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Author Topic: Monsters and Adventurers  (Read 2578 times)

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Offline coolcoyote

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Monsters and Adventurers
« on: September 10, 2016, 03:30:59 AM »
Smoke filter through the woods, making a thick smog that made the woods even harder to navigate at night. There is no moon tonight, no stars, the only light comes from the fires of Port Horizon.

It was too good to last really, a freeport from the Empire where there was no law, but a surprisng ammount of order. A hive of scum and villainy where pirates, bandits and smugglers could come and relax with out the worry of running into a hangmans noose around the corner.

Most died in thr first cannonade believing the empire would never find them here.

Like roaches caught in the light the denizens escaped into the eoods surrounding the port only to find  imperial lancers waiting for them, blockading the road ways.

Occasionally a gun shot ran out in the woods prompting Xia's ears to twitch. The cross fox didnt look much like a professional thief. She was small, and rather plump, but she managed to survive this long with a rag tag group of survivors. A priate rat named Zazk was among them. He was a slender fellow with grey fur and an eyepatch.

"We need to get off the beaten path." the pirate says to the group as a whole. "We need to decide now if we are going to run or find a place to hide, before the empire closes their drag net and begins sending troops to search the woods."

(Sorry for the wait. I am going to play this as 'everyone escaped together but dont know each other')

Offline Alistair

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Re: Monsters and Adventurers
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 03:50:09 AM »
Just a reminder that all serious RP threads require a separate companion thread for character sheets and out of character talk.
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Re: Monsters and Adventurers
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2016, 04:38:34 PM »
(Also note that comments like that in an rp thread needs to be in ooc. Also, sorry it took so long to post!)

Near a small pub on the edge of town, a cellar door swings open and a putred odor wafts out into the dark woods. From the dimly lit hole JJ emerges, frowning. Suddnely a faint sound catches his ear. It's a scream. Bouncing off the walls of the cavern to his ear. JJ faintly smiles. He grabs a vial and pours it's dark contents all over the entrance, then closes it, pouring the rest on the cover of the cellar. He gently sets the vial down on the ground and walks off, a worse smell then the one before comes from the cellar. A heinous vile smell, one that would turn even the hardest of stomachs.

JJ walks into the mist, pulling the hood of his cloak over his head.

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Offline coolcoyote

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Re: Monsters and Adventurers
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2016, 06:46:36 PM »
The 'party' if it could be called that, consisted of Xia, the purate rat, and a pot bellied pine marten in a yellow cloth vest. All three were in the tavern when the raid came.

"Anyone have any idea where to go?" asks the young marten. He was a simple tavern worker.

"The nearest port is several days south along the coast." the rat replies.

"Then we better start cracking, shouldnt we?" the vixen chuckles, mostly from stress. The trio begin to move off the road, and while the bear goes un noticed by the bandits, they should be visible on the edhes of the fog.

(Sorry for the wait. I was giving people time to enter xD 2 people joined :3)

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Re: Monsters and Adventurers
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2016, 09:56:26 PM »
There was a metal snapping noise, followed by Raz's roar which echoed through the surrounding area, and sounded the closest to the tavern.

Meanwhile as Raz struggled, a poacher came by and huffed at Raz, undoing the monster bear trap, and then just leaving the wounded dragon alone, but before he was left, the poacher injured Raz more to hinder his walking to make Raz struggle to even push, pull, or even stand.

Raz just laid in the forest outside the tavern, whimpering and doing small calls for help, specifically for another of his kind, but was sure that there was none of his kind around here, and would begrudgingly take any help... a few hours passed and Raz passed out from blood loss and shear pain
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Offline coolcoyote

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Re: Monsters and Adventurers
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2016, 01:09:55 AM »
(Yay! Im not dead! And I can log on here again! Between work and server conection issues I kind of...neglected this thread. So sorry about that. So! Are you still interested in this thread (I ask to all) if not I would understand. If wo, that is cool, we can pick it up where we left off xD)


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