Author Topic: My first order is to debunk a movie scene that makes me cringe  (Read 4012 times)

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My first order is to debunk a movie scene that makes me cringe
« on: February 14, 2017, 05:07:28 AM »
When the movie FURY came out  being a tank expert and a semi pro tanker myself i chouldent help but cringe and get furious over one scene which is half truth for the most part and half legend and story for the rest. 
Now to get started i want to make one thing clear SPOILER ALERT!!!! If you have not seen to movie it follows war daddy and his crew of 4 as they storm throu germany somtime between 1944-1945 when the americans started to push deep into germany now i have no problem pointing out one small but contrevershal thing about the tiger engagement
Now if you know anything about m4 shermans and tigers its easy to see why the tigers dominated over some m4 sherman models  but the tiger engagment scene whould have ended rather quickly
Heres my evidence now war daddys m4 platoon of 4. The m4 is armed with the 75mm anti tank gun and the m4a3 and m4a3e8 armed with a much more effective 76mm gun now the tiger has 
A 88mm flak and with 102mm if armor its becomes a challenge to fight the tiger at long range
How ever in the scene were 3 m4s rush the tiger they should have been more than aboe to
Kill it with 3or4 well placed shots to prove this me and my friend reenacted this in warthunder
And my results are the following at 100m the m4a3e8 was able to pen with the correct shells
I was driving the m4a3e8 and my friend had the tiger 1 h and with in 100m i chould take the tiger out with 2 well placed shots in the movie the engage the tiger withing 50m which means even the m4s with the smaller 75mm chould have some good chance of penetrating the armor and this it what bugs me about the movie now for the movie they used tiger 131 for the scene and its a model h tiger
Which was in many ways worse than the tiger porche model so wardaddys scircumstances are improved by 7-9 % and considering the tigers crew is unexpirenced they have an even better chance of taking out the tiger with only 1 casualty now im not going to take into effect how reliable each tank was cause that alone whould require another page or so
Penetration ranges for each tank! Your welcome
M4a3e8 can pen 125mm of armor at 100m the tiger only has 102
Even at 500m the 76 can pen 116mm of armor

M4 pen ranges
The m4 with a 75mm can pen 109mm at 100m distance
At 500m it has a pen of 96mm

M4a3 pen ranges
Note there was two m4a3,s one with a 75mm and one with s 76mm
The one m4a3 thats fetured in FURY has a 76mm
Considering that the m4a3 and the m4a3e8 share the same gun
Im not gonna bother writing this one down

Tiger H1 pen ranges
At 100m the tiger h1 can pen 162mm of armor
At 500m it can pen 151mm
And at 1000m it can pen
138mm of armor

Now to clear somthing up beffor you start typing it out
Why the tiger was so great and successful is the fact that the shermans had no chance of penetrating the tiger h1 at 1000m but the tigers were recorded to have killed some shermans at more than 2500m making this tank a sniping tank and trust me i play warthunder allot and from personal
 experience the tiger 1 is not good up close far from it your best bet is to stay outside of the enemy
Penetration range and snipe if you get rushed start moving back as you dont want to enter the kill
Zone as one time 4 shermans rushed my tiger took out the tracks and the only reason i died is cause
They got within my kill zone and out flanked me. Anyway most people probibly dont care about this topic sadly but if you take intrest in it please respond and tell me your reasons if you think im wrong

Post Merge: February 14, 2017, 05:14:43 AM
Of and for this post i sat here for 3 hours talking to my friend and gf playing and testing warthunder and listening to 80's rock while researching for this topic we also made a youtube vid for this lol to show our theory

Post Merge: February 15, 2017, 01:43:30 AM
Im sorry i forgot the most crucial part of my research and the investigation i honestly can belive i forgot this  :$  the one thing i forgot was the most important part... kinda

I left out the angles of the armor :(
Now this will take a Loooong time to update as i have to anyilize the footage and calculate the angles and the type of shells and now i have to worrie about the m4a3e8 as i got hit twice which the angled
Armor saved it and its crew now of to research land!!!!!

Post Merge: February 15, 2017, 01:59:46 AM
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 01:59:46 AM by PUGINATOR, Reason: Merged DoublePost »


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Re: My first order is to debunk a movie scene that makes me cringe
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2017, 05:42:16 AM »
After a good 3 hours of math,calculating and studing the laws of penetration i was able to come to a stiff conclusion and if we use simple math we can figure out the penetration laws now what determans a penetrating shot is the tangit line and the normal if the tanget line of the armor is greater than the normal your shot will most likely ricochet but if your normal is bigger than your tangit
You have a penetrating shot and shell normalization can affect this principle the basic normilazation for a armor peircing shot is 5 degress now if you shoot any armor plate thicker than 65mm at 70 degreese you almost have no penetration chance cause at 70 degress a 65mm plate then becomes
176 thick plate but the 3 calibres rule can vastly change the outcome. With all this evidence i can conclude that when the tiger shot the m4a3e8 on the side armor it whould have gone right throu
The tank killing the gunner and loader and possibly exploading the ammo rack . Its purely up to you whether the tiger won the fight or the shermans but based off my evidence i can safely conclude that in a real war scenario the shermans whould have won by sheer luck as the tiger made one fatal flaw
Which was blowing its cover beffor the tanks past i whould have my self waited until the shermans drove by and then shot and killed them all and considering the tiger chould have done just that and if the tiger prioritized the targets they chould have been easily made the victor but like i said its up to you in a real war scenario if the sherman whould have came out victorious or the tiger

One last thing i have no idea why i made this post i was just bored out of my
Mind and had nothing to do but safe to say i have just wasted 11h on making this

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Re: My first order is to debunk a movie scene that makes me cringe
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2017, 07:14:17 AM »
>tfw the movie is American bias and the glorious Panzer/Tiger isn't wreaking everyone
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 07:17:30 AM by MetalGearStowe »


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