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Author Topic: The Union  (Read 638 times)

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The Union
« on: September 05, 2016, 10:09:15 AM »
Don't look.
Don't breath.
Don't talk.
Don't listen.

They are the Union. Powerful and mighty. Your planet ever so tiny compared to them. You are nothing more than dirt compared to them. A Union they stand strong, fighting not for honor or glory, But for the sake of war.

They're boots crash against foreign soil and planets, they're rockets crumble cites into rubble, they're reign of terror never stops.

Don't look at them.
Don't breath near them.
Don't talk to them.
Nor do you listen to them.

If you break any of these rules, be prepared to face a punishment far worse than death itself.

God has chosen us, for they are our damnation. Cursed to live under they're totalitarian dictatorship.

What have we done too deserve such a punishment? How could any God allow things like this to happen?

Has Death itself finally come to Reap us of our sins?

Only time will tell.... But soon, the jackals will take us all down and move onto the next planet. They say they're human... But no human would treat someone like this.... They're animals. They're vultures feeding on a helpless carcass. They're Hyena's laughing as they kill they're next prey. They're wolves hunting defenseless sheep. They're nothing more than animals.

Don't look
Don't breath
Don't talk
And don't listen....


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