Author Topic: Silent Crest  (Read 1338 times)

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Offline Kabuki

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Silent Crest
« on: November 15, 2008, 03:09:13 AM »
((Its been forever and 1 since i've made an RP let alone been in the serious RP bear with me xD))

Past what you see as reality is the small town of Silent crest, never once has human kind seen the mysteries  let alone figures living there. Stories and rumors older than time itself slowly crept up and whispered of its true existence. The year is 2024. The people and land there are far from real. The land itself is always dark green, magenta flowers creeping over nude spots of earth, never does it change. The trees grow abnormal fruits the bark roughly a black in coloring. Death and its evil brothers slowly have crept over the place within the last 20 years leaving buildings torn and ruined. Most of its beings ran away in fear of being killed and/or being infected by new diseases. Only few people still stand there. They'll soon find out that even the sweetest of creatures turn into blood thirsty death holders. Be weary of the creatures beyond the land, Never think someone ISN'T watching you.. Dare to find out what the place has in store for you..? As they say..."Let the games begin"

-Do NOT god mod AT ALL
-One line descriptions are fine but i'd think you're more intelligent then that
-Be respectful of all players
-Stay ON TOPIC (EX: Don't start talking about cheese and end up blabbing about butterflies)

Age: (Please be at least 14 or higher)
Image of self:

Character Form:
Name: Kelyn (Goes by Kel or Kabe)
Age: 17
Race: Elf
Weapons?: She only carries a pocket knife

Personality/characteristics: Kabe tends to be very quiet, somewhat aggressive if annoyed. She can be a sweet best friend but be weary that due to where she lives she's learned to be a tough hard head. Very sarcastic, has emotional breakdowns at points  (And no you cant blame it on hormones xD)

Background: Kabe originally lived in a near city called woodstock, due to various wars and such she turned to her beliefs and found this town. Her mother and Father left her on the street when she was born only to be found by a sweet care taker. Over the years she soon figured out she wasn't like all the other children she had 'point ears' and soon learned she could read the thoughts of others if she tried. Ever since she was 11 she's lived in Silent crest.

Brief image of self: Kabe stands around 5'5 long dark brown hair falling over her shoulders (Its never tied up), she pierced her own ears (Turned out pointy ears don't like earring..) Her face is never covered in make-up, day after day she wears a  gray shirt a plaid blue and black jacket over it. Jeans or some kind of pants is all she demands on wearing, no skirts no shorts. Kabe looks taller than in reality due to the combat boots she insists on never giving up. She carries around a small puppy whose looked out and been with her for 3 years
Kabe stood in the doorway of her small cottage, she was planning on going into the woods earlier but with the weather turning black she decided not to. The sky wasn't happy, it shuttered and moaned with evil thoughts of rain. Her breathe came out in clouds from her mouth
"Cold and dark...surprising...not" She whispered to herself knowing no one was around. Casmir came crawling out to the steps in front of her, pleading for dinner. Kabe sighed in defeat the pup won her over with his innocent eyes once again...
« Last Edit: November 15, 2008, 03:19:02 AM by Kabuki »
.Something witty and sarcastic goes here.


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