like nothing living had entered that place in many years.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2018, 06:12:34 AM »
Echo stares at him for a good while more, her empty eye socket dark and foreboding. Then she drops and gets in really close to him. “... do you have a... shower? I can get you out of here... if you have clean water. Or else you will definitely die. Lost down here, peacekeepers, lots of dangers, not least of which being that I should kill you for ruining my night.” She tilts her head inquisitively. While waiting for his answer she sends a sonar blip down the sewer tunnels to see if there is anyone else down here. It should act somewhat as a radar for her map, getting a general idea of the layout of this new tunnel and picking up anything sticking out in the new tunnel or the old ones.
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Offline Rayleonarde

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2019, 08:33:02 PM »
Scooping up the medkit and shouldering the rifle, Ray began treating his facial wound as he stared at the insignia balanced on his knee. He pondered over its value as he spoke.
“Go ahead, Overseer. Who’s our stiff?”

Offline Inb4Cloaker

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2019, 04:08:41 AM »
The Tabaxi has diverted his attention away from the mysterious figure for only a moment, surveying the area around him before turning to face them again. With a startled jolt, the insurgent pressed his back against the wall and stared back at the person whom he could now somewhat identify. He had not heard her drop down, and her disposition was foreboding to Victor.

Restraining himself from pointing his weapon at her, he elected to remain calm and try to find a solution to this situation. Clearing his throat, he shifted a bit anxiously and turned his head, unwilling to look the feline in the eye while he replied.

“Uh, yes...? I mean, it’s not warm. The place is abandoned, but some of the rooms are useable.” Abruptly, Victor remembered the series of explosives he had accidentally set off a while back. They were minor, but they still may have caused slight problems to the pipes.

“I hope I do at least. We can see when we get there maybe?” He added on to his previous statement with a quiet chuckle, making a mental note to address the issue. If he returns, that is.

Reluctantly glancing back at her, the Tabaxi noticed that she was utilizing some sort of technology. Of course, Victor didn’t quite understand it, but he figured he could inquire about it to see what it’s use was. And so he could distract the newcomer long enough to wiggle out of the space that was between her and the wall discreetly. Shuffling along the concrete slightly in an attempt to make distance, he nodded his head down at the device and asked;

“That’s pretty neat. Did you make that by yourself?” It was a weak question, he knew, but maybe he could prevent the situation from escalating by conversing a bit.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2019, 01:08:37 PM »
A stoat closed the door behind her. She sighed, her eyes closed. Somewhere, this all seemed familiar. Somewhere, it did not. She just couldn't quite get used to it. She opened her eyes again, looking around. The house she was in seemed to be abandoned, who knows for how long. There wasn't much here. An old sofa. Lights that weren't working. Empty walls. At least it was better than outside. Curfew was such a hassle to deal with, and this was a lucky find. For now, this was home. Feeling a little relieved now she was inside, the stoat made her way over to the stairs, softly moving her body to a rather peculiar rythm as she took her steps.

Offline Nova Starpaws

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2019, 02:04:20 PM »
As Nova started to get home, he heard a clanging noise outside his office, before someone could even blink, he had his laser pistol out and pushed the door open. "What are you doing here Ms. Vulcr:" he hissed. "You should be at the hotel." Nova stared at the woman and sensed something was wrong. The woman appeared to be shaking. He spotted a metal chip on the back of her neck, and it seemed to be shocking her. "Ms. Vulcr, what is wr-" She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a pure-energy blade. "Stop me Nova. Stop me." she said shakily. As she lunged at Nova, he set his pistol to stun and shot her, knocking her out cold. When he was certain she was out, he dialed the number for the local battlefurs.

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2019, 08:30:09 PM »
The sonar blip coursed through the sewers all the way to where the tunnels curved and turned away, as well as through the tunnel that the tabaxi had opened up. The reading was mostly completely blank, which was a good sign. No Peacekeepers had yet come underground. The tunnel leading through the sewer wall ended abruptly a mere 20 feet after the entrance, and no living creatures appeared to be inside. There was one oddity, however. The back wall further into the tunnel was composed of some material which had a very different density than the cement and brickwork of the rest of the tunnel. There were also some crates and barrels stacked against that wall, as if to obscure it.

As Echo watched the device, the tabaxi slowly inched away from her and towards the tunnel.

The drone hovered closer to Ray so that it could be heard better. It read off the tomcat's genetic results, and holographically projected his sheet so Ray could look it over.

 AGE: 65


The contents of the chart flashed and then disappeared as the drone finished. "SUSPECT DECEASED, I WILL UPDATE OUR RECORDS. RETRIEVAL CREW IS INBOUND. 1212, HEADQUARTERS REQUESTS THAT YOU REPORT BACK IMMEDIATELY. I AM TO ESCORT YOU," it intoned. The drone's single red searchlight washed over Ray, scrutinizing him for any sign of defiance.

The mysterious fur from earlier still had their face covered, but was now close enough that Victor could make out the fact that she was a female black panther. Her clothes were soiled and she smelled like raw sewage, not that it made much difference from the ambient smell all around him. Also, now that she had swung so close to him, it was obvious that her arms were somehow able to elongate themselves to an unnatural size.

She tapped her device and an audible *ping!* echoed out across the tunnels. The device did not provide much light, so the darkness of the tunnels was still impenetrable for Victor.

