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Author Topic: Creation Story(s)  (Read 884 times)

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Creation Story(s)
« on: March 17, 2018, 04:00:10 AM »
Hey, I've been working on religions for a fantasy story thing; I would love to hear what y'all think of it!

This is what I have so far for the most developed religion at this time, that being Ang-Terrae.

Before Time and before space, before the world and before our most holy pantheon, there existed four elder gods and one goddess. Phipiostis, Hawk god and the keeper of light, Fawn the deer god and the protector of creativity, La'faw wolf god and the sword of knowledge, Corris the unknown, and Bainne the mother.     

Bainne, the cow goddess and keeper of birth was torn apart with grief, for her husband had passed and she was with child. Her sadness consumed the godling in her womb, much like her heart. Bainne wept mighty tears when her would be child was born, relieving itself to be not a living soul but a ball of stone. Her tears crashed upon the planet, making craters and filling them with the water and thus making rivers, oceans, and streams.

Phipiostis felt pity for the goddess and granted her planet the gift of light, letting Bainne look upon every detail of the rock and see its beauty. Bainne was so overjoyed that she laid with Phipiostis, soon she gave birth to color. Fawn looked upon the color and became inspired, he painted Bainne's late husband's creations (known as plants) and dotted the planet with them. Its beauty was so much that Bainne granted a name to the rock, the same name she was going to give to what would have been her daughter, Earth.

Fawn refused Bainne's sexual offer, for he had no interest in females. Fawn was once again inspired, he took his lack of interest and created homosexuality. La'faw and Fawn had one day visited the mother goddess, offering her a new creation that they had worked together to make: creatures based upon their own appearances that they had named animals.

Bainne finally took inspiration of her own, and with the help of her good friend Fawn, they modeled a new creature made in the image of her late husband, naming them after her fallen love, Humanity, God of Passion. Fawn than took a small number of animals and humans, merging them together to create Animal-men. 

The world was without death, without pain or evil... until Corris the unknown visited Bainne. He forced himself upon the mother goddess, filling her womb with darkness and sin. From that, Bainne gave birth to evil. What was released from her womb was pain, death, hatred, fear, every ill on earth befell the creatures living on it.   

For his sins, Corris was tossed into the void known as space, exiled from ever returning to the land of the gods. In an effort to make a new home, Corris, now known as the dread-father, Stole bits of earth and light, spreading them all throughout space. Despite his attempts he could never recreate perfection, so he dedicated his entire existence to corrupting his old land. 


Next time: The Creation of the modern pantheon.         
« Last Edit: March 17, 2018, 04:03:45 AM by James, Mountain Goat of Doom »


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