Hai there, whomever may be reading this post! May I first of all just say, I'm not Particly looking for advice, I just really hate my father and my god does it feel good to just let it all pour out. So that's what I'm doing here, just pouring out my hatred for him onto the internet
Now I could just be very irrational, and emotionally sensitive. But through my eyes, my father is very irrational and insensitive.
Here is a wonderful example of things for me:
Say, most of you here would say you don't like to be disturbed whilst watching an anime right? Especially if its one of those animes that make you cry near the end of every episode, whether its sad or just too beautiful to keep the tears from pouring out all over your keyboard. Well, I feel that way at least, and if you can relate to me you will understand that you would at least want a person to respect you. You inform them that you wish to not be disturbed, especially by shouting at you from down the stairs because that person is too lazy to even get up. Now this is 10:00PM and you would already expect to not be disturbed at this time of night but nooooooo. I always get a shout up the stairs, come down, do this, do that. Now I get some of you will probably be thinking "Of course you should be doing housework, you've got to earn your keep". Well I have no objection to that at all, its just I will only do so much keep, and I will only do it when its not in my downtime. Especially late at night. Nighttime, when people are supposed to REST.
And sometimes its not even asking me to do anything. Sometimes its simple as "Is the gate closed?" well I say "Go look yourself you lazy *******, its only outside the kitchen window and the kitchen is 2 METERS away!" Of course I didn't say that, but my god it went through my mind. Honestly, I just need some peace up here. And asking a pointless question like that, when you could just go look yourself isn't needed.
Of course, I almost forgot to mention one thing. His lack of respect for me. I tell him that I am watching an anime, and "its very emotional so it would be wonderful if you could not disturb me. I keep having to pause the episode, and walk downstairs to talk to you." And his reaction. "Emotional? Wait, you are getting upset because you are watching a cartoon? Isn't that a bit strange?" Well, **** you. All I want is to watch a few episodes, and he is judging me for enjoying myself whilst doing it in peace.
There is a lot more I could talk about, this is a small thing that annoys me.
But I think I'm good for the night, that was a lovely 10 minutes I spent. But wow, I cannot wait to move out. Perhaps I'm not supposed to live with others, or perhaps its just him I cannot stand.
But anyways, have a goodnight ^^