Author Topic: A pokemon Story (No proper title yet.)  (Read 822 times)

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Offline Corran Orreaux

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A pokemon Story (No proper title yet.)
« on: August 30, 2017, 11:33:46 PM »
This is a bit of a story I've working on. It's basically my idea of pokemon if it was in the medieval age. I love writing and I welcome
  any constructive criticism, I'm always looking to improve.

The cave was dark and horribly stuffy. The smell of smoke hung lightly in the air, four people walked ever deeper into the embrace of the stone surrounding them. Only a single torch held by a man-at-arms fought off the oppressive darkness. Four souls in total walked the cave; One woman, two men, and a boy of age ten.

The women stood six feet tall, long blond and messy hair was loosely tied into a knot that hung at her back. A white robe draped itself around her with only a small chain connecting to both collar tips kept it from hanging fully open. Black leather under the robe covered her entire body. She walked closely next to the man-at-arms with a rugged peasant five feet away.

The child behind the man shared his same eyes, amber. Both had purely black hair and both cut it short and average.

“We are approaching our destination.” The woman suddenly said.

The child, focusing on other things jumped back at her words. She had a painfully authoritative voice, the kind of voice that could silence an entire room with a simple grunt. They walked into a large cavern with only one feature worth describing; a charizard sleeping in the middle of it. The child was horrified and amazed all at once. Sure, the charizard was the empire’s state pokemon; but the closest this village boy ever saw of one was the pendant worn by every guard and soldier within the land of fire.

The man-at-arms had one, a coin of silver with the full body of a charizard inscribed on it hung from his neck. The type of metal told rank, guards and low-ranking soldiers wore one of iron. copper marked one as a mid-rank soldier. Silver was for one who held decent honor or power, knights and politicians of mid-power held it; as well as someone who did a great deed. And finally, gold was exclusively for those of the nobility.

The child looked on in fearful wonder as the charizard slowly opened it’s eyes. As this happend fire began to form in the open palm of the woman. It quickly spread, lightly covering her hand and barely stopping at the middle of her arm. The flames tired weakly to spread over her entire body. It seemed as if by will alone they didn’t consume her fully. This all collimated into a ball of fire that sat patiently in her hand.       

The charizard jumped to it’s feet, making the ground shake lightly. It flapped its wings twice, bringing itself off the ground, hind paws inches from the earth. It was at this time when the woman brought her hand up, pointing it straight out at the dragon. The ball shot from her hand, its force causing her arm to jerk back slightly. The fireball spun circles in the air as it flew at the dragon, it’s attempt to move was far too slow and the mighty attack smashed upon its snout

The ball exploded upon contact in a small inferno; the force of the blast sending the charizard crashing into the cavern wall behind it, cracking the stone under the beast’s weight. It fell on its belly; blood trickling from a wound caused by a stone that made home in the charizard’s back. It struggled to get back up, the charizard’s body betrayed it however and it just squirmed on the ground. The child was shocked to his core, he couldn't believe the great dragon could fall so easy… it was then he finally fully scanned the being. It was horribly thin, shapes of differing bones could be made out of the dirty and scarred skin of the poor charizard.   

“Come, boy.” The lady said.

He walked without hesitation, the child forced himself to keep pace despite his fear. The charizard let out a weak growl in protest as the woman lifted it’s head up and sandwiched its jaw between her arm and elbow. The woman pulled with her free hand a dagger from her belt, the weapon was plain without anything particularly special about it.

She dragged the blade across the dragon’s throat without any amount of hesitation. The boy stood only five steps from the dying beast; it was looking directly into his eyes. A glossy defiance in the form of a dying flicker of life laid into the child’s soul. For fear of what the lady would do if he delayed the ritual any more, he cupped his hands under the fleshy faucet of the neck and let the warm crimson collect in them.

The boy closed his eyes and brought his hands to his mouth. he only managed to get a single swallows worth of blood in this throat, the rest dripped and smudged on his face and brown shirt. As soon as the fluid fell down his gullet did the dragon cease its noise and shut its eyes. It burned. The blood curdled in the boy’s throat and he choked, gagged, and wheezed horribly. He fell to his knees, tears running down his face.

“Solas!” The peasant man shouted and attempted to run to the boy. He felt a hand grip his shoulder, he turned to see the man-at-arms shaking his head.

