Author Topic: Human/Anthro RP  (Read 1466 times)

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Human/Anthro RP
« on: December 31, 2015, 12:35:18 AM »
The society was quite divided in this medieval state, plague and disease effected both races of people; the harsh wintry conditions made cropping irrelevant. The humans lived in the Northern Territories, and were generally more advanced in their technology. The anthros lived in the Southern Territories, and were more adept with arcane practices. Many anthros were infamous for kidnapping humans, and selling them for ransom or just re-purposing their lives for some sort of personal slave labor. Humans were infamous for killing anthros and selling their hides for profit, which is easily more barbaric. Sure, the anthro's practices weren't fatal, but the conditions were so bad that the human prisoners ended up dying anyway, but there were occasions where the abducted human would be treated well anyway. But, it was in the neutral grounds, where the borders between the Northern and Southern territories existed that the action was at its most fiery. There were no laws, and anything goes, pretty much; which is where most of the killing and kidnapping turned occurred.

Today was an urgent day, and the young human prince must've been entire panicked over the situation. A rare mineral was discovered just South of the Border, one that only the human Central Intelligence currently knew about. It is said to hold great power, and could ultimately end up equalizing this conflict that ripped apart the land with such. The elaborated details were non-existent, but the sample his men brought to him that morning was more than convincing. A single touch from the mineral's arcane aura cured his disease, it was the first time he was able to walk in years; more of it would surely be able to cure the plague that destroyed both the anthros and the humans.

His name was Julian Krisko, son of King Martin Krisko. He was an incredibly handsome human, at least that was the case with the exception of a faint scar under his left eye. His raven colored hair was somewhat long, reaching all the way down to his jaw line. His eyes were a rich emerald color, which seemed to glow in contrast to his ivory pale skin. Over all, he stood at the height of 5'8, which was an entire 8 inches shorter than the average anthro height. Yes, the human's couldn't compete with the anthros on a physical level, which was quite the disadvantage.

It was now reaching the time of evening, the prince being escorted towards the alleged mineral deposits in the border lands, having been traveling since that morning. He was accompanied by 3 guards, two of which were guiding the carriage he sat inside of. They suddenly stopped abruptly, the guards yelling for him to stay inside. The clashing of swords deafened the air itself, and suddenly everything was silent. Julian stayed in his seat, watching as several anthros ripped off the doors carriage, one of them climbing inside (you). 'Damn! We were so close to the minterals! Oh well, hopefully I can talk my way out of this situation.' The young prince thought to himself. He waited, looking at the anthro that now sat across from him, waiting to be addressed. Hopefully they didn't know he was the prince.


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