Author Topic: Cassa+Nova (IHeartDragons Series  (Read 4273 times)

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Offline Nova Starpaws

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  • Species: Anthro Jakon (Jackal Dragon hybrid)
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Cassa+Nova (IHeartDragons Series
« on: December 23, 2018, 07:27:45 PM »
Cassa+Nova (IHeartDragons Series)


Meet Cassa |Part One Of Three| (Chapter One)

"So Cassa, how's Christmas shopping doing?" Rickshaw, her father asked.

"It's hard enough with you watching me like a hawk, but it's even harder when the cashier looks at me funny just because im a wolf." Cassa replied dryly.

"Hawk? Just don't eat me Cassa and you'll get along just fact, don't eat anyone."

"I wouldn't eat anyone, people taste weird."

"I'm not gonna ask how you know that, and ima back away slowly from ya."

Cassa+Nova (IHeartDragons)

Meet Cassa |Part Two Of Three|


"How was shopping Cassiopeia?" Catherine asked. She never called her Cassa. It was one of her special quirks.

"Besides dad staring me down and cashiers lookin at me like I grew wings and a tail, it was fine." She replied. "Did you get the wrapping paper mom?"

"Yup, I put your stuff in your room."

"Thanks mom."


As Cassa walked to her room, she thought she heard a shuffling noise on the other side of her door. When the shuffling stopped she threw open the door and it hit Joey, her brother, square in the muzzle.


The front door opened and Rickshaw poked his head inside.

"Don't growl Cassa." He said.

"Joey was in my room again dad."

"Joey, stay out of your sisters room or she"ll punch you in the nose...again."

"That was once dad...okay maybe twice?" He shook his head. "FINE, once a week. He just won't stop going in my room!"


The year is 2058(from chapter one), there are bases on the moon and mars, orbiting stations around Venus, and hydrogen scoops around Jupiter and Saturn. In the year 2024, government experimentation went on to see if they could make an animal a bi-pedal, have the ability to speak, and have human intelligence. It took 5 years but they created a strain of virus that could make this possible without harming humans. But because they are the government, they buried the project. Sometime after, people started freaking out because their pets were gaining these ability, normally feral animals become calmer and began to leave humans alone. Dragons however were not affected by this, they saw what the humans were doing and they changed their ways. They became bi-pedal and learned the ability to speak, they already had higher than human intelligence. They were able to adapt in only one year, and started showing themselves to humans. The government however, did not like this and so they decided to make the so called scalies illegal under the URS (United Republic Of Sol), The Americas were the only countries where they did not agree to the law and can be granted asylum there, they do however, have to take a general obedience course and be adopted if they arrived alone and are under the age of 5. Scalies over that age up to 15 don't require to take the GOC, but they do have to be adopted. Scalies over 15 get to live their own life as long as they do not break any laws or attack humans.

As of the writing of this article, all above facts are true.

Article written by: Nova_CN_Kamikazi

Date: 12/12/2058

Sol's Republic News System


", scalies?" The waitress nervously said.

Alyssa just snorts while Nova looks amused. "First time for everything. You don't have to try to impress us, we're regulars."

The waitress had a look of pure relief before she hid it. Nova snorted.

"Can I take your order please?" The waitress asked, more confident than before.

Alyssa gets a sly look in her eyes. "Since your new here, YOU pick what we should get."

"Wha-Bu-What?!?!" She choked out. "What do you mean?"

"Okay, maybe there is a little bit of impressing goin on. You pick. We recognise you from you furry rights page on facebook. Scalies might not count as furries, but we are part of them."


[Oh crap, oh crap, what am I gonna do?] Cassa thought, panicking. She went to the backroom and told her manager what just happened.

"Scalies? They asked you to pick?" the manager said.

"Yup" she said still panicking.

"Lotsa pressure on your first day" he looked out the serving window and recognised them, "That's Alyssa and her son Nova, you don't need to worry about them. They like messing with the new people" he stopped to catch his breath, "true citizens they are, never done one thing wrong. Alyssa works at the police station while Nova is a full on journalist even though his seventeenth birthday was last month" he had to stop to use his inhaler.

Cassa turned bone white-even her fur-when he said journalist.

"Don't worry Cassa, he's never done a article on someone him and his mom scared the crap out of, they're quite honorable about it."

[That does not make me feel better] "Okay, if you say so."


"Nova, stop arguing with me. You are going to school whether you like it or not!"

"But mooom, you know I have work. Or did you forget that I work at Sol's Republic News Systems, the greatest news program in the United Republic of Sol." he said with an uplifted eyebrow.

"Of course I remember Nova, but with me being moved to a different district, I won't be able to be here all the time. You be fine at the school. They've set up a dorm room for you."