The house's old boards creaked as Lanaret danced over them. Inside the house, all was quiet except for the stoat's movements. Shadows streamed across the floor, moving as if in some ethereal dance themselves, mirroring Lanaret's rythm. At least, one could imagine they were.

The peaceful silence of the old house was interrupted by heavy thudding outside. A patrol of three Peacekeepers thundered by a broken window, moving towards the heart of the city. All three were running rather wildly and seemed in a hurry to respond to something. They did not stop at the house, and did not seem to notice Lanaret inside.

The holocron let out a series of beeps as someone on the other end of the line responded. "You've reached the Enbex Peacekeeper Headquarters. What is your emergency?" a cold, female voice inquired.

Below Nova, on the floor, the chip in Vulcr's neck continued to buzz and hum with electricity. However, she did not move any more.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2019, 08:47:39 PM »
She ignores his question, instead addressing his inching away. “I would not try to run if I were you. I would find you, and catch you, there is nowhere you can hide down here that I cannot find you.” She taps at the screen. The light of the device casts menacing shadows over a hole where an eye should have been. “Tell me the address of your hideout. We will explore this tunnel and then I will guide you to your hideout.” She speaks very matter-of-factly. Her threats, while most likely intimidating given the circumstance, seem less like she is threatening him and more like she is stating unchangable facts.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #40 on: January 09, 2019, 12:15:56 AM »
Ray nodded. “Of course. I’ll comply. No reason not to.” He looked to the charred corpse with cold disinterest. “A Goldfur, eh? And wanted at that. Ah well.” The officer pocketed the scrap and stood. He slid his helmet back on and started towards the district HQ, reporting on the radio.
“HQ, this is officer 1212, I am en route.”

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #41 on: January 10, 2019, 09:00:37 PM »
Seeing the number on the mailbox, Ellen went up to the second floor and found the door to her apartment.

All the doors in the hallway looked boringly uniform. Hers was no exception And the interior probably wouldn't be either.

Oh well. At least it was clean...

 However, upon turning the key and entering the space she was proven otherwise.

The interior seemed... Extraordinary...

The main furniture in the living room seemed to be covered with quality leather and were designed with sleek looks. A stylish wooden table was placed in the middle of the two couches. Adjacent to the window a smaller couch, garnished from soft fabric and seemingly designed more for comfort, stood facing a large television set suspended on the wall.
The majority of the room was coloured with dark grey and white tones with an occasional lightbrown colour of high quality wood while a few indoor plants and white canvasses with splashes of warm colours thrown over them.
Around the corner a glimpse of the kitchen could be seen, wich seemed to have the same amount of attention put into it.

Ellen was astounded by the amount of artistic thought put into the room and stood there for a moment, taking in the shape and look of the room, before taking off her jacket and straightening her suit that lovingly matched the design of the room.

She wasn't sure why, having grown up in the wilderness outside of the cities in a raw wooden home with hard beds and unheated rooms, but the luxuriousness of the room spoke to her.

She liked it...

Recollecting after a moment, she decided that it would be best to sweep trough the rest of the apartment. So she went back towards her jacket and fished the pistol out of the inner pocket.
The serrated patches on the grip mildly cut into her paws, but she didn't mind. She was used to it.

She lifted the back of the suit and slipped the front pistol into her pants for a makeshift holster, and jolted a bit as the cold in the steel bit into her rear.

Just to be sure. She thought...

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2019, 01:17:46 AM »
The feline sighed in exasperation and lowered his rifle completely, holding it idly with one paw by his side as he turned back and forth for a moment in frustration. Finally glaring back at the newcomer, he stopped trying to gain distance from her. Instead, he just leaned against the wall and gestured to her with his free paw.

“If It were up to me I’d light this tunnel on fire and be done with it. Same with the rest of the sewer, all the peacekeepers, and probably yo-“ The feline was cut off when she began her next sentence.

Seeing as how there was no way out of this, and how he had to accept the fact that he bit off more than he could chew, the Tabaxi slung his weapon over his right shoulder before cautiously approaching the woman.  Reluctantly, he provided exact coordinates to her before focusing back on the tunnel before them.

“Are you even armed? Well, I mean, heh...” He chuckled a bit as he nodded his head towards her strange arms, “Do you have a weapon I mean. I can tell you are, highly ‘armed.’” Attempting to stifle a laugh again, he turned away from her and pretended to be inspecting the tunnel. While the worries of the potential peacekeepers and other dangers down here stressed him out, the little joke he made did ease his mind a bit.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #43 on: January 12, 2019, 04:15:12 PM »
Lanaret froze as the soldiers passed by. Usually the soldiers didn't quite come this close to the building. She figured something probably was going on somewhere. There nearly always was. She didn't even consider what it possibly could be this time. She had grown used to that quickly, at least. As long as nobody bothered to check inside this building whilst she was inside she didn't care all that much. Once the sound died off and it was silent once more, the stoat made her way to the stairs and headed up. The woodwork of the stairs felt cool on her bare feet as she slowly took her steps. She had long wondered if the mechanic-like people felt anything quite like this. Softly humming a lullaby she had learned on on her trip, she made her way to the first floor as quietly and quickly as she could.

Offline Nova Starpaws

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2019, 05:52:02 PM »
"I have an emergency with a silverfur. Name, Mrs Vulcr. I just accepted her today. She had a neural plate, her actions were not her own." He stared down at the woman, wondering who was controlling her. Then he walked over to his mini-fridge and took out some meat, raw, and started eating it.

(If you guys want, I can put a little backstory in thbe ooc of Nova)
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