“Son.” whispered the man as he turned back to Solas. For an entire minute the three watched the boy die slowly, he began to struggle less, his pained noises became softer. But just on the edge of death, it happened. Solas pointed his head to the sky and with on last wheeze an orange light built up within his throat. For three seconds the cavern with lit up by a great blast of fire; the blood purged away and Solas’ throat cleared.

The rocky place was as bright as if the sun had managed to melt away the earth ceiling and grace it with its presence. The stream of fire faded away and Solas fell forward, hitting his chin on the ground whist breathing heavily. Solas’ father immediately ran to his son; he draped his arm around Solas and slowly helped him to his feet. A sudden noise drew everyone’s eyes to a large boulder, a silent whine. The man-at-arms drew his blade, he held it out, ready to stab.

The man made his way to the rock, he jumped to its side. Seeing what lay there he relaxed his arm, letting it drop to his side.

“A houndour, just a pup it seems,”
The lady walked to the man, her face stone and she said: “Stange, the charizard didn’t eat it,”

“Maybe it didn’t know it was here. Or it didn’t care,” replied the man.

“It was possible that the dragon was protecting it. Stranger things have happened… it seems to be a runt,”

“Should we do something about it?”

“Yes, kill it. It would be evil to let it live, weak without a mother to fend for it.”

With a nod the man-at-arms brought his sword chest level, just as he was about to finish the hound did Solas’ voice cause him pause.     

“W-wait!” choked Solas.

Everyone turned to look at him, who was still being held up by his father.

“You know Lori… I think this thing could work as the boy’s partner pokemon. The younger you get them the stronger the bond on both sides,”

“In the presence of anyone else you will refer to me as lady Kikuko,” Lori said with clear venom in her voice.

“Forgive me my lady.” bowed the man.

“Boy,” Lori said turned to Solas.

“You will take care of this beast, if he dies it will be on your soul.”

With a slow nod Solas shoke his father off of him and made his way to the dog. His body felt heavy, sick, it begged for him to stop. But he refused it, the houndour knew who had saved him. He walked to Solas and gently rubbed against his leg. Its fur was dirty and mangled, the poor thing was thin and weak. Solas gently picked him up and cradled it in his arms like a human baby.

“Dorian.” Smiled Solas.

“Dorian Splint.”

Solas’ father stood staring at the great stone shine that sat in his village of Lon-Crook. Flowers, food, and gold coins sit gently in a large ceramic bowl placed at the pillar's base. An engraving of Moltres upon it; small rubies stuck into were the eyes would be. The night sky was coated in stars, the moon in full view. Despite the lack of any fires, candles, or torches, it was nonetheless bright enough to see without much issue. 

“Hey, you okay?” The man-at-arms from the ritual stood behind the man, the man kept his eyes on the shrine.

“I has a night and a piece of day befores you take me son to his trainin’. . . I’m both happy and sads. Me son will get an edjamacation, hill escapes the shite life of a peasant. I’ll miss him.”

The man-at-arms placed his hand on the peasant's shoulder and said:
“I’ll look after him, Lori… I mean lady Kikuko can get overzealous without a not insane person to keep her in check,”

“Overzealous?” Said the peasant, turning to meet the guard’s eyes finally.

“It means. Bitch at times,” chuckled the guard.

“I thank ya. What’s ya name?”

“Harren.” He took his helm off, he revealed his crew cut brown hair and green eyes.     

“You know, Harren. That boy used to have a mom. Misa… the way we gots together was right outs of a fairytale. She used to be a handmaiden, workin’ for the countess over in Brooktree hold. She gave that away just to live with a stupids peasant like me. She learned our son to read and write, all I could do for him was teach how ta harvest corn.”

The man placed his hand on the pillar. 

Solas slowly opened his eyes. He laid on his makeshift bed; it was a large sack his father had filled with straw. Dorian he soon realized slept on top of him, curled into a furry ball on his belly. He still wore the ragged brown shirt and pants from yesterday, blood stains coated it. 

“You’re awake,” Solas jumped up in bed, waking the dog in the process. Lori stood in the doorway.

“We leave as soon as we can, get ready and say your goodbyes.”

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Re: A pokemon Story (No proper title yet.)
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2017, 02:56:56 AM »
I'm glad ya posted it! Nice to be active here.
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