"But that's a human school mom, they don't like us scalies even if they have to tolerate us."

"That's what they say, but it is a co-ed school. Furries, Scalies, and Humans...even if you are the only scalie there" she shot right back at him."Anyways," she glared at him, "you will only be taking the morning classes so that you can get your work done."

Nova stared at the floor "Fine, but i'm not gonna like it."

"You'll be fine, the principle is a scalie rights activist even though he wasn't able to enroll any scalies in his school until now. He'll make sure that your'e left alone if you want to." she took a breath "anyways, don't you have an article on the moon bases to write about?"

Nova's eyes lit up "Yeah I do."


The moon bases started in the year 2026, under the direction of Elongated Muskrat. They were designed for long duration stays. including but not limited to, Oxygen Recharge Stations, Hydroponics, Mining Stations, and possible locations for a Space Elevator, which using nano-tube technology not available in 2018, would be able to take supplies to and from the moon faster. Artificial Gravity was invented in 2023 by {Name Classified}. With the invention of better rockets and propulsion technology, as well as the construction of space yards, they were able to create space vessels that were designed for the vacuum of space and no atmosphere. 3-d printing has evolved enough where entire factories are no longer needed because why go build a table, when you can have your household printer build a table for you, and then recycle the materials for later, freeing up space in nearly every room. When the moon bases were founded and proved viable, there was a peace treaty signed by all the world super-powers that the moon was strictly used for tourism and residential use. The Mars Bases they built in the year 2043 were used as research bases and non-offensive military uses.

This article was written by: Nova_CN_Kamikazi
Date: 14/12/2058

Sol's Republic News Systems


"Hello Nova. I hear your'e the resident scalie here?" asked principle Newton with amusement on his face.

"Scalie, yes. Resident, not yet" Nova replied"I don't like car rides, and it took too long, can't wait 'til I have the chance to spread my wings."

"If you would follow me Nova." and proceeded to tell him the history of the school, what sort of classes there are, and took him to his dorm. "I hope you'll be alright, I wasn't able to get a dorm for yourself so you'll have to bunk with someone. He's a fox...I think, his name's Joey, he commutes from home. He was adopted into a wolf family."

"I'm sure we'll get along...hopefully" Nova said while proceeding to snap out his leathery wings, accidently hitting the principle "OhMyGod, im so sorry Mr. Newton I didn't mean to do th--"

"If I put everyone who accidently hit me with a wing in detention, i'd need a bigger detention room, probably a quarter the size of the school" he interupted. "No need to worry. I'll have someone here tomorrow to give you the tour, i've also been putting in the anouncements for a week that someone specials coming here, and deserves respect."

"I'd rather you not of done that but it's too late now. People respect us, just like they respect any other person, but the way you've put it, makes it seem like im some prince from a foreign land. Im not, my cousin is though." He stuck a claw in his mouth and started biting on it. "Thanks for everything you've done Mr. Newton."


Nova shot his head up when someone knocked on the door, "Hello, i'll be out in a minute" he shouted at the door. He was still half asleep. It takes awhile for scalies to get up, it's even worse if the room is cold. They knocked on the door again. "Hold On! I'm Still Tryin To Wake Up, The Room Is Cold!" He wen't up to the door and opened it after shaking his sleep off. "Hel..."

Cassa glared at him. "Yes i'm the waitress from the diner" she walked up closer to him, nearly touching noses "and I didn't like what you did, you scared the ever-loving crap out of me, and I would advise you not to do that again." she said matter-of-factly. Backed up and then she brought her fist back, threw it as hard as she could, and knocked Nova right in the muzzle.

"Whaf waf fhat for!?"!" he yelled while moving backward and tripping over the table, he then procceded to hold his nose while curled up on the floor. "Thaf a very fenfitive fot you know."

"Want me to give you a couple of taps in a diffrent spot?"

Nova curled up tighter "No. Fhy you do fhat?"

" Cus I thought I deserved to punch you. You. Scared. The. Crap. Out. Of. Me." she pointed at herself.

"I'm forry. If waf fuppofed to be a prank." he said still curled up in a ball.

"Yeah so, I don't like people holding stuff over me, it makes me nervous, I get hungry when i'm nervous, i'm a wolf. Hungry and wolf go great in the same sentence, but it's not something you want to see in the same sentence."

"Fine, i'll fell you fomefhing afout me" he said uncurling, but still holding his nose."I fike fha fmell of wet fur."

Cassa stared at him. [Did- Did he just say he likes the smell of...wet fur?]

"Yes, and donf fink so hard, you project you're fhougfs foo mufh."


Cassa glanced at Nova "Sorry about your nose."

"You hit like my mother, Twelve gods of Dracon that hurt."

