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Author Topic: Species Wars: The War for the Ashes RP  (Read 1255 times)

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Offline AJ Fawxe

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Species Wars: The War for the Ashes RP
« on: October 02, 2013, 09:52:43 AM »
"The species and race wars? I'll tell you what I know, which is mostly stories from my dad." The voice was decidedly Irish, male, and weary too. The signal from the regional broadcast was strong today. The tabby feline was once again broadcasting discussions between herself and those who'd been on multiple fronts of the war. People were watching in the mostly hollowed out news room, others watched with varying levels of interest at home or community buildings.

"So, as most of us know, we haven't always been. More then fifty years ago the oldest of us were just having our first genes spliced together. The humans wanted a new kind of creature to examine. Apparently going out to the bottom of the ocean wasn't entertaining anymore. Then again, it's always possible they wanted to play god, not that I believe in that nonsense. They were prideful sons of bitches, and when mass producing us for research and military positions didn't pan out, they tried to wipe us out." Alex spoke the last few words a little too plainly. His casual shrug was even more bothersome though, "Genocide wasn't in the cards for them... although, it was for us. To this day there are a few obscure groups in Africa who are beyond our reach. The humans have lost everything to us. Good reason too, they were mindless destroyers as well as creators. We were cool new toys in their eyes."

The tabby girl takes the silence as an opening, "I hear you have been under study by our scientists as well, is that true?"

"Part of the downside of being one of the first hybrids I suppose. Besides the mistrust from various groups, my genes are raw=they're prone to being jumbled up so I need to keep clear of dangerous substances as best I can. I realised that my mother's showy nature made being a star in the eyes of the researchers bearable. Being kept there was like pulling teeth on any day, though.. but nowadays..."

Upon the mention of nowadays Alex pulls a hip flask from his jacket and takes a deep swig from it. Without waiting for any one being ready with the next step of the story Alex pressed on. "At some point. We decided that we didn't need to rely on any of the other species. It happened pretty much like that. The channels bogged down with people sending little messages and advice then suddenly it was hatred and discretion, all over the damned place.. Disgusting really.. The sort of 'world's not big enough' nonsense you saw in old human movies. The things is, though, the world is big enough it's just nowadays, no body WANTS to share it. That's where we come in though." Alex leaned forward and stared into the camera. "We need to rectify horrible mistakes. Integrate towns and communities. Rebuild society. Make an earth worth living in so maybe we don't have to tell our children about the embarrassment of this war. We fought for our freedom together, now let's show the common sense that others didn't and keep that bond strong now."

The tabby looked to be about to say something or ask a question but seeing Alex rub is eyes with the weight of his own words upon him he spoke softly now. "If you want peace, tell us, and we'll give it to you and more. If you want an ally, we'll be an ally, just count us as friends. If you want the betterment of all species, then give us your best artists and we'll give you ours, and together we'll bring this world into a cultural renaissance. Just do it quickly, lads and lasses. Who knows how much time we have left.."

The transmission ends on a strong note and in the studio all is quiet.

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