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Author Topic: Fur-Titanic  (Read 22308 times)

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2018, 07:12:06 PM »
(It's okay.)

"Yes, it's been wonderful!" the stoat replied. "I'm glad I'm out after being in the city for so long. The city's nice, but sometimes it's... What's the word? This is much nicer." The young stoat folded his hands, keeping it near his chest. He seemed very energetic, despite his slightly calming demeanour. He was also pretty direct in the way he was talking. Though, in all honestly, the stoat really didn't care much about how he came across to the fox at the moment.

Offline Toad-san-u

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2018, 11:36:57 AM »
(By the way, you are welcome to use the ship staff to work with and used in any way it need if you like to create a story with other as at the moment, it is between us two.)

The fox nod in agreement. “I believe the word you are looking for could be, stuffy, dull or boredom.” He look to the wave of rolling water. “It is better. New wonder to see. people to meet. friendship to make. love to enjoy.” He shake his head after a moment of staring. Zane turn to the odd stoat. “I’m sorry. I was lost in mind. May I ask for your name? I am Zane Erren of the Erren Pack.”

........ RRRRMEW

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2018, 03:11:52 PM »
(Sorry for the late response!)

The stoat nodded, his eyes closed. "I'm Lanaret. It's so nice to meet you here! Are you some sort of royalty? I don't know how the upper class works." Somehow the stoat seemed to be just a little more enthousiastic than before whilst asking that. Lanaret also could come over as a little naive, not seeming to care about what possible negative sides there could be to just hopping on a ship at his age.

Offline Hazel_

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2018, 11:54:20 AM »
Name: Hazel
Species: Rabbitfolk
Wealth Class: Fairly poor
Height: Roughly 1m
Reason on Ship: Experience something new, try her luck in the big city
Rent or Job on ship: Supposed to play the guitar during dinner
Where living on ship: 3rd class, sharing a room with 5 other passengers

Hazel was breathing heavily as she finally reached the top of the stairs. Her looks were quite boyish, she wore plaid pants and a flat cap, but her soft face revealed her gender right away. She cleaned her messy, deep brown fur with a few tounge strokes, then she perceided to walk out on the deck. The sun tickled her nose and her growling stomach intensified the sorrow over her very thin wallet. She streched her limbs and gazed at the sea, stunned by its beauty...
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Is it a kind of a dream
Floating out on the tide
Following the river of death downstream
Oh, is it a dream?
There's a fog along the horizon
A strange glow in the sky
And nobody seems to know where it goes
And what does it mean?
Oh, is it a dream?
Bright eyes, burning like fire
Bright eyes, how can you close and fail?
How can the light that burned so brightly
Suddenly burn so pale?
Bright eyes

Offline Toad-san-u

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2018, 10:32:47 AM »
(Sorry. Been busy with my Aunt cafe and my Uncle farm. They needed more hand and they pay


"Of a sort." There might be little royal blood in my bloodline. But honestly, it more of how rich we are and how much we help the lower classes." Zane smile as he look out to the sea.

"The classes setup is little overdone to my family taste. But if one must, then I would be the Third in line for a Duke of the Fox." He look back to the Stoat. "But on this travel, I not him, but rather, I'm a normal fox looking for memory to make."


Nearby Wolf, whom is dressed in the standard seamen, flick his ear toward the growling until his ear was able to find the cause. He walk to the rabbit. "Pardon me, I couldnt help but hear something. May I help you with something?"

........ RRRRMEW

Offline Michen_S

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2018, 02:13:03 PM »
Lanaret nodded. "I see... You still kind of hold a special place amongst the staff though, don't you? You seem to be important to them..." The stoat quickly flashed back on a conversation with someone else of the staff, before the boat left the docks. That was the first time Lanaret paid attention to the name of the stranger she was speaking to now.

Offline Hazel_

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2018, 03:44:43 PM »
(University preperations were consuming me lol)

Startled, the rabbit turned around and looked up to the wolf. She couldn't help herself but feel overwhelmed whenever a predator came so close to her. Pinning her ears down, she answered: "I... No... But umm... Do you know at what time dinner is? And where I could go until then? You see... I don't want to stumble into your VIP area and cause trouble..."
She avoided eye contact and brushed the folds in her suit straight, only for them to return as soon as she lifted her paws. Oh mother, she thought to herself Maybe you was right. Maybe I should've just stayed in my place, married some good man and kept the house back in Southampton. This world is all new to me
  • Avatar by: Myself
Is it a kind of a dream
Floating out on the tide
Following the river of death downstream
Oh, is it a dream?
There's a fog along the horizon
A strange glow in the sky
And nobody seems to know where it goes
And what does it mean?
Oh, is it a dream?
Bright eyes, burning like fire
Bright eyes, how can you close and fail?
How can the light that burned so brightly
Suddenly burn so pale?
Bright eyes

Offline Toad-san-u

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2018, 07:15:11 PM »
(Can understand collage. Right now, I dealing with my 2 year old son and 4 of my brother children as he on honeymoon. AND not one is over 7...-__-)

"Yes. Most of these people on this ship was in worse way. I ask my father while he was creating this great ship to give most of the job to people that have nothing. Give them something and they will give back. And now, they are one of the best staff that my family ever have. So They are all special to me." Zane smile while he start to walk to see the staff hard at work.