"I don't know whether that's a compliment or and insult." looking at him out of the corner of her eye, while raising a fist.

He stuck his hands in front of him "Compliment. Definitely a compliment. My mother beat a person who could lift 435 pounds, in a bar fight." he said quickly.

"Your mom's a bar fighter?" she asked surprised.

"Used to be, now she's in the police force."

"Hmm" she appeared to be thinking hard.

Nova sighed. "Yes, I can "read" your thoughts, but it's more like I can listen to any thoughts that are particularly "loud"."

"Do I need to wear a tinfoil hat?"

Nova looked down and his cheeks reddened. "Surprisingly, that primitive idea works."

Cassa narrowed her eyes. "Guess what i'm thinking."

"Your'e thinking if someone forgot your birthday, which is tomorrow."

She jumped back with her eyes wide.

"And no, I didn't" Nova then opens up his backpack and pulls out bracelet. "it's enchanted. No-one can sneak up on you, and you'll never be in the dark, it creates an area of light around it."

"Dang" she whistled "punch someone, then I get a pre---. How did you know it was gonna be me?"

"Er" he made a sheepish face. " I have some ability to see into the future."

"So you coulda dodged my fist?"

"Yep, but I think I deserved it" he moved to whisper in her ear, "Watch your back, I might tug on your tail just a tiny bit, and the enchantment doesn't effect everyone." he said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Cassa punched him again, this time down low, way low.


"So Nova, do you think you could tell me of any other abilities you have?" she said, eyeing him.

Nova stared at the ground for a bit. "Okay, so I can see into the future a little bit, I can listen in on people thoughts if they're basically screaming it. I have a little bit of draconic magic" he then raised his hand. concentrated, and a flame lit up. "I can fly, but I don't do it a lot, never had reason to do it, and my senses are like 200 times better than a blood hound's and my sense of smell is even greater."

"So, is that why you like the smell of wet fur?" she smirked.

Nova blushed, turning pure red, including his eyes, "Erm, I- I guess?"

Cassa grinned even bigger, "Oh" her eyes lit up, "so it's just some weird kink, eh?"

"Um, yeah." Nova turned away.

"Is there a backstory on this, or?"

"When I was little and my mother had to do night shifts at the bar, when she worked there, and she would have a babysitter watch me, usually it was the same person, it was a coyote, I think her name was Carly, she would watch me, and sometimes she would take a shower, and I always liked the smell of her fur when she got out" he looked at Cassa, "and there you go, you have more blackmail on me then I do on you."

Cassa glanced at him, and couldn't help but snort at him, then she gave him a little side hug, "That's cute."


[What street are you walking down Nova?] his mother asked him with her thoughts.

[I don't know. I hardly pay attention to street signs] he replied. He was walking down some out of the way street, trying to think of new stuff he could write an article on. He liked being left alone to think. It helps him, since his mind was shattered years ago. Journalism helps him keep his sanity.

[How are you doing Nova?] Alyssa asked, worried.

['Bout as good as i'll ever be]

[Hmf. I'll be able to get off work today, I can come visit you at your dorm. Maybe]-she teasingly spoke to him-[I could meet this girl]


[Don't yell at me] she growled back. [I was just teasing]

 Nova saw out of the corner of his eye a person, two people.

[Nova, I think that's Carly, and Erick!]

[But how? They moved away] Nova slowly made his way over to them, reaching for the machete on his back. "Hello? Is there anyone here?" Nova heard some whispering.

{Erick, is that Nova?} another voice {It sounds like him, but older} the first voice again, {Of course he'd sound older, it's been 15 years since I last babysat him} second voice {Do you think he would help us?} {I don't know}

"Carly? Erick?"

{He heard us} {Yeah i'm not deaf Erick}

"Are you alright? What are you guys doing here, I thought you moved away 2 years ago?"

Carly got a hard glint in her eye, "The family that we were living with moved away, but the father stayed, and he attacked us, and he wouldn't feed us. We had to scrounge around in dumpsters, or beg for food. Eventually, we had enough of his crap and ran away."


Im sorry about the way this is written, you can see it better on AO3 by looking up Cassa+Nova (IHeartDragons Series). I also have a website which is here,:
« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 07:35:08 PM by NovaKamikazi »
  • Avatar by: Kitsuka Alexander

Offline Nova Starpaws

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  • Species: Anthro Jakon (Jackal Dragon hybrid)
  • Coloring: Nebula Scales, white eyes, dark blue hair.
  • Height: 7' 8"
  • Weight: 125lbs
  • Build: Sleek
Re: Cassa+Nova (IHeartDragons Series
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2019, 12:49:40 AM »
Please lock this topic. I will be starting anew with an entirely new story.
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