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Author Topic: looking for a role-play partner  (Read 1046 times)

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Offline Twisted Alpha

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  • Posts: 6
  • Gender: Non-binary
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  • Species: Canine of some sort
  • Coloring: Mostly brown
  • Height: 5'2
  • Weight: 88kg
  • Build: Short, thinner top body and thicker bottom body. Purple short hair, Golden-yellow eyes with what looks like scribbles around them and long canine like ears
  • Currently: Pretty chilled
looking for a role-play partner
« on: May 01, 2018, 01:04:20 AM »
Hi there!
 I’m Adam, still in my teenage years being 14 almost 15 and I use the term non-binary to describe my gender. I currently live in Australia and my time zone would be AEST which would be something to note, I’m still in school and my studies make up a large portion of my time so if I am taking a while to reply it’s because I’m in a middle of a class or I’m sleeping. I tend to juggle my studies and normal life okay so I usually reply to roleplays when I have free time or if I’m studying (Which I know it’s probably not good but sometimes I need the break) My internet situation is little more problematic, I currently don’t have wifi because of a moving and money issue surround my family so I usually use my phone data, a prepaid internet stick or local wifi. I usually use my phone data for roleplaying so I’m obviously using my phone most of the time, so this results in problems like charge, running out of data and breakages so please I would really appreciate it if you were patient with me.
 My writing style is pretty okay, I can use both script and paragraph style for roleplays
 Script style:
 Johnny Appleseed: Hi, How are you? *They wave kindly towards Billy*
 Paragraph style:
 Johnny Appleseed’s face lit up as Billy approached him. Extending his arm out to shake his hand, He smiles ‘’Hi, how are you’’ he greeted   
 Script is my normally used method, but I like to be quiet long with that method and add detail but of course it depends on how motivated I am. I can usually smash out a good 150-500 words if needed and can possibly go longer, I’m very descriptive with my writing and mostly use this in describing landscapes, scenes, appearances and what not. My characters are most definitely original characters that have been made by myself, I will not role play with others characters or copyrighted character (Mario, Sonic, Kirby etc.) My characters usually come with a bio, backstory and drawing if possible at the time (And yes they would have been draw by myself) 

I use discord to carry out my role plays so i would ideally like a partner who has discord and uses it frequently. I would like a partner between the ages of 14 and to my max 25 as i understand some older role players like to add smut and since i'm a minor i cannot role play that certain topic. I'm looking for someone who likes to role play mostly romance and drama, i like to pair my characters with other as i have a variety of different characters. Someone who is open to almost anything but has there limits would be great,

Please Message me privately or add my discord and we can chat there ^_^ ^_^
« Last Edit: May 01, 2018, 02:52:46 AM by WingedZephyr, Reason: fixed some broken BB code »


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