Hey y'all c:I didn't really know where to put this thread, but this seemed the most logical. If it's in not the right place, then I'm sorry
Anyways, recently I've been lacking any motivation to do a n y t h i n g
I really need to practise animating again, but all the projects I do on my own never get finished because I get distracted really easily, then just lose interest in it after a while.
Then I stopped going on my drawing tablet for ages to revise for exams and to stop getting distracted irl
But now I've started going on it again, and from previous experience, I've found that I finish things that I have done with someone else (usually because of the guilt I feel if I dont do it

Doing this also shouldn't get in the way of all the requests I need to finish, as I only do digital art at night when me mam lets me, so I have all day to plan and do other stuff cx
So yes c:
I was wondering if any of you fabulous people would be up to doing a collaberated thing
It can be anything from a smol meme, to a full length AMV
I have a few ideas in mind, but I'm seriously up to anything ^w^
Just reply here if you're interested, or shoot me a PM c;
Hope to hear from you soon!