When they're this phenomenon called "100x servers", wich are servers that simply multiply any weapon or items stats by a set amount of times, it takes a little bit of knowledge of the items, and their respective stats, in the game to sniff out the unethically op weapons from the useless ones.
Having played the game for over six years, me and my and buddy had plenty of that knowledge.
Equipping this weapon in the x100 server we were playing on, will lower your health pool to a mere 1 HP, making playing with it very tricky. But, get one single backstab, and your health is instantly raised to well over 2000 HP.
This process goes a little faster if you have a friend on the enemy team who is willing to let himself get backstabbed by you, to give you this. And, it also becomes a lot more fun if that friend has switched to engineer, and has used a minor exploit to allow you to teleport into the enemy spawn.
At some point, the friendly team started wondering why the were no more enemies coming to fight them.
As they approached the enemy spawn they found out that this was because there was a rather ambitious spy in the enemy spawn, with more than two-thousand health, that was single handedly massacring the entire enemy team.
As for my buddy? Simply watching the carnage unfold, and the enemy team helplessly try to stop it, was more than enough fun for him!
Yes. At times I claim to be honourable TF2 player. But, sometimes it's more fun to just downright be evil!