Author Topic: International Tensions (READ FIRST POST) OOC  (Read 1690 times)

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International Tensions (READ FIRST POST) OOC
« on: August 03, 2016, 08:44:40 AM »
This will be my final RP I make for a very very long time, and I want it to be the biggest I've made, I sat down with people from the community and we discussed how we could make this great and we did and I think it's good. International Tensions is a economic/war/political game. Think of this like a game of Risk. At the end of the game who ever is left standing wins, but that doesn't mean you can't be friends. In International Tensions people have the choice of playing as either the Diplomats of the nations or the soldiers. IN this giant game of Risk they're is a God. I am God in this RP, I control the weather, the people, the supplies. Everything. If two nations are fighting I may change the weather, if the nation is doing to well I may create a plague. You never know, I may do nothing. So below is going to be a lot of rules and stuff so bear with me.


*This is set during the 40's, so no laser beams and stuff like that. WW2 era stuff please
*This is a very serious RP, I don't want nothing like what happens in the Fun RP section in this.
*I want proper grammar.
*Violence is allowed, keep it gore less please.
*Too create a nation please PM me, and I will accept or reject the nation.
*Too become a leader of a nation please Pm me, and I will accept or reject you as the leader
*Soldiers are expected to listen, if you don't you will be kicked out of the army.
*You may come and go as you please. But if you are going to leave and you are the leader please tell me and I will kick you out of power and get someone else

Nation Templates (PM me)
Nation Name:
Nation Flag:
Nation Anthem:
Nation Government:
Nation Army: (Picture of what they look like)
Nation Bio:

Diplomat Templates (PM me)


Soldier Templates



Anochia: Government-Communist. Army-This. Anthem-This. Flag-This
About-One of the evilest nations, it's motives are runned by pure hate and aggression.

Tarken: Government-Democracy. Army-This. Anthem-This. Flag-This
About-A nation built on royalty and respect. Very reminiscence to England from our planet.

Republica: Government-Fascism. Army-This. Anthem-This. Flag-This
About-One of the oldest nations, it's gained a reputation for being one of the strongest military forces in the world.

National Flag
National Anthem
Army: Photo N/A
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
About: A temperate island nation of lush forests and majestic mountains.
The nation is run by the Sigikai with representatives of the six main states.
Recent assassinations wiped out the majority of the royal family, leaving the previous Sigikai's nephew to reluctantly take the reins.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 06:18:24 AM by MetalGearStowe »

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Re: International Tensions (READ FIRST POST) OOC
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2016, 05:57:55 AM »
Name: Jovri Noua
Position: Sigikai (King/Prime Minister)
Age: 18
Species: Mapol Bear
Gender: Male
Nation: Burrklau
Bio: Jovri is an introverted writer who lived with his father, who had refused involvement with the government to live a normal civilian life before Jovri was born. Jovri never expected to be Sigikai (nor did any one else), and his massive loss adds to his stresses.

Name: Adari Ratiwa
Position: Assistant/advisor
Age: 60-ish
Species: Salamander
Gender: Female
Nation: Burrklau
Bio: Adari was an assistant of Olohi, and now of Jovri, teaching him the ropes of the position.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 06:12:26 AM by Evnamishko »

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Re: International Tensions (READ FIRST POST) OOC
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2017, 06:36:34 AM »
Name: Beka Lazarus
Rank: Specialist Sergeant (Recon and Low-Level Spy Work)
Nation: Anochia
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn (Non-Magical)
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