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Author Topic: About to lose it at my mom  (Read 392 times)

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Offline Argus

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About to lose it at my mom
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:18:23 AM »
Ok so if you read my other post you would know I told my friend I was a furry and he went offline on Skype and I thought he was mad about the furry so I denied it and told him it was a cover for my other secret so it wouldn't sound so bad. Well this really has nothing to do with that at all it is just the same friend. 
          Yesterday he came over to my house and we started to play games. Though my brother wanted to play too and both my mom and my friend thought it would be so nice. I get kind of jealous when my brother is with my friend since he doesn't have any problems making friends and he is my only friend. It makes me really mad when my brother calls my friend his friend even though (so this doesn't get confusing I am naming my friend bob). It make me really mad when my brother calls bob his friend even though bob still calls him argus's brother. So then my brother suggested we play a game I Loath. 5 second rule. But since it was 2 against 1 we had to play. It makes me so mad that he even gets a vote in what we do since I am kind enough to let him be with us. 

          I am bad under pressure so that game is so annoying to me. Under pressure my mind goes blank so I am lucky if I can get 1 answer. And when I get it wrong and the time stops all the answers rush to me and I feel dumb but my brother has to make sure I feel the dumbest I can by yelling at me "oh come on what about" then be names 6-7. I was getting mad and impatient since after my turn e would sit for a few minutes having my brother and bob talk about all the things I could have done. So my impatiens was rubbing off on my friend saying I was sucking the fun out of the game... There was fun to begin with. So when ever I would get something wrong he would have to correct me. I was so mad the I just put the game away. Then again my brother and bob voted and it as 2-1 but I wouldn't have it. So I said no it is my turn you guys got to pick last game. So we web to my room and bob and I played one round of marvel vs capcom. But then I said something I now regret. I asked why he always had to correct me. And he said "people should be corrected if they are wrong and it is my job to do that." 

          I froze and could actually hear my heart bang on my liver. Then my mom came in and said it is getting late and maybe be should go. Now you see my mom is (I am angry right now I am going to try to be kind) a jerk. In my family we have so many arrogant people that my mom can't stand. Including my dad. That was probably the bigger reason for the divorce. Since I am "gifted" with foresight and hand eye coordination I get a little full of my self. Especially when playing video games. There isn't a video game that I am bad at. I also learn quickly and have an iq in the 180s so I am kind of sort of a huge arrogant person. My mom thinks that I will stop when no one around me is arrogant.

Another thing. My mom is like a die hard Christian. I am not saying that I am not religous but defiantly not like her. She can't go 20 minutes without talking about how something is beautiful that god made and god will help you and god says this in the bible and I just get so fed up. So when my friend who doesn't believe in any god shows up my mom expects ME to PREACH to him. I have to be for e to go to church you think I am going to talk to my friend who she has tried before to become a Christian. She keeps saying that a good friend should keep another from going to hell. Wait just a minute lets say that I am friends with oh (this is just to make a point) a mormon and they preach to me. Would my mom be mad at that...  I think her face would explode. So what if bobs parents don't want him to be a Christian who am I a child to stand in the way of his parents. She just doesn't get it

       Finally she thinks my friend is lazy. He is 18 and hasn't gotten a job doesn't like to drive is hanging out with a 15 year old spends there free time on video games and is in community college ( again no offense my mom just is crazy with high standards). She is mad that he won't vote for anyone this year he says that he doesn't want either of the party's in so he just won't vote (please don't start a politic debate).

          My mom sat down in my room and said that she is not pleased with him and DOESN'T want him over again until he gets these things worked out. She says it is rubbing off on me and making me more lazy and he is a very bad role model. I am so mad right now that I have thought about running away or doing something really bad (I thought about suicide for a few seconds but then thought that I only have 2.5 more year with her until I am free). So I am really depressed and I will defiantly be talking to bob in secret on Skype. I am just so angry at her. I am actually thinking about living with my dad. But the grass may look greener but they are both filled with thorns dog poop and acid. I just don't even know what to do. I am not aloud to talk back to her which means state that I disagree or even put in my opinion. If I get to she just throws it out. There is no changing her mind. I have thought Bout having him pick me up late at night when she is sleeping to go hang out then drop me off at about 4am. I could do that but if she wakes up she will cal the police and that could be the worst possible thing. What do you guys suggest? Any way I will be online for 2 more hours so send me a message if you want

Offline 19Norway

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Re: About to lose it at my mom
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2012, 02:10:26 AM »
 :o First, don't contemplate suicide. Not a cool thing to do; think about a cool vacation you can go on someday, even plan the entire thing out in your head if you want to calm down (that's what I do)

The hardest thing to do is to understand that though your mom isn't the easiest person to be around right now, she just want the best for you. SUPER CLICHE... I know, but you could have a mom/parent that didn't expect you to be anything or didn't inspire you to be a good person.
Example. My mom divorced from an unstable man so I would become more like her and less like him. He wasn't stable..
I want to give you a "round of applause" because you seem to know a lot about yourself! Most people would just say "I'm mad because of this __. But you seem to really know what's going on in your daily life and how it affects you; most adults don't have this very vital characteristic.
If you don't have a lot of friends OR feel like you can always have more do what you can to get more. Your brother will probably always be a brother, so don't let the small things get to you; it is known that if you had a few more friends than what your brother does or says won't hurt as much.
I don't know why a mom would want to take away a son's close friend. Since you seem very self-aware ask yourself if you have become more lazy or did this or that. The truth will never lie, right?
Year of 21


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