"If we only get people that know and train specially for this then they wouldn't give their full effort. The one who had nothing understand the pain and horror that they will give everything. In return, we help them, shelter them, and teach them. Now, This new home for them is one of the safest place you would ever see."


The wolf smile closemouthed. "Dinner will be in few hour. However, if you are for food and drink then over there." He point nearby door. "There are table full of fruit and veggie for snack. If you wish for meat then you would have to go to the dinner hall. They would be happy to make something. Our young lord whom is in charge of this home wanted to make sure that food and drink is always available to anyone."

The wold bow and turn to leave. But before he was far away, "Only VIP area is the kitchen, boiler room and steering room. And of course, the personal room, otherwise, the young lord like everyone to be equal on the walkout. If you wish to speak with him, he is a fox that dressed in purple. He wouldn't mind talking to anyone." With that, the wolf walk to another group to help them as they seem lost just as much Hazel was.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 07:16:43 PM by Toad-san-u »
........ RRRRMEW

Offline Michen_S

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2018, 10:01:52 PM »
Lanaret followed the fox, seeming impressed by the situation. "There's probably a lot of work around here, then. How did you manage to do this all? 'Cause this is amazing." Of course the stoat could've known the answer to that question, but she went up too much in the heat of the moment to really think about it. Not to mention she forgot to think about her own room and that she was taken as performer on the ship herself. She didn't even know how she got the job in the first place, but hey, she had no reason to question it!

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2018, 09:44:46 AM »
(Sorry. I cant think of where i was going with this as my laptop that had my playout for this story been stolen. if you want to keep on this then that fine as long you know that it a four or two day until we go into the sinking. Otherwise if not then it not a problem.)

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........ RRRRMEW

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2018, 08:58:41 PM »
(Hey, if you guys are still interested in continuing this one I'd love to join.)

Name: Hunter Karloff
Species: Red Wolf
Wealth Class: Working class
Height: 6 feet
Reason on ship: To make some money
Rent or Job on the ship: Employed as a mechanic, maintaining the ship's engines
Living Arrangements: Staying in the laborer's quarters

Hunter wiped the sweat off his forehead with his free paw while the other continued vigorously turning his wrench over and over, tightening some bolts that had come loose from the engine's frame. Working down here in the engine room was a tough job, and the air was always stifling from the hot steam that pumped through the ship's machinery. At the same time, he'd always found it satisfying to fix and tinker with machine parts. His work with the wrench done, Hunter stepped back from the engine and straightened his faded brown cap on this head. "There. She's right as rain again!" he declared happily. Hunter picked up his tool box and set off down the ship, off to finish checking the rest of the ship for problems.
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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2018, 05:02:51 PM »
(I'll try joining if this is still going on.)

Name:Lukas Wagner

Species:Golden Eagle

Wealth Class: Working


Reason on ship: Good chance at getting more work

Rent or Job on the ship: Coal stoker

Living arrangements: Laborers quarters

Lukas had lost track of time he has spent shoveling all this coal into one of the Boilers, All he could think about was was how lucky he only had to cover one at the least. This could be a chance to get some good cash and hopefully find a place far from his family that he could settle down in. He started to cough and wheeze as he cleaned off one of his blackened hands before putting his hands on his knees while trying to wait out his cough. Eventually it subsided and started to go back to working on the boiler
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 05:07:13 PM by Martin »
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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2018, 05:06:58 AM »
Hunter continued strolling down the narrow hallway leading further into the ship's bowels, his toolbox still clutched firmly in one hand, when he heard a bout of coughing echo across the metal walls that surrounded him. His ears perked, he followed the noise to its' source, finally coming to the boiler room. He peeked his head inside.

"Everything alright in here?" he called out, seeing a shadowy figure illuminated by the boiler's glow. He couldn't make out who it was due to the room being so dimly lit.
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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2018, 01:46:03 AM »
He looked over and waved "Jawohl, Just had a bit of a cough!" He planted his shovel in the coal
Thoughts are like arrows: once released, they strike their mark, guard them well or one day you may be your own victim.

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Re: Fur-Titanic
« Reply #29 on: December 04, 2018, 02:19:12 AM »
Hunter stepped into the room and squinted his eyes against the haze of smoke and steam filling the boiler room, making out the figure of an eagle, shoveling coal into the boiler.

"Ah, I see. No surprise you'd be coughing when the room is all stuffed up like this. I think your ventilation shaft might be clogged up," he suggested, walking over to the room's back wall and standing up on top of a box. He reached up and unscrewed the bolts holding down a metal grate that covered the boiler room's ventilation shaft and reached inside. Sure enough, a clump of soot and dirt had accumulated and blocked off the shaft. It seemed the maintenance crew had neglected to clean it before the ship launched.

"Yep, looks like you've got some blockage here. I'll clean it out and you'll be breathing much more easily," he announced. He reached inside the vent with a rag from his belt and started sweeping out the debris.
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